HomeMy WebLinkAbout917526 ,,:.'; " S:1¡t 000095 t After Re . PEELlE MANAGE~ ? Return To; ASSIGNMENT ~r#~~'::ORATlON CAM P.O. BOX 1710 p~~~~ CA 95008-1710 __._ 65-6868 .._'------... New Century Mortga;;~ation 18400 Von Karman, Suite 1000 Irvine, CA 92612 RECEIVED 4/17/2006 at 11 :33 AM RECEIVING # 917526 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 95 JEANNE WAGNER ___~_~~~:~__~OUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGEf(73{P"S'7Z-, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thatNew Century Mortgage Corporation for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has sold, and by these presents does sell, assign, and transfer to Chase Home Finance LLC 10790 Har ICtJO Bernardo Ad San Diego, CA 92127 . that certain Mortgage dated F8bruary 11, 2005 GARY HERROD and ANN HERROD, Husband and Wife address of , by and between New Century Mortgage Corporation as mortgagors, and as mortgagee, which Mortgage covers the following described property located in Lincoln County, State of WYOMING to-wit: See Legal Description Attached Hereto and Made a Part Hereof {, f"> And which Mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming on the, day of I / in Book Ó-:J<:6 ,page ß'-\.3 O~" 1,/ oS 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, sets its hand and seal thi~¡'I1't:!HIR'"'''''''' day of February ~\", _I ~O rr- ...., ~ ~"' ............. ~~ .... /"...'5 ..~c,ORPO;....~' . " ~,.... '1: ..,,- , i $ í ~UG 1ri'\ () ; =üi, .. a 0:0: ~ ~ \~ 'BBs /,.::u: ~. '7.\ \<í~ .... ",1> ...v;,. '" OR~\~.·· .:';.'-J: ~"': y ;.....~.ë\~ ~~... CommonwealthlStÍíto.Òf.,Hi.+if o~nia District/County/Parish of Orange is 17th day of February ,2005 Magda ViI va , as Instrument No. (-. ger me, a Notary, personally appeared to me personally known, who, A.v.p.\Shipping Manager duly sworn (or affirmed), did say that he/ she is the of New Century Mortgage Corporation that the seal affixed to the instrument is the corporate seal by authority f its board of directors (or trustees), and of the corporation (or association) Magda Villanueva to be the rree act and deed of the corporation. ". WyomIng Assignment of Mortgage with Acknow ledgment G-995W(WY) (9711),03 11/97 @ VMP MORTGAGE FORMS· (800)521-7291 Andres Rojas 1000851741 'I*¡:;*;::::::*~*~ ' .~t.I; ,., . ..tI~tj~",'~ . :, ~~!" '·"'·;-'·!I.', JAN-26-2Ø0S 12:33 .1/;: ¿i;~IHWC~' I I~~ ~u ~;WW .,J'U' Q' I .,/\,, "'~ '091~(S2() ;'-on(196 ., ,-.J \... '.' Chaln of Tlfla G"'i Dtee Ouarantet Form 6 SCHEDULB A CHAlN OF TITLE 'UAR..\NTEE GU-U4.NTEE NO. 12-10002~C'X'G The IIssurances nsoo d to on Ihe fllCð pll: h«eof are: 1bal, puraUlllt to a '8rTlQIty Deed te('.() cd and iDde'teG in tht IWstract boob in the: 1111d l'ccords of Lincoln County, W)'omlng, t e i"tereSl, it lilY. wl ich wu açqUlrcd reserved by: M(C R,·K:DC.ØA, TRUST.EE / Q THE HACIENDA TRUSt dated F.b~ 21, 199% 11'1 and to Ih~ land d bed 15 faUowJ: NlIne. s SuÞdivbton, LI~c:oln County, Wyom1n, as desert bed on the%:, fficial WtI1, u;usm No. 866585 of the record. of the Lincoln County Clerk. r ' j'- cørð. aubscqUl!nt from January 3, 2004 to 1anuary 3, 200S: \} (\-fJ , p--,~, o Lot 1] of Be Hollow Twill 110 pli\11hercof led lune 20, 2000 a only the fonowing II: Thi. Guaran[tlè docs t C01l1,U': 1. Taxes, a. Dwncnr. and matter related thmto. 2. lostrUme 5, prooùdings or 0 cr mlltter. wblch aro malJJtlÛned in other records. '. PAGE 5/14 * RCVD AT 1/27/20059:26:51 AM ¡Paci~c Standard Time] * SVR:~F'350.o6/8 t DNIS:3366 * CSID: t DURATION (mm.ss):0742 ¡" ·......;:, . . ~..,; 'r' '.( hO"" ~ ~_r)oÇ,: 11." Ed'''''. I,}~ ,,) C00097 '. , - M"",.",?~t»~~Ô¥~~~~,:'t»~~~~~~~~~~~OO~~~~~~~" f · ~ " ,.- , ' , 'n q,,, 'n q v ~ ~.-..' .- 'J I CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE I k ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I I ~~~~~AĆ ~= I I. ' * '- " I On February 17, 2005 before me the undersigned Andres Rojas, I·..~ (¡ A Notary Public in and for Orange County and the State of Cali fomi a,., , personally appeared Magda Villanueva, A.V.P/Shipping Manager of New ~) ~ to be the persons whose names are subscnbed to th~ wIthin Instrument and .' sl(·,'.·,..J1>,,:,' acknowledged ,to, me that their a, uthorized capacities, and that by their, g $~ signatures on the instrument the persons, or the entity upon behalf of which ~ (r? the persons acted, executed the instrument. I ~ (, @ ANDRES ROJAS - ......, Commission # 1523525 ~ . Mo.' ':: Notary Public. California ~ " , Orange County , My Comm. ExpIres Oct 3 J, 2008 Andres Rojas COMMISSION # 1523525 COMMISSION EXPIRES: October 31, 2008 <'A""~A;."''''''flvJ<.~~~Äf}I~.?<~~~~;i;~Ø1~~~Âð}~~'Á1<~~?>~Âfk, fJ:>Äf}lÂ;?o~Â4<~oÄf}I~~~~?~~, ,'~Øo~, ',~AoÂ," " ~~~·V4-V~V~'v~""~V4/V,,;"v~vwv~iv«>V'fiV~V~~¥IV-øV&V"'.¿y.V¥"'Ø;