HomeMy WebLinkAbout917612 RELEASE OF REAL EST ATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) PARTIAL RELEAsE COO~158 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That a corporation, of the County of Lincoln certify that a certain mortgage, bearing date the made and executed by as mortgagor.!L. to Fir ~s mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ tj,,,em 'ta ted, whi'h n""tgag, we, "',o,ded io th, offie, of th, County CI"k ond Ex.officio R'gi, "of D,,.¡, of r.i'Coln County, St,t, of Wyoming, on th, 15 day of 19.9L, ih Book An? of Mo,tga,,,, at page 209 , and m"tgaging th, following d",ribed "'I e t.t, in ,aid County, to.wit. ! I , and State of day of . does hereby .A.D. 1~. '1\1' ~ c~ § U Q;>.. :E-a ~a I 11 :qã ~~ ~ '~ ;¡r,. ¡;j þ~ !~ Part of the SW 1/4SE1/4 of Section 16, T32N Rl19W, with the boundaries described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of thè SW 1/4SE1/4 of said Secti north, along the east boundary of the SWI/4 SE1/4, a distan e thence West, a distance of 440 feet; thence South, a distance of 440 feet to the south baoundary thence East, along said south boundary, a distance of 440 fe beginning. Enclosing an area of 4.44 acres, more or less. 16; and running t of 440 feet; f said SWI/4SEI/4; t to the corner of 7 -) ,-,' v RECEIVED 4/19/2006 at 3:31 PM RECEIVING # 917612 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 358 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER, WY -·f $ ~----'--'---'---_._----------------~ -. - -,' --.., --..,--- I h f t' ed debt fully Paid satisfied released and disc arged and in consideration ' . h t ured thereby and tea oremen Ion . . . " b d d t IS, WIt a no e. see d . h b re1ease andquitdaim unto the said mortgagor the premIses t ere y conveye an mar. thereof the sald mortgagee oes ere y ga.ged, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Branch President has cau,¡¡;e'd,:tt{èß.é."",',P,~,esents to be signed by its, ,\. . fU{~';r· " anrl':1t~ cor:p@ra',t, e~(AJ~" (to b, e affixed. this ~ ~ I' ,~:-V~.,. , f ~~J~"9~ 'a~~"~~red In the presence 0 -~ Mf ' .',,'~ ,'~:;:z-§' , ~ ø~ r,:. jct;,'~ ~;. ~\test~:"'~J~-: \/ ~4:"~~'" .... . - , .' ~" ::;:,..,. ,'."" \\\\ . " ~ cashier """'0'" Ú" '0 " . 0 " " '....,.,. , 'b1 d' Pace therefor insert the foHowing: "All lands descr bed m sald mortgage, Note: If it is not de:;¡lred to descn e an SinS , Á, ,A,D, 02.0Q ,6 day of By Its :THE STATE OF WYOMING, :County of Lincoln 12 6.2 day of ¡ On this I Penn JOnes '. i . d d th t h . the Branch Presiden i 11 known who being by me du1y sworn, i say a e IS Ita me persona y " . ' First National Bank West . ' - d 'ct· trument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was sIgned and and that the sealllfflxe to Sill ms h' If f 'd co oration by authority of its Board of Directors and said cas ler sealed 0 a 0 sal , . acknow d~"Sâi8L1alSt ~bt¡l¡y 2J11~ 1 ree act and deed of saId corporatIOn. n'Ot%¡<{âl al this /ð day of Giv n uR~»~~y h Wyoming ~ .5[OO(ø , ~. be ore me personally appeared My Commission Expires October 28, 2Q06 . cUJo (p My commission expires on t e ~8' day of Notary Public, ~4:J THE STATE OF WYOMING, County of This instrument was med for record at A. D, 19_, and duly recorded in Book } ss. o'dock_M.. on the on Page day of County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds ¡No. t By Fees, $ ~milillim!J~q~J ~ }i:;~:t'.:,:~t¡,I~~~*:::¡ , ", ~.a;.:.o...o...l;".. :~.~~ Clerk , as of