HomeMy WebLinkAbout895252 BOOK 541 PR PAGE 5 8 1 - LINCOLN COUNTY CLER QUIT CLAIM DEED 8 9 5 2 5 2 03N0\1 I 3 Pr\ 12: 05 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that KIRK D. LUTHI and GENELL LUTHI, JEANNE WÞ,GNER grantors of Freedom, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN Do'eë~ít~ffld:mW~lftP other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and forever quit claimed unto the said JIM W. STOKER of Thayne, Wyoming, a single man, grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: Attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Excepting therefrom the tract of land described in Exhibit B. Excepting therefrom the tract of land described in Exhibit C. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Right-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record. WITNESS my hand this 2!!... day of ()!J{)frmbf/ I ,2003. ~Æú)~ Kl D.LUTffi . }¡~c(~ GENELL LUTHI THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) 1'''' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by KIRK D. LUTHI and GENELL LUTHI this 1 day of r\ñU -t.m 'au- , 2003. Witness my hand and official seal. CHRISTINA K. AllRED . NOTARY PUBUC County of ~ Slale of Uncoln ~ Wyoming My Commission Expires 413012005 ~~} .1;. f1akoL NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ~ -3D -DE :::!:'::::::::':::I:~:' :::~:::~::¿:::~~:! .,:.......:....,: O~~}5252 582 ,..: :-:. æR; ,.~ AN: . ;:', ',: , .. '.. "!/d~ J \ '~;a~1 I t"'~J( , .. ¡ . . :._ .J. I :i.,' ;:'[, ~ . ~~~I~:t.)'~: :.,' . . . , . ~ . r ... . / . I ... :', ,.....:{, ..~..::i.~}I~. '., t;:i:~¡t '/", ;" 0'. " "'1'" :, '.; : '~..~ ',tJ;j!@ ,;.: \._ .- " . .' I· . ~.' t, .. EXtIIBIT A :~~'I'~:' :~. . ,"" '1'1 :11)1, 1111. I: lq~IIJI/II.I '} ilL 1\ i,é>/ul: 1 ,J'1 Lo.r~l: \-1(1:11: I.J.OIII tIle " l:l "'IJ '1'J.1/1 P I I ~I-I (j I'll ~ (JIJI.J r:;'IlI; r:DI'llnl: or: I.lm IIP:I/,\ ~Jr: fitH;' 01\ &., -" \ , I·?Y I 1'.11., \oIYolIIllH) i"IlIcl l'I}LII¡!II',l Lh(HH:'~ 1"~i1l: 7.91 r.~al.:, I:hQlltm Ilurl, I : ['!ul., LlHll\(!(~ J~"fjL 7.~ I J:(~f~l; I them:1J ~o~lllJ 2V I, (ëet tu Lbe b,oJ III ' 'I ue Im':J11IIll"!J. ' ':rni:.:l: lIt]. 2: Unf· .I·I\I J,UIJ at: i\ 1)011.)1: 1'1 roùs 14 feet 1() 11~olle~ I 11t11'11! (ro/ll till'} l,:i¡'1 un"IICH' uP. AoeU.olI .23, '1'J'11', \lllYI'/, hLlI 1./'" , " , . '. ù ., 1/2 fae!: 1' ¡ollve 1"rf} I\ 1.11f) r 1II1C I lllllll 1, },fJ ~llollce " ¡~st: !J I ru S f 1-(" l: (j III·JI'I./I !.H1 I,C.Illff I], f:..~~ I 1111..;.1/99, UIPrllC(~ 1' Qol: 31 ,1-01..13 ~ . ~f: l:I~el\¡;e. I \I:hl~8, LI (~fIl;e Ilad.1I G.Cí Ee6~, ~"ßI\CO 1!:l1~l U ~OÙg, 1 ~~(.) '. 