HomeMy WebLinkAbout917461 File Number: ti0195 (01) WHEN RECORDED .R.ETURNTO: N.ame: Address: .P.aT11e1a 1. Hoff 1>.0.£ox971 W1lson~ WY .83014 (IOrS';g ." \. L RECEIVED 4/1312006.at 10:09 AM RECEIVING:# 917461 BOOK: 616 PAGE: 809 JEANNE WAGNER , MERER WY LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEM , , QUIT CLAIM DEED (lndividuaLForm) Robert T. Hoff mld P.amela J. Boff:fkaPlU11eJa 1. MooIe, husband.and vdfe, GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, .s~ ofWyomïng, .hereby QUIT CLA1M 10 P.amela J..Hoff, li mßrri~d woman, GBANTEE{S), w.hOl;emidressis,J>.O.£ox 971~ Wilson, wY 83014 for1he$1II1 of DneDollar.and o1her good.and v.a1uab]e t:onsìdeI4tion, thefollo\-~ described rea] :estate, .situate in Lincoln County, .state of Wyoming, herebYIeleasing :and w.ai vil1g all rights 11I1der m1d by vËtu.e of the l1omestea.d ßxemption Jaws of the .State, to-wit: T.hcEast Dlle-.ha1fofLotFi.fteen (15) in Leon Liv1n.gston S11bdivisiD1lln Townshïp 37 North, RIDlge 118 West Ch]J .M, Lincoln Colmty~ Wyoming. 1ÙEO known by.street 1md ]]Umber BS~ 247 W Cottage Lalle, A1pine, WY 83128 Subject to reserv.atìcms 1md :restrictions .contained..in 1he TIllited .states P.atent .and 10 usements .and IÏ.ghts-Of-W1lY .of IeCOId or.in use. J -z., Together with 411 .ÏmprovernP.T1ts .and appurtenances 1hereD1l. r¡-fh WITNEsS, the hand of smd grmtor this ~' RobertT. Hoff rlayof 4p(UL ,2006. ~J~d.ßMoare STATE OF~ () Mlt/tS COIJN1Y OF l.-aJ CÐL U "The farego.ing imtrunænt was 1ICknovdedged before:me"this 'J:f1< .day of ~'L-------- . ~ . byRDbertT. Roff'lUldJ>.ame1aJ. Hofffka"P.amelaJ. MOOIe, 1he signer s) af1he WJ.tbm instrument, who duly .acknowledged 10:me that.helw~xecuted 1he.same_ WITNES.s MY RAND AND OFFlCIAL .8EAI.. kd~ Ño1ary Public: . My.commisJ:;ionÐCpÏres [() (\'1 (woe;. und Title CDm UlJ'-" Tile Nllmbu: tiOJ9S Quit ClaimDeed- (lrujivUiual) J>J!gc J .of 1 ¡Z2-~ ~e l~-t£l-lJ)£ n9~-l :'AO¡;"T' W'tU£:.- :~:;¡At1'f flU?:? __" .. '.. S:~a:U1 tou!1\1Gf .<, 1N¡¿mjnQ l¡neel!t ' '". My Commission ~·Q\r~ _.' _ ~¡ ~ !i;~~~~mm~~~;~!~¡: ~U~dWO~ ¡I~!l pu~'-nO~~ .90-10-lIdV (~