HomeMy WebLinkAbout917624 i: ;~~~i~~Î~~~t..~:"¿::':'::'~':'~I"~"'~'~:'-illi~:.:!iW~~~':~"';';:';~ ~:,f~,' ::~¡:¡.':í1~!r,:;~{;~:I'7;¢Jlj].:;":;:fl¡'.;·· ': '.: . ':: :h::.'¡~,:;·i·',~i\¡'·; ¡~¡5~~i~j~I!.~¡:·. ,..;,' .:t'_:,., . ", '-:':,~r.~..zr..~t'i1~rl'~~i;i;':Ja.I!4!~i~~o'!~i/f!~:¿'l~:~~:J::~~~' "':';:".::'::~~¡~.~!1'.~~~r~¡m;t~¡~J:;~:j¡¡.:': ..:.[;.~:~,: '''~.'' ¡~ :i~i;i~;;.~:1;' C00394 RECEIVED 4/20/2006 at 10:50 AM RECEIVING # 917624 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 394 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY [Above Space is For County Recorder] IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY RECORDER LINCOLN COUNTY COURTHOUSE KEMMERER, WY 83101 CONTEST OF LIEN NOTICE BY AFFIDAVIT OF CONTEST OF LIEN (IRS "NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN") Prepared by: *Maurice Wayne Jones and Dorenda Leigh (price) Jones Injured PartieslPlaintiffs/ Affiants 89796 Hwy 89 Grover, Wyoming < vs. Two (2) Records, Attachment "A" filed into the Secretary of State office, State Capitol Bldg, Cheyenne Official Records Dept. and Attachment "B" filed into the Lincoln County Clerk Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming" as; 1. Attachment "A", Notice of Federal Tax Lien, Form 668(Y)(c), IRS Serial Number #282025306, prepared and signed at Denver, CO on the 30th day of March, 2006 by R.A Mitchell "for CINDY JAMESON", revenue officer 26-10-4667 and; 2. Attachment "B", Notice of Federal Tax Lien, Form 668(Y)(c), IRS Serial Number #282025206, prepared and signed at Denver, CO on the 30th day of March, 2006 by R.A Mitchell "for CINDY JAMESON", revenue officer 26-10-4667 along with accompanying letter dated 4/11/2006 Attachment "A-I" Subject Page 1 of6 ':~¡¡:~¡::~::~j¡::~:: ~!,¿>..~~f '.'.'......;.:..::1]'.... ' ..! ,.....~. H.~ ~~:::;~:!m~::~::::~ :'~'~1:,,¡·::.L--:¡;!j:'~ - -' .I·~.-:·_.~, ;~;·.~4~i;,!1~4~~·:j;¡:;~~,~l:':(';:.MN.'1¡ ·r··:,~~~~;:'3..~":"'·-:"':~r¡:.;"~'i~~-!':-::j>..:..:- ·-t.:~S~~.\~~, -, .'."', .-:,;. "¡';' " ~·~~~·,.~~~.S~'~.~~I~.:~: ,~" ::-' -,':'~,;'~; ?~':':¡l~~.¡:-·:<fß~.I~~~;~ð~;-~ì!S.;~~~5l;úi~;~:·.' ' ':' ;~~·;;-;J!~~1~~i':t~~~;~t<.!:-i:~~,"~;:·':';':·-;'·:;' ;'; ;.!~;.:~!i':':~¡: 09176Z4 000°95 .... u '" And; Cindy Jameson and/or CINDY JAMESON, foreign* agent (*foreign to Wyoming) for "**United States" Bureau of Internal Revenue (H **United States" as herein indicated, and set forth herein, is that corporate United States and its included "States" defined at Title 26 use Section 7701 (a)(9) &(1 0). Said definition does not include the sovereign entities known as Lincoln county Wyoming or Wyoming state, and do, as a matter of law, "exclude" these geographical areas from the Title 26 definition of" United States ".) and Mark W. Everson, Commissioner, "**United States" Internal Revenue Service, and; Dale Hart, Commissioner, Small Business/Self Employed Division, "**United States" Internal Revenue Service, and; R. A. Mitchell, "**United States" Internal Revenue Service, Claimants, Lienors, Respondents, Defendants. NOTICE BY AFFIDAVIT OF CONTEST OF LIEN (IRS "NOTICE(S) OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN") AND NOTICE OF POSSIBLE CRIMINAL LIABILITY Maurice Wayne Jones and Dorenda Leigh (Price) Jones, the Contestants herein and the Affiants, hereby declare that we are adults and qualified to testify on firsthand knowledge of the facts herein and state that such facts are true and correct under the penalty of perjury under the Laws of Wyoming and of the "United States of America" and give constructive notice to the following: 1. Cindy Jameson, aka CINDY JAMESON, alleged agent, "**United States" Bureau ofInternal Revenue, 600 1 ih Street, Denver, Colorado [80202-5402] 