HomeMy WebLinkAbout87594989/12/2881 18:85 ~3878858641 : BOWERS LAW OFFICE PAGE 82 ¢iER. TIFICA TE OF REDEMPTION This Certificate of Re¢ilerfi. Ption is made and delivered this ~ ! day of September, 2001, by the Sh~rifl'Of Lincoln County, Wyoming, to the ~edemptioner (owner), Jori D. and Jennifer~ WHEREAS, on June '1, 2'001, a Ce~ificate of Purchase was issued by th~ Sheriff of Lincoln County, W~?off~ing to Warren and Doretta Webb, the purchaser at public auction of real proped;/described Lot 115 of Plat 5 of th~ St~ Valley Ranches, Lincoln County. Wyoming which properly was s01d by t~e ~ ~ c~tar Valley Ranch Association, ~ Wyoming non-profit corporation, pursuant to s Ndtice of ASsessment end Lien d~t~d Janua~ 18, 2001 end filed on Februa~ 2, 2001 in Book~459 PR, page 56 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Kemmerer, Wyomin(~l ~s provided for in the covenants of Star Valley Ranches; WHEREAS said Ce~i(ca~:e:of Purchase was recorded on June 11~ 2001 in Book 466 PR, prego 344 in the offi~.o of~h~ Lincoln County Clerk in Kemmoror, Wyoming; and WHEREAS the 8ssoci~tion lien was redeemed by the owner Jon D. and Jennifer 8tewa~ payment tothe 8heri~:[ of' Lincoln CUunLy, Wyoming on behalf ct the purchaser in the amount of one thouseqd, two hundred dollars ($1,200.00), plus legal interest of ten percent (10%) per annu~ from the date of the sale, all in accordance wi~h the laws ur th~ Stat~ of Wyoming. NOW, THEREFORE, t~)y vi~ue of the redemption by the payment of one thousand,.~o hundred dollar!~ (~;~ ,200.00), together with interest at ten percent (10%) per annum to the purchaser, }he safe and ce~ificate previously granted herein are void in accordanoe with ~ 1-18-10~(a'.l Wyomin; Statutes (1997). IN WITNESS WHEREDF ~, have duly exeout G~RTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION. the day and ~,ea:: :first obey, ~~¢~L ':'BooK 472PRPAGE 780. L. INOOL~f.I CO.~.~T'~, CLERK Page 1 of 2 09/12/2001 10:05 13078850641 i:i BOWERS LAW OFFICE PAGE 83 STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instl~rrle_n,, Was subscribed and, sworn to before me this _LL.. day of 9eptomber, 2001 by ~.~c, OT~P~ Sheriff of Linc°In County, Wyoming. " ;, My Commission Expires: Page 2 of 2