111,)1'1.11 /.9 rods 11 r:~e(; ,:G ll1c.!lìes{ I:hellc:e lEasl: -10 ;:Oc.l~1 ~~I~/~C~ , !ìI.HIII¡ I? rOll!'!, LlI("¡IJC.!e r:í\s\: GG 2/3 ro<Js, t,lu:!IIce i,Jouth lJ lOÙS J ( ;11) t lJ J. II l; II Q ~ to l: II e pu .I,ll l: 0 J: 1)(~ I'J j. III I J./\ c,I, ' . "J t: 1J Iliff ùescJ'lJ,(!ù tnH,:t F:Xl:I1 1I:,1 fly illH.I (·oB{! J;'v..lllfJ thel~ofr-olll ..: IB ":0 .0\'1.. ';I , 1.1. . o( ().~ J,ílllIl:: lIeVlill .lI1Y AI:, t\ lJOJ./11: 0/1 tits South boullùary IH3 1. l m~c";I:I,v,, ?:J, 'I'J'III, HIH1H, In.llp,n., Ny~mlill~ l:lInl; lR Cï{J r.od~( ;,~:~ or thl! UO\II,lIol'lf1\: Cnl:llet" of :.H11.L\ GøctlOI1 2.1, ê;\lId C\IfIlIJI~¿~ ~,,~ . lip!!!: l.D rod:>, /liOn] 01: JC~'I!II l,11()\lfJ $Ðiù lJollflùêlry, lll~~ l. (,' III I !3<'lIll. ¡\oJ~~.l: COI.')ICH;' of: Ul!~ SJ~I/'IIìI~II'1 o~ Secl:lol1 2J: tllellc.e .,Ql !i~ì Iqd:l, IIIO/:r: 01' .lOf"lfi, iLIc,) ,~ lho h'eBt I.J¿llllldory .1..11113 ~)r: lIlp. IIJI:I/I III':J/I or [jc<:l:I,() .~ :U,i of: øidd ' 'o\oJII:'òldrj n d ¡r,\II~Ir:, I:l) Lila IlIlnr :l~(~l. I (,JI) (If ;;.n.lll 11~r.¡t: 1.J(.JIIIHlé')~y tJ.lle ~1\;'1I tlro t.:P.II\.;eJ:.l.l)l~ uJ: i\1\ ~><I!lllll~, .I.·~mù, 1.I11)I'l';(1 )!:Ç\51; 2U (Oùs, IIIOC8 or. less [;0 EI po.l.IIL (if) H.'lIn ¡'Ip.nl: of lIle I;(lsl~ )l)lItHJOL'Y lIne or f:lec..:U.QI\ ~G, llle (:ë 1I1)I,LII S!j lC)d!1f IIIUL'Ð Ol" less, to tile tJOJ.IIl: of J.>eyl 1l1,lllY. fõ:J~(~C JI:J.lly I;/Jere ~1'OI1l 1.:110 fULl,oWllI\) c.1esor.ibed lc~cl: o[ .land: /I~~III\II J IIV fll; ;., PO,I.II t tyh.lch .1.0 af¡Jµr.oK1.lnfll:oly t J if rc¡(1.c¡ I r:p,ftl: "/nnt rH/ll ./) l'l,lIls !ì fe~~ foIol:lII ul; the 1!J~6t olle-q\llld:er. or; H0.cl;loll :q, ')'.HII, H119H, (ith H./.I., Nj'D/II.I.II lJ ëtlld Ll1flJllIHJ lIJellt!~ BOl.ltl1 ''I ,'/I I'I,IX 1,1 1('I1;r::1 y ÛG {;8r::t : ~,o Llle l/oru'1 bouml<Iry of; .Litl'ù Ol'/llcd b)' ,1¡11I:uJIICUIIlIly l.khClol,".I,ß~J'lr~L Ho. 2¡ tile lice l'/e~l.:, nJ.úl\~1 Set.,d "t.11'Lh bdJllllllê1q'l l.\1'1J1'-(')X.!.l11ill:l~Jy U 1.'OÒS I foot lo·t"e Ilor:l:fIWI3:Jt: ~~qI,' IÇ!r r.,\r; ,~<1,I..f-l ,f)\JI'cJoJ. lJ.lr.trlc.:t 110. :t! ~Irove.r.ly/' l:llellca IluL'lh í1lll.lIr_Jx.l.l1li.ll.a.l.Y,GÛ I;£?Gl:¡ lltellc.:e I.!:ast aLJ(J1;'O.x.lI11õl:e.l.,y 0 t-r..;IÙ5 1 LooL La lire poInt of: beyJ.IIIIIIIY, . I .~ ".. ". I' , ^.l.l'to Q:H;r.apl.lIHJ 1;"At:~;:b:QIII 1:11(3 f:ollc1wJl19, pi1.rc;o.ls 0.[; .1...\1111 ~;()IJVQY~'d I.I~ 1:1,0 ',1'UWII Ur. 'l·IIr.t,Yl1ffi",¡, \~.\'l~ul\lJ\U ,Hun.!.u.t!;JÎI.l. CC1I:POr:(ll:.~ù" I:et:ordp-¡] "'"'r...:1I IJ, J!I~!3, /JoOIC.,)(J5 Þ.fL, 1'.H,¡8 5JI find 11~JoJc :Hi,!) ....1\., J,'O\lG r¡CH I\IIÙ 1.1,;\\; 1,1(1 ,'un, I, FU!IVCilYI!'1I1 1.1;) l,incò.J.l L:Ollfll'y (;r~lJoçd IU"l:r;'.l.t:l: Ilq " ~, (I \'/ Y<JI,..r I~J IIII.ll: 1.!.1d fk:hu(;J I. IJJ, J¡I b: .Le.; c, ~eco r.