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RECEIVING # 917487
BOOK: 617 PAGE: 14
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PREAMBLE: This is a MILITARY POWER OF ATTORNEY prepared pursuant to Title 10
United States Code, Section 1044b, and executed by a person authorized to receive legal
assistance from the military services. Federal law exempts this power of attorney from any
requirement of form, substance, formality, or recording that is prescribed for powers of attorney
by the laws of a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory, commonwealth or possession of
the United States. Federal law specifies that this power of attorney shall be given the same legal
effect as a power of attorney prepared and executed in accordance with the laws of the
jurisdiction where it is presented.
KNOW EVERYONE BY THESE PRESENTS, which are intended to.
constitute a Durable General Power of Attorney, THAT I, TROY L. GOETTSCH, having an
address at 2817 E. 11TH ST., CHEYENNE, WY 82001, hereby make, constitute and appoint
LARRY J. GOETTSCH, having an address at 42916 Weld County Rd., Pierce, CO 80650, as
my attorney-in-fact TO ACT in my name, place and stead in any way which I could do, if I were
personally present, to the extent that I am permitted by law to act through an agent:
(a) to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive all manner of goods, chattels,
debts, rents, interest, sums of money and demands whatsoever, due or to become
due, that are thought to be owing, belonging or payable to me in my own right or
otherwise, and to execute, acknowledge and deliver acquittances, receipts,
releases, satisfactions or other discharges for the same;
(b) to sell, transfer, exchange, convert, abandon, or otherwise dispose of, or grant
options with respect to, real and personal property, at public or private sale, with
or without security, in such manner, at such times, for such prices, and upon such
terms and conditions as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate;
(c) to buy, sell, exchange, invest and reinvest in common or preferred stocks,
bonds, commodities, options, limited liability companies, investment trusts,
mutual funds, regulated investment companies and other types of securities and
financial instruments, foreign or domestic, including any undivided interest in any
one or more common trust funds, whether or not such investments be of the
character permissible for investments by fiduciaries under any applicable law, and
without regard to the effect any such investment may have upon the diversity of
investments; to demand, receive and obtain any money or other things of value to
which I am or may become or may claim to be entitled in connection with any
stocks, bonds or other financial instruments; to cause securities or other property
to be held or registered in the name of a nominee or nominees or unregistered or
in any other form; to vote in person at meetings of stock or security holders and
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adjournments thereof, to enter into voting trusts, and to vote by general or limited
proxy with respect to any stock or securities;
(d) to make, execute, endorse, accept and deliver in my name or in the name of
my attorney-in-fact all checks, notes, drafts, warrants, securities, stock cer-
tificates, certificates of deposit, bonds, acknowledgments, and any other
agreements, certificates or instruments of any nature, as my attorney-in-fact may
deem necessary or appropriate;
(e) to deposit and withdraw any sums to or from any bank, savings or similar
account maintained by me alone or jointly; to open, continue, modify or terminate
any account or banking arrangement in my name or jointly with others; to borrow
money at such interest rates and upon such terms and conditions as my attorney-
in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate, and to provide security therefor from
my assets; to pay, renew or extend the time of payment of any note give by me or
on my behalf; to prepare financial statements concerning my assets and liabilities
or income and expenses, and deliver them to financial institutions; to receive
statements, notices and other documents from financial institutions; to open or
cause to be opened any safe deposit box in my name and to examine and remove
any or all of the contents of such box; and to conduct such other banking
transactions as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate;
(f) to take possession of, recover, obtain and hold any tangible personal property
belonging to me or to which I may be entitled, and to receive and take for me and
in my name any rents, issues and profits of any such property; to purchase, invest
in, reinvest in, accept as a gift, sell, exchange, lease, grant options upon, assign,
transfer, abandon, pledge, encumber or otherwise dispose of any personal
property of any nature and wherever situate; to store property for hire or on a
gratuitous bailment; to make repairs and alterations; and to execute, acknowledge
and deliver all contracts, leases, notes, security agreements, guarantees, bills of
sale, assignments, extensions, releases, waivers, consents, and any other
agreements, writings and instruments of any nature affecting any personal
property, as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate;
(g) to possess, recover, manage, hold, control, develop, subdivide, partition,
mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with any real property belonging to me or to
which I may be entitled; to purchase, invest in, reinvest in, accept as a gift, sell,
exchange, lease, sublease, grant options upon, convey with or without covenants,
quitclaim, assign, transfer, abandon, encuinber or otherwise dispose of any real
property of any nature and wherever situate; to borrow money at such interest
rates and upon such terms and conditions as my attorney-in-fact may deem
necessary or appropriate, and to provide security therefor by mortgage or pledge
