HomeMy WebLinkAbout875944SOUTH! FRT TTTLE CO. Fax:l-1507-877-960?. Sep; 11 '01 14:36 W~R~&NTY DEED , "'"~"'" 764 ~ BOO ", ~ PRPAGE _ ~ M~rrie~ Person g~antors of Li~oln Count, State of Wyoming, fo~ consideration of T~n ~d 00/100's ($10.00) and o~mr good and valuable ~m~sidera~on i~ h~d, receipt w~ere~f is hereby ac~owledged CONVEY AND WA~NT TO L~COLN OOUNTY-~TON A~OgT JOlT PO~8 ~O~ '~ Non-Profit Org~on,. ~a~te~s, whose address is P.O. Box 1540, .Aflon, WY 83110 · e follow~g d~so~ibed re~ ~sl~te, situate ~ L~oI~ Cou=~ and State of Wyom~g, hereby mleas~g a~d w~iv~ ~ righ~ uader an~ by vffm~ of ~ ~om~st~ad ~xemptio= laws of to w~t; Beginning at a point which is 40 rods west from the Southeast comer of the WI/2SE~A of Section 1, T31N RllgW, Lincoln CoUnty, Wyoming and running th~nce West 20 rods; thence North 160 rods; ' thence. East 20 rods.; thence South 160 rods to..: the poin[ of beginning. ' LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty'Deed recorded December 21, 1978 in Book 151PR on page 528 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. WITNESS our hands tiffs /~ C ay of September, 2fi01. County of Wi'mess my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: :~.~~ 3-3-2003