¡JC~IJ l"elJ .' 11(11: y S, I!JUG, )uul~ 3U{J l',lt., 1.'i.IYß '-'2'7. " , ·" .... ," . ............,., ¡I '/ OCT. 13.2003 4:27PM UHCOLN CO CLERK l ' , ' I. "-'Ö~-~}52~~ I ...,._-~-_., " I.' t I' ! , ,I , i , ,1 t"~-~ ,"".......,... ttt , ~."':;""-":'..,., ~ ,....... ....,....Utl """" It""~' 1':', """"'""",""",,""1 ..............".., .....w.,......,.·"II ..... '.',. :':',':. ":':',1;.: OCT-13-2ØØ3 MON ØQ=26PM 10: ,:\]:¡@;;i: 583 DESCRlrTION ronln"" w. STOKER OF SCI1001. OISTRfcT TIlACT Towll:- ThaI part of Ihe NE1J4 of 5eclion 23 T34t'¡ R119vv, lIncoln County, Wyoming, bolng XIr! of Ih:\t Iract ,or tecorò in the Office of tl,o c:lr.rk or U"cðlll Counly In nook J 15 01 rhotCl5tatic Rcconh pn pallt! '06. Including pari or HOJ1p. Strael ilI1Ij SunrIse Avonue or Iho VanNoy Pl'rlc Addiliol1 10 Ihe ToWl') of Thayne of record In $~ Ù Ollie!! ilS Pial ~o, lOS, described as (ollows: " ' , ' BEGINNINC AT A :P.O'NT, NI9'·25'·~6"W, 682,74 reel rrom Ihe southeast corner or said NEII'-, round d described In Ihal Corner Record flied in said Ornce; . , Ihence N096·1 s,....J· 'WL 466.00 feel 16 Ihe n/)rlhellst cornor of Ihat Iract or record 111 said Office In Dook 370 or rhotoSlsUc Records on pall8 679, marked by a 1/2" iron pipe wllh I'lasllc cap 1nscrlbe "PElS 698"; ,,' thence c:onlimtinlt M89°.1S'-49"\AJ, 1'94.41 (cot al';f1ltl1e north IIlIe of said traclln ßoo~ 37010 the northw8!/1 tomp.t Iheroof I1UIrI<ed by II 1/2 iron 1'1/'8 wllh plasflc "nf1lr15<Tlhnd ~U~~, ' I"en~ S~0"''''-30'1N, 25.73 reel along Ihe wesl line or said lr.\eI In Book 370 10 Iho polnl of lersedioh of said wesl Une wilh Ihe easterly prolmcllon o( the lOullt line of Block J 0 laid V\1nWoy Park Addllion; , ' Ihe"Ct~ N gO-16'-1~"1N, ],12 feel along said easlerly protroctlon 10 lite soulhea,l pOi"t o( said Bloc 3 under II north/soulh fence; lf1ence N "-II'-J6"E. S 14.00 feet alOf1g Ihe Mslline o( sal,f Block 3, rollowlng a fence, n}Ore or' SS, to lhe northeast point of s;¡iCl olock ~I ;¡ fence comer; Illenee 9°-o0'..op'''N, 384,91 (eel 310nllll1e norll, line of said BloCk 3, 'allow/nil II rence, '" e or less, to th~ southeast polnl pr Ihal lracl of record in said Office In Oook 170 of PI 0105tØUc Records on page "4 al a fence corner;, " " Ihance N 2".24'-16"E, 66,02 felil along the el5ll1ne of SAid Intel in Boale 170. following a lence, r ore or less, to Ih ! northeDst point o( said trael on Ihe norlh lin~ or '-lope 5creel of J;tid A dlllon;, Iheoce S g°-OS'.()S"E, 382,29 feet alOOI saId north 'I ~e of t-tol)e Slree! 