HomeMy WebLinkAbout917387 r..~·-:·;--,;: .. ~ ---'._-"-.-'-"-" -.-.0._-.-..- .__. -:.....,.,~..........,..,."...,'-'-.--" _~~.:'-~A.~' OF.~_ ~TA~E_ MORT~A§.)~_Y'~D'~'~U"'" F.'q~.'0___ ._~ . ~__ J'.-.";t -&G'7íT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That_--~~..!:-~-~~C2~~~_~I.!~__~.h~~__~ÇID1º19:;ß.__..___________ husband and wife ~ .-.--.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of the County of__1'_q,I5_£º1'_-:º¥x._____:tQ~_______. and State of_ALASKA..___________________. do______hereby eerttfy that a eertaln mortgage bearing date the_____tH:1L___..____________day of--____________N.a."le.mhe.r..__________. A. D. 19..9.0__. Wm. GENE PEAD and JULIE PEAD made and executed by________________________________________________________________________________________________. Às mortgagor_Ji_. to-_~J[_~_~_~~~J2~EJl__lUldL__~L~_S~O~E~____________________________________________. as. mortgagee_Ä_. eonveyln~ eertaln real estate therein mentioned al aeeurlty for the payment of t_ZJ-LººQ:.º_Q.__________ as therein stated. which mortgage waa recorded hi the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeda of ---______L!.nÇ9J.-º'______________County. State 01 Wyoming. on the --.~-q!;Þ----_____day ~f___~.9.Y~!!I.J~.~!"_________________. 192.9_~_. In Book__~~.r_~___ol Mortgagea. at page__J_L______. and mortgaging the following deseribed real eatate In said County. to-wit: \ 1 . J Ú ~0 cry \. .j d (All lands described in said Mortgage) _2 I . .~-:'~-:.::::.j.. ~"..,~-~:.---;...~~~.:;-~'::;.:;-;:. ..- ~._:.- .---. --:-.--- -.~:;:=-== ":';':~,:... .~.-:.~...;..:-:...-....==-~ :'~.~..:.~~~~::: .,;....i~~1'-¡~..-..,.~~ --:::::.:.;~ ~:r RECEIVED 4/11/2006 at 8:46 AM RECEIVING # 917387 BOOK: 616 PAGE: 676 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY .. -+.-._~---_._---.- Is. with a note aeeured thereby. and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, aatlsfied. releaaed. and dlaeharged: and In eonalderatlon thereof the said mortgagee~___do____hereby releale and qultelatm unto the aald mortgagor_~__the premise a thereby eonveyed and mortgaged. SI..:TS::::.~:.::.~:h:_::-~~--------... ::~1~~:~~= X______ -.___~ /~_ . c!2_~_ '~~.-~_ -__-_-- ------------------------------------------------------ -~~~ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: If It is not deal red to delerlbe laDda In Ipaee therefor. Insert the following: "AlllaDds delcribed in laid morb:ue." ·Slate oC _~CL- Countý of __ ~--}... The foregoing instrument waB acknowledged before me by NYLLA SCHMOKER ,.>:t.. ~j)'YY\.jJ3::'. . 19 q~ ~ K ~~ · iI'.4' 'I .111'".. 0?- j' -~ ·il~U-d~t;\d)nd official Beal. ;? _ --1l- ---Š~;tu-;-;,-- - - - ------ \:: > f\\ Hln~. CJ.~· LLP:;! ~J.!L_ . .: \~\~~b'~~\\ ll:~ . ----------- --------~~i-õífie_.._..--------------------- . ~ tfD,,··. ..- ..-;;'t;. ~ '" . ~ " C) 1 r..~:if/::'·'. .. .... ~~f'" . c>( ~ . 4 , . JIQ¿eoù1~raalõt ~þlr811 on ihe_______________day 01___ __ ___ __________'"____1 A. D. 19 ". ~.IIII, -.;..¡ . ~." . . _____ !i p ~. , i ... RANDY R. SCHMOKER J '4,'" I I 'I n J i' 11 8 f i N ~I '1 '--v-J P 3 è t ó ~. ø. ¡: ~ i F- I' I ~ 8 ~. r ~ rD ! § A. 0 I ; o ~ p ~ f ¡ ! [ r I r ~ :1 ~ I -.'~, & ~ o .f( :û ~ . g m;d ':, ~ . ~ ,. ... . :." .'...,; .,. ~ ~.,. . ~:::,."..:."...,:...:;. 8 ~~;::, ',,' ··'.L: ~ tr1 :;~:. \.,' .,:': ~ t "4);),::::' , ~'~ ~ 0 b i1f /,,':::- t'4 ~ oioI;'''O', ' ;.: ". "..,\",."" "',.,; (i}·.<·;:n .'. . '; .. '.)0 "., Q 111 ". ; ,;:.'·f . '.'., . .~ Û"h;r;~' . ·!~fJ· ; ~~~~$. .;~ ;~~Hf~ . J~i:ii ,. }~~\~~: ' ~ ~ f¡~l~l~ . ¡ ~~~f 1~.~ ;¡~tl 1ì ·~·.í("r:i" ',¡~i1;t: ", ·¡;~r'f ¡,:"~ ·~~t4 i~~tl };' ): ?i II t, "0,,1 I· .': '~~H ~ ;~1n :'·¡¡f f Sj . :.} t, .. rk~.;.· -~:. )~