HomeMy WebLinkAbout917388 ..,.....~.__'-""'....._r,,_..··.,',._~-...... ... __",..::.n',""'*....,',,',.~.,_.s:~___...·,·_n........'_..~_o-~................-. -'··"I.._·.;'__..·.,.·.,..·~~....,._____....__'""......"'.~, ...... ..-''''''''-:'>'''-'..".._..ac.o.C-\1!:-_':'''.'';~~":;.:;''.''.''':;'I_'''~'''''........, '\ COe6?7 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Kelly A. Silvester, ESQ P.O. Box 1203 Bountiful. Utah 84010 RECEIVED 4/11/2006 at 9:31 AM RECEIVING # 917388 BOOK: 616 PAGE: 677 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY LIEN STATEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Lien Claimant hereby claims, pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 1 and 3 of Title 29 of the Wyoming Statutes, a lien against the real property located within the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as more particularly identified herein. for materials and services rendered for improvements to or upon said property, as follows: 1. NAME AND ADDRESS OF LIEN CLAIMANT: / Brundage-Bone Concrete Pumping 350 West 750 South Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 2. AMOUNT OF CLAIM DUE AND OWNING: $861.18, together with interest, recording fees, attorney fees & collection costs ,0 ,) t..i 3. NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON AGAINST WHOSE PROPERTY THE LIEN IS FILED: Harold & Donna Andrews 497 Toms Canyon Road Auburn, WY 83111 IC· Copeland Revocable Trust Box 4141 Bedford, Wyoming, 83112 4. ITEMIZED LIST OF MATERIALS DELIVERED OR WORK PERFORMED; Concrete Pumping, equipment & labor as set forth in Exhibit A, attached and annexed hereto. 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSONS AGAINST WHOM LIEN IS CLAIMED: WATISENT. P. O. Box 1602 Afton, WY 83110 6. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF WHERE WORK WAS PERFORMED: T' ;::::::::::;:::::;:¡:;:; '~'''.f. .' ':!~ ;;¡.:I:.:~.:~~:.;:.I¡':~¡ ,. .....(1....,I;.O'.,ó'., ~~:::~~~:~::;~::::> ......~.....-.. ~. . ....,. . .......;.,...."...,.....,. 09:l?:l88 COC678 Tax ill # 3418-27-3-01-025 Lot 84, Bridger Forest 7th, as recorded in book 350 at Page 620 of Lincoln County Records Property Address: 768 Strawberry Creek, Bedford Wyoming 7. FIRST DATE MATERIALS/LABOR AND SERVICES PROVIDED: November 29, 2005 8. LAST DATE MATERIALS/LABOR AND SERVICES PROVIDED: November 29, 2005 VERIFICATION & NOTARIZATION State of Utah ) )ss County of Davis) KELLY A. SILVESTER. