HomeMy WebLinkAbout917408 :::::::::::~:~~~~;¡;~: :::::~:~;2;1:;:;~:·r i~~~~ili!f~i;~ 0f1n'722 l., ,J ~ J _ NOTICE OF LIS PENDIS Please take notice that a Complaint was filed in the District Court of Lincoln County, Wyoming on April 10, 2006 as Civil Action # CV-2006-0000071-DC, by Wind River Pastoral Company, LLC against Paulie's, LLC, which Complaint is to compel specific performance in the sale of real property by Paulie's LLC to Wind River Pastoral Company, LLC. /' ~6 Attached hereto is a copy of the legal description of the real property in dispute on which this Notice Of Lis Pendis is filed. DATED this ///~ day of April, 2006. RECEIVED 4/12/2006 at 10:26 AM RECEIVING # 917408 BOOK: 616 PAGE: 722 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~? Frank Hess Hess Carlman & D' Amours, LLC P. O. Box 449 Jackson, WY 83001 307-733-7881 phone 307-733-7882 fax STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF TETON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this II ~ day of April, 2006 by Frank Hess who does verify that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of his knowledge. Wl1NESS my hand and official ~ Pat Michael - Notary Public COUNTY OF. STATE OF otary Public - '/, / TETON _ d~~JbNG My Commission expires: .J/XJ/~IO My Commission Expire. :)<) 'ß) \. 0917408 C00'723 ~rrA Legal D'éscri¢ion foX' Pau11e's, )"'LC Tb.~ SIf.¡.Nb:1ANE14 of s~on 26 and the S~Nw?(NW1A. of Se:ctJ,on 25, T33N Rl19'W. 6th P.M., Ltnco1n CoUD,ty being mt)TC .pa:r?cn1arl:y dcsc:r:ibed a~ fOnoW5: Beginning at ~ s~ cçrner of the øid SV:NW1,4NW¡.4; thcru:e rnnnint N 0008'09",W, along the: East J..iœ of said SY.1N"\9'1'.NW1A. 659.74 feet to the No~east ccrrler of sajd S~NW'I.4NW~; ,'. ' thcuc:c N 89e.51~S9· WI along the N'orth line- of !laid SY~JANW~, 13'30.47 feet to the No~~t cornet o~ said S'IhNE'!ÌáNE~; thenCe S 89D58'46" W. along the North line of Sàid S~'!4NEyi, ¡319,54 feet to the Northwest co.m~ or anid S~N:E~N:E~: , _ the.nce S 0°09'2311 B. along tho West.liD.e of sra.id S'hNE1ANE\4, 659.83 ~t to the: Sóufhwe:st COt:l1el' of said S1h.NE~NB14; ~ N 89°57)31" E, along the South. line of said S1f.¡NEWNH~4r 132Q.:¿4 feet to the SoUthwest co~ of said, S¥.NW1,4.NW~; , thenœ 5 89·55'59" E, along the S011lÍ1l.i.tw ot sa\t1 s~NWUNW1A 1329.63 roct'to the poiDI: of begínnio.g, ' ' ALSO 'f11e SEVtNW~ ôf Secticn25t T33N lU19W, 6th P.M. r Liuœln Count;1', Wyoming be:ing more partiQilar:ly descn"bed 1I.S foDo~~ B.-..g;1'\QTTJf; attbe NorthWest: COtD.C( of sald SE?'iN'W'~; , ~ Iì1JUJ.Ì1:1g S OO~T0911 E,alcmg the. West lme or said$E'ANW~, 1319.4.8 feet to the!: Soufuwc..~ comer of 83¥ S:E1ÁNW1A; thence S 89 °55"01' B, along dJ.e South 1i:ïJc of said BE \4 N\~nA I 1327.9:5 feet tD the Soutbeast corœ:r of &aid ~ '!4NW'~ í ' tbcnçè N 0°03'''7" W, aI.ong the. East. Ilno,of said .SE~NW~ 13:20.23 fec:r tQ £he N01"tb.c:ast OO:t'nelr of aid SE 1A NW ~ i thence N 89Þ56'59" W, ã1O'Q.g the !'forth I.1ne Q[ s&ld SJ3~NWt,41 1329.63 feet to the poiDr of þeginning. . J'