HomeMy WebLinkAbout917544 · : ;;;:~;; ;i:;:;:;:;:, : ~;: ··f:1!iC:;:::;::;.:,:. .,,:j¡¡¡¡1:¡¡1i~¡j¡iit¡,;!:· '>':~:::::::::::;::::::~:::: . ..··..":¡i¡j¡¡!¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡::1,:i;, ":~~~¡i~¡~ij¡tI~I~I~ :i, "..., r; .1'1 C 1 1'·'1 ..... I ¥ . 10- - '~--r' WARRANTY DEED Kathleen A. Short .and lackie L. .short, wife .and .husb.and, Gr.antor.s, who.se addre.ssis P.O. Box 768, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, for.and:in consideration of other valuable consideration .and ten dolliLr.s ($10) :in hand paid, convey.s ll.Ild WllIT.ants to lack L. Short & Kathy A. Short, Co- TTI.IStee.s, or íheir .succe.s.sor.s :in 1rust, of 1he lackL. & Kathy A. Short loint Living Revocable Trust, dated April 1, 2006, Grmrtee, who.se .addre.ss is P.O. Box 768, Tbayne, Wyoming 83127, íhe :foTIowing de.scribed real e.state: Lot35 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 13, Lmcoln County, WyoD1ÍD1ลก as de.scribed on the official plat thereof. Situate in íhe County of Lmcoln, State of Wyoming, ll.Ild ilie .said Gr.antor.s -.hereby covenant with the .said Gr.antee iliat GrßJ11:or is lawfully.seized of \ .said premise.s; iliat íhey are free from encumbr.ance.s; .and Gr.antor.s WllIT.ant íhe 1itle íhereto a£ainst íhe lawful claims of all per.sons whomsoever,· ~ept: re.strictions, re.servations, easements, .and encumbr.ances of record. Hereby releasing .and WIDVing .any.and all Tights 1.l11.der.and by virtue of íhe -.home.stead exemption law.s of 1his .state. Dated: April 14, 2006. 7~¿:l .~ KATHT :ERN A. SHORT .sTATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN jss JJiJ fk 1 . L. SHÓRT The foregoing instrument was llcknowledged before me by KATHT FEN A. SHORT .and JACKIEL. SHORT this April 14, 2006. W1tne.ss my hand.and official.se.al. My comm i ssion exprre.s: dAY- I$, 2£1/,D , JACKD.EDWARDS-NOTARYPUBUC dÈPAJtlTY OF .,.,. ..... STATE OF ~~lN . WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 18,2010 d~}~ Notary Public RECEIVED 4/1712DD611t 1224 PM RECElVING:# 917544 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 121 JEANNE WAGNER __l.'NCO~~~~UNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wY -~----------