2. Mark W. Everson, Commissioner, "**United States" Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. [20224] 3. Dale Hart, Commissioner, Small Business/Self Employed Division, "**United States" Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. [20224] 4. R. A. Mitchell "**United States" Internal Revenue Service, PO Box 145585 Stop 8420G, Cincinnati, OH 45250-5585. You and each of you are hereby notified that the validity and authority of the documents described herein and filed in the Official Records Department of Lincoln County Lincoln, and purporting to be "Notice(s) of Federal Tax Lien" are hereby CHALLENGED and CONTESTED based upon the facts and evidence set forth Page 2 of6 !.. . . ;.,: I; ¡¡;¡"'!r'!i.:.~I:ó.;.:¡~ ¡;;; 1;!:liE:, ~ ,¡ m..., ~ ~~_.: ::'i,~.i..:EJ.:'i.'.':;:. :.:..,- :. . ' " ;'Y';"'J;-,,: : '.\::~~,¡'~'\'~~;";"'."" . ..,~¡::-;.:;- ·::,::;~O;·:-;fI!:,/l:t:':':i:.;."; . -,;.-: ·,:"f¡;¡·:m·;um¡;··:¡¡~;'*£~~:¡'.:!r;~·¡l~:;':;~I:··· '",,' :'¡i~' ~ .'J..~¡·b!I!i!;~:;!::,:,:,:· . : ::; ~ '; . .:~,' . i~;~'.·. to:; !i!i!.: ~ :.,::,:,: -~ hereinafter. We suggest that ea~h of you read it very carefully as you may be held criminally COO 3 9 6 hable for any part you have in continuing this fraud and extortion. You and each of you are further notified that should you fail to establish by valid evidence, and sworn or affirmed testimony refuting and rebutting the facts and evidence set forth hereinafter, in the official county records department ofLinc~ln County, Wyoming, or file an action in the County Court of Lincoln connty Wyoming to nrove vour claims within 30 days of the service of this "Contest of Lien" and "Contest of Notice of Federal Tax Lien" upon you, your claims will be defaulted and canceled and made void for all intents and purposes except for using as evidence against you in a criminal trial. 091.7624 In addition to other violations, filing the above alleged "liens" are a violation of the following: (1) they have NO ASSESSMENT evidence in violation of26 CFR 301.6203-1, and (2) have NO ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT posted thereon in violation of the United States Attorney Manual 3-10.200, Title 28USC 3101 through 3205, and (3) have NO JURAT, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, or PERJURY OATH posted thereon, as required by the United States Attorney Manual 3-10.200, and (4) the "notice" only cites the Revenue Ruling 71 A66 as its alleged authority to not contain the required JURAT, which is only an opinion stating that it "appears" that it is not required to contain an Oath, yet the United States Attorney's Manual 3-10.200 requires NOFTI.'s to comply with ALL laws, state, local, and federal, and (5) the "notice" violates public document "CONSTRUCTlVE NOnCE OF DEMAND and DIRECT CHALLENGE TO AUTHORITY" filed in Lincoln County records 1f27f206 at 3:30 PM Receiving #915517 Book 610 Pages 553 to 562 which is Constructive Notice to both Principal and Agent and which says, in part; "This CONSTRUCTIVE NOnCE OF DEMAND shall apply to any and all past, present, or future actiOD5 concenring Demandant, criminal or civil, by ANY and ALL alleged Internal Revenue Service agents or employees, and ANY and ALL alleged Department of Justice agents or employees in dealings with Maurice Wayoe Jones." The document further says, "Failure ofthe IRS andlor DOJ to roduce re uired roof of authori and 'urisdiction documents as demandedlre uested herem IS In vlOlaMn of the Law and said violation forever bars such IRS andlor DOJ a ents and officers from an and all further actions aI1,ainsl Demandant," And also, "Failure to complv with this Constructiv'L Notice of Demand to veri authentici ofIRS and DOJ authori over Demandant will he an admission that such arties are wiUfull with evil intent en a in in criminal activi against Maurice Wavnc Jones." [emphasis in original] The document was fiied as verified ~b a recorded certified copy of said document was served on the Internal Revenue Servlce a ove, . d d . d . d and a ents naroed herein forthwith, and the IRS failed to respond an pro uce eV' ence re'lurre ! . d ded Within the required 30 days, thereb.y C.reating the legal presumptlOn that or otllerw¡se eman . . .' 