of any property; to satisfy, discharge, release or extend the term of any mortgage;
to apply for zoning, rezoning or other governmental permits; to make repairs,
replacements and improvements, structural or otherwise; to pay, compromise or
contest real estate taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents; to abstain
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from the payment of real estate taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents,
repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the same; to abandon property if deemed to be
worthless or not of sufficient value to warrant keeping or protecting; to permit
property to be lost by tax sale Or other proceeding or to convey property for a
nominal consideration or without consideration; and to execute, acknowledge and
deliver all contracts, deeds, leases, mortgages, notes, security agreements,
guarantees, transfers to trusts, bills of sale, assignments, extensions, satisfactions,
releases, waivers, consents, and any other agreements, writings and instruments of
any nature affecting any real property, as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary
or appropriate;
(h) to commence any actions or proceedings for the recovery of any real or
personal property or for any other purpose; to appear in, answer and defend any
actions or proceedings commenced against me; and to prosecute, maintain,
appeal, discontinue, compromise, arbitrate, mediate, settle and adjust all actions,
proceedings, accounts, dues and demands that now or hereafter may exist, as my
attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate;
(i) to create, amend or terminate one or more trusts, partnerships, corporations,
limited liability companies, co-tenancies or any other form of ownership or entity
for the purpose of dealing with any property or property interest of any nature that
I may have or hereafter acquire, under such terms and with such provisions as my
attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate; to transfer any or all property
in which I have an interest into any trusts, partnerships, corporations, limited
liability companies, co-tenancies or other entities, whether created by me or my
attorney-in-fact or otherwise (and, in this regard, that my attorney-in-fact may be
a remainderman, partner, shareholder, member, co-tenant or beneficiary of any
such entity shall not affect the validity of any action hereunder, and shall not, by
itself, constitute a breach of fiduciary duty); to remove property from any such
entity; and to give to any such entity, or to any person acting as agent or trustee
under any instrument executed by me or on my behalf, such instructions or
authorizations as I may have the right to give; .
G) to join or become a party to, or to oppose, any reorganization, readjustment,
recapitalization, foreclosure, merger, voting trust, dissolution, consolidation or
exchange, and to deposit any securities with any committee, depository or trustee,
and to pay any fees, expenses and assessments incurred in connection therewith,
and to charge the same to principal, and to exercise conversion, subscription or
other rights, and to make any necessary payments in connection therewith, or to
sell any such privileges;
(k) to deal with all matters relating to all forms of insurance and annuities,
including the procurement, maintenance and termination thereof; however,
notwithstanding the powers given my attorney-in-fact in this and other provisions
of this power of attorney, my attorney-in-fact shall have no incidents of
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ownership in any life insurance policy in which I own an interest and which
insures the life of my attorney-in-fact;
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(1) to do all acts necessary to maintain my customary standard of living and that
of my family and other persons customarily supported by me, including without
limitation the power to pay for medical, dental and surgical care, living quarters,
usual vacation and travel expenses, shelter, clothing, food, education,
organizational fees and contributions, and other living costs;
(m) to act for me in all matters which affect my right to government benefits and
assistance, including without limitation Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,
qualified state tuition programs, and other governmental benefits and benefits
relating to civil or military service; to file, prosecute, submit to arbitration or
settle any claim for benefits or assistance; to establish new residency and
domicile; and to receive the proceeds of claims and conserve, invest, disburse and
use them on my behalf;
(n) to take all steps and remedies necessary or appropriate for the conduct and
management of any business in which I may have an interest; to exercise in
person or by proxy any right, privilege or option which I may have with respect to
any business; to continue, modify, negotiate, renegotiate, extend and terminate
any and all contracts or agreements heretofore or hereafter made with respect to
the business; to pay, compromise or contest business taxes or other claims or
obligations; to determine the policies of the business as to the location, methods
and manner of its operations including its financing, accounting, and insurance;
and to add or remove capital from the business;
(0) to .employ such agents, attorneys, accountants, investment counsel, trustees,
caretakers and other persons and entities providing services or advice, irrespective
of whether my attorney-in-fact may be associated therewith, and to rely upon
information or advice furnished thereby or to ignore the same, and to delegate
duties hereunder and pay such compensation, as my attorney-in-fact may deem
necessary or appropriate; and
(p) to do, execute, perform and finish for me and in my name all things which my
attorney-in-fact shall deem necessary or appropriate in and about or concerning
my property or any part thereof.