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the authorized agent for Brundage-Bone Concrete Pumping.. the Lien Claimant, that he has authority to execute the foregoing Lien Statement on behalf of the Lien Claimant, and believes the contents thereof to be true and correct to the best of his knowledge, infonp;tjon & belief, In witness whereof he has executed the foregoing Lien Statement on this -ILL- day of April, 2006 J./) SUBSC~ED AND SWORN before me, a Notary Public for the State of Utah, ðn this ØL- day of Apnl, 2006 ~ ,. .,~D:i~i!~..rt!.~.'ìtð!i.ii'~ J¡,·~!í~,-"!A-:l~::~ ;::~~lifìmü!f-;' '~.~~.,!{ I;~,;';l:t:~: :.':,';' ":!'~"~~'¡"i.~:J¡:~" . . i:::j'J~:' ,·¿·;·J,;·-'~¡·lì'.I'(.!I~.· . ....' t~·· ~,,;!;~itt:t!i¡r:~w':¡:·~¡:':1~r""'¡·;~s:';~!~~-';,:f~¡;·~ . . "..'.' ·;··,·;'.-;I:;1t&i!·;mð"i!i.",it'::·¡.··~,·::;.;:::;'.':..;:,,·.·.'.....-.. APR/07/2006/FRI 10:20 AM Apr Q1 os 1~:21a Brurxiage-Bone RFFltllTY ESCRQW FAX No. 801-785-9628 901938100G P. oODe 67'9 p.4 09:t 7:'!88 . m IŒU.Y A SILVEST.... AUonIey at taw ~ P.O.Box 1203 .., Bc:w..,~ Utû 8401-: ' UI T II PHONI:(801)292-5436 Mardt 23.2006 r=I ø , CJ ......=r- a ~,jl 't f'I ......... 'DDwT_..._, 0 ~~.... .. ........-..u"A&y 140 rI ~......, (NOIIŒOPOOEHrT(~. . '., . ,.. .AøðJ:ews ' an JamId " IJopaa "'_.. . . 0 ro-'Oli ~ CI .97 TOJO$ -'.1. 83111 '", ~ r- .."'-... Wyonung. Wi VV(t« .; --.., f)-: 1~ r-:. fk . Ô~ð1o Watts I:a1. P. o. Bolt 1602 Alton, WY &3110 Harold a: Doaaa AncIRws 491 Toms Caayoa Road Aubum,. Wyomiug. 13]11 CERTIFIED MAJL ., \., oR.!: Labar.. Setvice, !qIIpment Of MIÞrW F.....,~cd by BRUNIMGB~ ~~~ ~ t.oJ1SImcôoøprqjed:bowa"~IYCnelcPriwdD.Rœd o. --',1-'(:" '~.O~ ".n._ k .....-. ~_....-....... . _..~ To Yr nœn ~~ '::....:c:..~~":'"_" .. ~~":o ==: '" . PJeue take notice 1hetB1lIJNDA.œ-BoNl! CoNcuni PDNmIG.INc"2 Jaai fbmishecllabor. services. equJpmear or material to )'OUr CCWInIctÌoD pfojc:et Joc::aœ4 at: 0 0 0 768 Srmwberry CI'CC~ 'dwre Road The amount doc and owio&.is $161.19: ,00 h.. Pwsa.t to Tille 29,. CIIrpIIb I a: 2 tllbe WJQIDÏø& ..... \!lID __ Jða 11m: ~BoNB CbNcItE.'mPOl.tPlNGk..... ..will................ ~1'.... « .......... to dic'~aiIJc!d pcoja:t aDd dIat& ~,......, ....10...,. of1ll:.., of'6is Idtu file a liat 1bL....- tor ~ value otdJolllbor..mco, tIIþ-,--H or....... ~ EdcIaa pIeasoWarqty of. LIaa ~ e.~ ~ filed it.. r....... CoaIy~ This does lICIt inlplyU...IieD'" lay .....:.-.....,. oaIy to advise)W that BIwNDAGË~ 0 CONCIŒŒÞouPHJ. k.._..wiR......