10 a PoInt und.r said !,ort south renCl!; , Ihance OO°-QS'-J2"E, 113.74 (eet. following said (ence. more or less, 10 I polnl ilt a rtlnce co er, , " thenco 5 9°.15'-49"1:.1260.17 feel.long a line patRllel wilh Ihe norlh line of said Irilet in Book 70 10 a polnl: , thence 5 O·-29'-oS"vv, 667.96 feel .IoI1B a line parallel wllh Ihe east line of .ald NE 1"1 10 lhe PINT OF BEGINNING; , ENCOMfASSINO an arllUI of 20.00 acres, more or I~;s: TOen-HER WITH a right-of-way easement, Iwenty..fM! (25) reel wldo¡ Idenlic,,' wilh Ihal test!rvéd;e semenl o( rel;Ord ilt said OffIce In aook 17001 PhotostallC R~rdl on pal:e 114 and¡desCJibec! Inereln n$: "over, IIcross and al,ong tht e)(IIIIn8 roadway Ihraush (said ItilcUn q~k 170], 12.S feel uch sIde of Ihe cenlorlineo( SllId roadway. for Ingress and egress "J frorn the city slreet to (:01'1111100115 proporly on the ea51 ... (which InclUdes Ihe aboV1ll d1scribed Iracll:, " eoeh poj?1 'T arked by a 5(0" x 24" !Ieel reinforcing rod wilh aluminum cap InJCr ()ed ·SURVETOR SCHER BEL LTP Ble; PINEY WY PU 5368- and appropriate details; , Ihe ß8selBearlng being Ihe loulh linlt of said NE1/4 equal 10 N89".IO'-12"W: all In ~¡ cordanœ wllh Ihal pial IlIled "PlAT OF SURVEY FOil JIM W. STOIŒR OF TRACTS FOR LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 2 TOWN OF THAYNE WlTHI VANNOY PARK ^DDITION TO THE TOVIIN OF rnAVNE AND THE NEll" SECTI 23 n~H ~~".,W lI~OlN COUHTY, WYOMING." , b~A/I-L 1 eb~T9i6 ø;sloktr "ModlnCIIU,," II> .~v way DI the r..f'I!solns d,setl ¡llon 1.""'"lIn 1J....,Ìly oIlhe surveyor" " ,1'10.934 P.5 ¡fy II/~ IT ß'ì! I , ' PA(;;F: ~ [:3Ðt:Jd , ._.,..J, O~952~~Z1 ~Jf:-::t.=~ RIIJwM.t...... ,t- ......A.tcJr...... Sr.,,,,",,.. Nt... . ~." Id..w . .....,......tJ.,t)U ......"'woï. JOhN..)TD. ...........w~...UrU ~: ~:~. .:~;~": ~:::...~~::::-:)~:r ~:(:.:::...::;::...: ..:H........, , "'... .......... Nob,.. I I ¡ j '. .............., :01 Wd92:þØ NOW [0Ø2-[T-l)O 584 t' 'W qRBCRIl'T:tOlf FaOH KIJUt D. Lu;rHI AND G.tl/JILL L. t01'HI J'¡OR CIlA.R.LBS I{·I DAJO. ItIV0000LE LIVDlG 'faUST, DA'l'BD B ;&U(iUBT ~"O,. OXARLBS ~. ~ AND BLAINE K. þ~, Taø.TaB. ~AHA TRACT ~ R~vxaED TO-Iii 1:< -- " ~hat part ot~'e "1% of Section ~3, 734H,Rtl'W, partly with!" ~h8 Incarpor~ cd Li_l~. of the To~n of Thayno, Lincoln qounty, Wyom' , bølnq part of that tract of record in the O,tfice ot th C1erk of Lincoln County in Book 409 of ~hotoutatic RA o~d_ on pago 739, dcscribed as follows I ' 'ECIWING en tþ" north Une of that. tnct of record in .1) I.d ,Office in B~ok 380 ot Pho~oatat1c Rtcorde on paq. 2a7, )1189'-15' -.'''If~' 870.15 feet. froll the north,uult: po!nt. of lI~ld 'tr,ot, and H 9>·]1'-31-W, 1715.17 t..t froø the southeast corner of SAl n~; , 'I , thence N89°.1SI-49kW. 