I authorize my attorney-in-fact to sell, grant options upon, convey with or without
covenants, exchange, lease, assign, transfer, encumber or otherwise dispose of any real property
which I own, together with all improvements thereon and rights relating thereto, in such manner,
at such times, for such prices, and upon such terms and conditions as my attorney-in-fact may
deem necessary or appropriate; to satisfy, discharge, release or extend the term of any mortgage
or deed of trust; to apply for zoning, rezoning or other governmental permits; to pay,
compromise or contest real estate taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents; to negotiate,
execute, acknowledge and deliver all contracts, sales agreements, brokerage agreements,
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amendments, deeds, leases, mortgages, notes, security agreements, checks, drafts, guarantees,
bills of sale, assignments, extensions, satisfactions, releases, waivers, consents, affidavits,
transfer tax returns, closing documents, and any other agreements, writings and instruments of
any nature affecting the property, as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate; to
prosecute, defend, intervene in, arbitrate, appeal, compromise, settle and otherwise deal with any
claim, action or proceeding in connection with the property or the sale thereof; to do, execute,
perform and finish for me and in my name all things which my attorney-in-fact shall deem
necessary or appropriate in connection with the sale of the property.
In addition, I specifically authorize my attorney-in-fact to deal with tax
authorities, to execute, sign and file on my behalf any and all federal, state, local and foreign
income, gift, payroll and other tax returns, including estimated returns and interest, dividends,
gains and transfer returns, for all periods; to pay any taxes, penalties and interest due thereon; to
allocate generation skipping transfer tax exemptions (within the meaning of Section 2642(a) of
the Internal Revenue Code) and to make tax elections; to represent me or to sign an Internal
Revenue Service Form 2848 (Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative) or Form
8821 (Tax Information Authorization), or comparable authorization, appointing a qualified
lawyer, certified public accountant or enrolled agent (including my attorney-in-fact if so
qualified) to represent me before any office of the Internal Revenue Service o! any state, local or
foreign taxing authority with respect to the types of taxes and years referred to above, and to
spècify on said authorization said types of taxes and years; to receive from or inspect
confidential information in any office of the Internal Revenue Service or state, local or foreign
tax authority; to receive and deposit, in anyone of my bank accounts, or those of any revocable
trust of mine, checks in payment of any refund of federal, state, local or foreign taxes, penalties
and interest; to pay by check drawn on any bank account of mine or of any revocable trust of
mine and have accounts to permit my attorney-in-fact to draw checks for payment of said items;
to execute waivers (and offers of waivers) of restrictions on assessment or collection of
deficiencies in taxes and waivers of notice of disallowance of a claim for credit or refund; to
execute any requests for extension of time and consents extending the statutory period for
assessment or collection of such taxes; to execute petitions contesting taxes; to establish new
residency and domicile; to execute offers in compromise and closing Agreements under Section
7121 or comparable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code or any federal, state, local or
foreign tax statutes or regulations; to delegate authority or to substitute another representative for
anyone previously appointed by me or my attorney-in-fact; and to receive copies of all notices
and other written communications involving my federal, state, local or foreign taxes at such
address as my attorney-in-fact may designate.
In addition, I specifically authorize my attorney-in-fact to make voluntary
contributions to, transfer assets between, and withdraw amounts from any qualified retirement
benefit plan or individual retirement account (including Roth IRA's); to change beneficiary
designations on any such plan or IRA; to waive spousal rights on any such plan or IRA; to
convert an IRA to a Roth IRA; to make elections with respect to the timing, method and amounts
of withdrawals, distributions and/or rollovers, methods of calculating minimum required
distributions, and methods of distribution as a beneficiary of another's plan or IRA; and to take
any other actions with respect to any such plan or IRA as I could take.
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This power of attorney is a durable power of attorney, and it shall not be affected
by my becoming disabled, incompetent or incapacitated. It is my intent that the authority
conferred herein shall be exercisable notwithstanding my physical disability or mental
This power of attorney, however, shall terminate on June 1,2007,
It is my desire and request that no guardian or conservator of my person or
property be appointed in the event of my disability or incapacity. If, however, a guardian or
conservator of my person or property is to be appointed for me, I hereby nominate and appoint
my attorney-in-fact hereunder to serve as guardian and conservator without bond.
To induce any third party to act hereunder, I hereby agree that any third party
receiving a duly executed copy or facsimile of this power of attorney may act hereunder, and that
revocation or termination hereof shall be ineffective as to such third party unless and until actual
notice or knowledge of such revocation or termination shall have been received by such third
party. I, for myself and my heirs, executors, legal representatives and assigns, hereby agree to
indemnify and hold harmless any such third party from and against any and all claims that may
arise against such third party by reason of such third party having relied upon the provisions of
this power of attorney.
This power of attorney shall be governed by Wyoming law, although I request
that it be honored in any state or other location in which I or my property may be found. If any
provisions hereof shall be unenforceable or invalid, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not
affect the remaining provisions of this power of attorney.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this power of attorney this 1st day
of June, 2005.
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The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the -L:: day of June,
2005, by TROY L. GOETTSCH.
Notar PublIc
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