~ ~ ~QI"_~ OB'Ibe.aIJoyc sblklll jcIh .... to ....,. to 8liç1lle ft . y 1IqIe,.. ÎIISIIœ tll:ltpaper'JIINIIIcaIBIIIiIdC, dIereby avoi"liaafilillpør~ . I.~"" Ja1beO¥altof~ UIe,;ua~ duo wiD iadude fiIiag ... --.t..... ~...__..,... ~ 10"". RsoI'" this':~. . .-.. -,.' ...: . Jf'YOll "aDYfiutbcr~ --.1Iür....... pIeue OOIàctJIIIIIic. (8<)1) .5.21~ri. o. 00 0 0 0'" ".;.' Very , ,. 0 . - '\ : ~:./ . Cc: BRUNoAGE-BoNE CoNcREre PuuPtt.o 0', . 0 .. . . . o' o . ::~:::~1:::1:i::::~;;;: æ~~~:~:~; f ::;':iiiimf~J§f;1ii~iti:fj *:*::::~N:::!::::~ '~N~šlli,~;~:::~::: iffi~¡~~m~!¡ì~}f;i .: .::' " ":';':'~" '<'~' '-" i,,'.· -:i':"'¡?;-=!:~I¡¡.:.v.!:I;!i';J;"~ !.';·:'·'¡·;~¡::!;_':~~~:~''':.~1~r¡~'!t.,·. .:!~,".~t:: ::.:. :.iL '.' ~~_~i'" ,~:f.':'¡,",;~'-;,.~:~':j",.·: ~-,' .- ,!;:'¿¡.I;::,.·,";·:·;·-::~«"r. Z·:'=!:·:~"'· ",;:"¡'. :.; ,- , oJ' _. ',·_;,~ :ï~'t'!"¡~.m:";¡¿'::--"-'-':~i~~cf'''~'Ja/¡;~_~ :¡'~~.,.,' '; ,·-ì.¡:..¡....\·Æ- :,'i.¡,.!;',~:';!i~"\~~·(¡:,~ë:"t :,\-,ê~ _'J'~."~;';'i.'.-!";~;~;~;'.t.¡;¡~~,,' àR/07/2006/FRI 10: 20 AM Brundage-Bone FAX No. 801-785-9628 P. DOC 0 r 680 Ð.IIooa 0-...- Co1_ S____ 7_____-- .AJIiI. x-s Ci_'WicJaiIa »_~ia »CD'daDd 0... -*~CI~ -~ ......-Ú :wID __........~~ Clcy .~ .; :I ~g~ZCM ~ -r:&JE CONTJitACTO)IitS· CHOICE- JF.A.BT&~ c~"1:I~~,: BCHW1:No ~.r-.._ cr.,_ z.-_~ d: ~c.-....._ 091.7:.188 IJrata Bk"a1lC:b · 350 Welt 700 ~h . 1'IcasaDt Grove U'I' 84Uft~ Plaoue (801) 1~-~803· Fax (801) '785-9618 I. .---- INVOICE -_..:... I Page No.: 1 î 1/29/2005 lD:voiœ No.: 0181444 }JiWng Address Site AddnI.. - W A TENT-OO 100 WATfS ENT. P.O. BOXIQ)2 AFTON WY 83110 SmA WBBRRY CIU!:EK }>}UV A 'I':E RD. BB»}õO:RD BBDFORD WY ........ ......n -. ". . .... ....-.-. ..... .. ..--...... .. -...- ···-·..-w.;ï¡ji.;;)..--··..·· ... --....... ....... ........--. ..--.... .--... Phone: 307-6~7~S I?AM~ WC\+ts T~: NET UPON RECEiPT YIII1Ù Pumped: 24.00 Hours Billed: 4.00 Job Date: 11/2912005 Work Ordcr: 181444 Salesman: 006 P/O: NI A Lots: N/A S.1ze Jt.oqoested: 32 PwnpNo:352 \. -~..-' ~ QuUJti\Y 24.00 :V6o 1.00 ea. 1.00 1.00 Unit çyds hn Description YARnAGE CHAIWn ao'OlU. 'Y CHARGE TRAVEL CHARGB FUEL SURCßA)lGE SLUlUl'Y @ $10.00 PER. BAG Prlçe .:. 2.7S 113.00 50.00 35.00 10.00 T~ Line Total 66.00 ~- 460.00 -3'16. tJ'O SO.OO 35.00 10.00 An Equal Opportunity Bmployer ToCal ~ £)lJh.fô /,ÃV\toln wnt}J!Dvomi, ~at dlçcilphorf -rQ4.~}(.\\<6 W . Stc.;r7 ~J!{tí '£fmwhwy Cm fÚýo.+e Ø)ad &~~ð\ WV6~il1t frDWVf OlÙY\Ri: ttaroM ~ \)¡mYl6t Andý~W~ 4C111om~ lAn~on 'f.Md fulWrn, 1MtomiY\~ <l1J1I1 ..