'PI.Oa feat, alonq Ðald north 11ne, to a no~thve.t poi~t of said tract in,80ok 380; ib'''oa SOO..0,5~-J2"W. 113.)4 faat:, along ii' vest 11110 ot! oaid Ttract ln Boò 380, to II point on the north lin,¡ of Wr.1ght (Hope) Strèe! " ~h8~c. Nuo.0:1.081.W, 312.29 fan,. 11101'19 lIiII.1d north l1~e. tD iI point at II f~C8 corner; ~hanc:. N'OQ'.01'-S2"1i:. 491.79 root.' along 111'1 existin" fen~e ¡lino, to a po nt on t~. .o~th line of thaI; tract of reoord 1n 'said O~tlca i b06k 306 of Photost.atic Recorda On page 452; _ , , thenoe S88·-4~I-Z2~B. 26.36 teat to the ioutheast pipe' of aaid Itract, calOmel" to a eout.hw.et: point of that traot in eaid Oftice in 8oo~ ~'1 of Photostatio k.cord~ on page 358; thonco .1'·-53 -08"£, 613.2. teAt, D)ong the seuth l1ne ot .aid 't.rect., 1:0 an .ngle point; , thence N.3··39/-27"B, 95.46 teet, along,said south lin~, to an !angle point; ~h.nce SOO<-41!-4,hW, 181.S~ teet, along an east' line ot ~aid '~r.c:t, t.o th&jQoutherlY .e8~ $outhw..t point ot said tract; t.henee eontinu~n~ 900'-41'-49"W, 203.21 'teet. .1on9 . sout.herly extension of ,a~d eAat lin8. to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ÈNCOMPASSIN~ a~ ar.a of 7~76 acre., Rere Or 1.',; the BASS B¡:ARIΡC for t:.hh Burv.y 111 th,¡ south linE¡ ot the NE\ Of 8çction 2J,'T)4N. ~ll9W, being "690-10'-12"W: _l1eh "point" ..~rkod by a 5/8" X :ï4" .t..el reinforo.J.n9 rod with à 2" allllUlnWl\ Càp inscribed. ·SURVEYOR SCIt£~8¡¡L LTD I\f'TOlI WY PI,SSJ68" or liS nllEYOR SCHERDEL .L'1'D BIG PI"EX WY PL953U", ...1 tit ,nppropriats do fllb: , .Dch "cornor" tound ill: dellcribed in tJllI 'Corner Recor.d tiJ.ed 1n the Ottice of the Clerk of Llncoln County I , e&lch "pipe" 1Ia¡rked by a 1" lroll pipQ wlth II yell"" P]Astlc cal' I.nGcribod -P~/LS 698"; I: lli¡~¡[¡]¡;¡¡lr' "" J .. .J~.a... . '" I. £ fH/ßI7 t:!-- ~;::'L;-;:-':j ¡;':3Ðt:ld "ut)~}525Z " :.....1>:;:.: ...........,...t....'--- ''''''','rhtfW ......... M.. ,.. ::'::::'..., I ........"........ ....._ ... 1111 ..........-.."', ..."''''''''.......,.''1. --..... . ..-.W...-...",Itt ~....J......."'" Va'-IUII .....,...... . ". ~ ..... . :OI Wd92:l10 N() " £002-D-IJO 585 ~ .. . . I. I æ8CRIPTION ~AØ~ . ' R~ Þ. LUTH% I~ C~ELL L. LUT!% J' It CKJUtLJlø If., A IUn'OCADLJ!J LJ:V'ING D TBD I AVOV'~ , 0 ' ~ TRAC'l' ' ~\AG£ no I I TRUST, .'. I , I' , I I" fUed in the , : I I' I' " , ,I I I', , , ' , I I '. ~¡ji~L· .........- . ....1. hModllk.rJon Ih 'hyw.y or thf' to ~r:"'1..-.'.!:',,::___·~.!."-::-.:.~~I:·!~:.:..or .he! ~':".'~:"::-~' ....--- .--..-....