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This document prepared by
Name: David M. Arnolds
The Pittsburg & Midway
Coal Mining Co.
116 Inverness Drive East,
Suite 207
City, State, Zip: Englewood, CO 80112
Phone: (303) 930-4040
After recording send to Grantees
---Above This Line Reserved For Official Use Only-
RECEIVED 4/13/2006 at 8:58 AM
RECEIVING # 917453
BOOK: 616 PAGE: 795
For ten dollars ($10.00), and other valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, The
Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., a Missouri corporation, 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite
207, Englewood, CO 80112, ("Grantor"), hereby conveys to Milton Evan Meacham and Gail
Renee Meacham, husband and wife, as joint tenants, having an address of714 Beech Ave,
Kemmerer, WY 83101 ("Grantees"), the surface only of the following described real estate,
together with all improvements located thereon, lying in the County of Lincoln, State of
FN-l, as shown on survey map 261-A on record with the Lincoln County Clerk as Receiving
No.916795 and more particularly described as follows:
A parcel ofland being part of Tracts 75, 76, and 77 and part of Lots 5 & 14 of Section 2 of the re-survey ofT21N,
Rl16W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at comer number 3 of Tract 77 of the Resurvey ofT21N, Rl16W, where is found a standard D.S.G.L.O.
brass cap;
Thence N 31 ° 47' 25"E, 858.90 feet to a point where is found a 2"
Aluminum cap on 5/8 diameter rebar stamped "CCI, PELS 5465,
P-M, COR 5, 2005."
Thence S 35° 40' 50"E, 569.76 feet to a point where is found a
2" aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter rebar stamped "CCI, PELS 5465,
P-M, COR 4, 2005."
Thence S 51 ° 23' 42"E, 289.54 feet to a point where is found a
2" aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter rebar stamped "CCI, PELS 5465,
P-M, COR 3, 2005."
Thence S 36° 21' 50"E, 222.87 feet to a point where is found a
2" aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter rebar stamped "CCI, PELS 5465,
P-M, COR 2,2005."
Thence S 53° 09' 04"E, 176.22 feet to a point where is found a 2" aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter rebar
stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, P-M COR1, 2005." Said point bears S 10° 36' l7"W, 204.88 feet from comer
No.1 of said Tract 75 where is found a standard D.S.G.L.O. brass cap.
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Thence S 10° 26' 10"W, 1000.62 feet to a point on the northerly right of way boundary of Wyoming
State Highway 233 where is found a 2" aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter rebar stamped "CCI, PELS, 5465,
Thence N 63° 06' 46"W, 386.08 feet along the northerly right of way
boundary of said Highway 233 to the PC of a curve to the left. Said PC of said
curve to the left being a monument with a standard highway right of way
Thence 211.17 feet along northerly right of way of
said highway 233 and the arc of said curve to the left. The
central angle of said curve to the left being 2° 05' 59"and having
a radius of 5762.60 feet to the PT of said curve. Said PT being
monumented by a 2" aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter rebar
stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, HWY ROW, PT. RT., 2005."
Thence continuing N 65° 12' 46" W, 600.00 feet along said northerly
highway right of way boundary to the PC of a curve to the right. Said
PC being monument with 2" aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter rebar
stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, HWY ROW, PC. RT., 2005."
Thence continuing northwesterly along said north highway right of way
boundary along the arc of said curve to the right 325.05' feet to a point on the
curve. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 4° 55' 05"
a radius of3786.80 feet and a chord which bears N 62°45'14"W and is
324.95 feet long. Said point on the curve being monumented by a 2"
aluminum cap on a 5/8" diameter rebar being stamped "CCI, PELS 5465,
FN-2/FN-l, ROW, 2005."
Thence N 27° 12' 09" E, 579.78 feet to the point of beginning.
Said parcel ofland contains 36.003 acres more or less.
SUBJECT to all easements, rights-of-way, and all other interests of record, if any.
GRANTOR warrants title to the property against any person claiming by, through, or
under Grantor, but not otherwise.
Dated this the 28th day of March, 2006.
It ilh P. Knapp, Vic n 'dent
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The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Judith P. Knapp, as Vice President for
The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., this 28th day of March, 2006.
Witness my hand and official seal.
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Notary Public
My commission expires:
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Notary Public
Stote of Colorado