HomeMy WebLinkAbout917344 \ II :m:¡:i::~*:~::::::~ :::::;::;:*::~:::::::: :~:_:~)~~¡:~¡~ m~~~~lD 0005:1..8 WARRANTY DEED PATRICIA E. LOONEY, t.he survivin~ s¡::>ouse of V. L. Looney, decéased,_ Box 322, Pinedale, Wy. 82941, County of Sublette, and State of Wyomin~, ~rantor, for and in consideration of Ten ~nd NO/lOO ($10.00) Dollars and other Jood and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, does CONVEY AND WARRANT to JAMES W. MOORE, a sin~le man, ~rantee, whose address is Box 211, LaBarde, Wy. 83123, the followin~described real est.at.e, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasind and waivin~ all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exem~tion laws of the State, t.o-wit: Lot Thirty Three (33) of Phase I of the Viola Subdivision as said subdivision ¡::>lat No. 300, dated Julj 8, 1983, a.?pears of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; TOGETHER WITH all buildin~s,-ìences, and im~rovement.s situate thereon or appurtenant thereto, AND TOGETHER WITH all water and water rights, ditch and ditch rights, and reservoir and reservoir riJhts situate thereon or at>purtenant thereto; BUT SUBJECT;' NEVERTHELESS, TO the provisions of United States patents, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO easements and ri9hts of way of record or in act.ual use for tele~hone lines, electric t.ransmission lines, and irrigatio~ ditches and canals, AND SUBJECT FU~THER TO all outstandin~mineral interests, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO all restrictions of record ~overning Viola Subdivision. DATED THIS 21st DAY OF June, 2005. . '~..J ~ PATRICIA E. LOONEY ~ STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF SUBLETTE The fore~oinJ Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Patricia E. Looney this 21st. day of June, 2005. -" ----- . ' .~.- -.--- --- .- ~"'L_ ./.:J:¡;'4r1~ ' Notary Public ' ' My Commission , Expires: ¿/?_//_¿) ~ ,.' "t."C¡...t.~:4-it' / ~'~"'.+, ' '" "t i ~.... "V~o··~~ c, : : C:, .-I!¡; ~ '.. -"... '''-'1;-' :0: at-·,,~\,;:-. : ~ ~ ("" , :It -.:::tJ \?-...... /(' - ~.""~ ..... ~..........~~-t- ....,°J¡/J/G "...... - "",.,......,..,,' RECEIVED 4/7/2006 at 4:06 PM RECEIVING # 917344 BOOK: 616 PAGE: 518 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ---. .~-_..._-_.. -..