1 the facts contained therein are inconlIoverl1ble and stand as Judgment 10 aw. . . RRENTL Y IN THE -PUBLIC RECORD, TO WIT; FACTS AND EVIDENCE CU ". 'United States" citizens, the f1\ing of those do.cuments a) Although the Affiants are. not blishin that the Affiants are liable for an mcome \aX W1ïhou.t the foundational eVldence esta gd . hi under the Articles of-Amendment IV, V, , d 55 and reserve ng s . t) bn'dges the Affiants ue proce d S f ^ .......en·ca" (unlon states com pac , a . . £ th "Unitert Stat~ . 97 I 036 'ill and IX of the ConstltutlOn or . e ~ oming Constitution cod,fied as -' own as the Bill of Rights, an t e Y commonly kn d to the people" , and that; "Rights not enumerated reserve . Page 30[6 :l:t:;þ:::::i::::~;~~ U.' 'f~t-: :~:;: ..". ~;~m~¡~~~~;;;~l~¡~ l:" ~¡:;:);¡;I:~:r;r;;;';' -.'¡i; ';','; I;;,' ;: ',""'r' ;....~':: ;t~: '¡[!.~;"il:, '~:.:, I: : ." :,-,-~~":'.:-',' " .-:':.:.:,-' '·;:\~f~I:~':t;.:;~,:.:. . ·,~.Mf:U";;!ò/i,t':'·1;!1::. i!JZ::~':'_·" ..' :'~-:,~,;:.;. ¡;.:';I;!.'i')i·;!¡¡i..'l:I~: :;.·~.'..\7."¡: :¡:,·.:~4:.:.;;,;.;..,.., 0917624 C00397 b) ample opportunity has been extended to the Lienors, Claimants, Respondents, Defendants and others to challenge the Affiants status and character as Wyoming state and American Citizens/Sovereigns/Freemen. [Wyoming Constitution: Article 1, Section 7...Absolute arbitrary power over the lives, liberty, and property of freemen exists nowhere in a republic, not even in the largest majority.] The Affiants status as such have never been challenged or refuted by the Lienors, Claimants, Respondents, Defendants, and status was officially and lawfully perfected by "Quiet Title" published in the Star Valley Independent Newspaper at Afton, Wyoming, on the 13th day of November, 2003 and on the 20th day of November, 2003, and on the 27th day of November, 2003, which certified "Quiet Title" document was served on the IRS, and which is unrefuted and unchallenged in the Wyoming State Republic or elsewhere by anyone, including the above Lienors, Claimants, Respondents, Defendants, and any others who might have claims against Affiants or Affiants' life, liberty, property, or entities that Affiants may have established for same, and; c) that even if Title 26 USC was a valid law, which it is not, (not positive law), there is no liability clause in Title 26 USC that would subject any American Freeman, Sovereign, or state Citizen, including the Affiants, to an income tax. Therefore the Affiants are not now liable, nor have they ever knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally made themselves liable, nor have they ever been detennined to be liable, by any authority to which they are subject, including a state or federal court with lawful jurisdiction over them for an income tax under Title 26, USC, commonly known as the Internal Revenue Code, THEREFORE: Pursuant to Affiants due process and reserved rights under the Articles of Amendment IV, V, VII and IX of the Constitution for the "United States of America", Commonly known as the Bill of Rights, and the Wyoming Constitution codified as 97-1-036 "Rights not enumerated reserved to the people" the Affiants set forth the following; a) that claims (valid or fraudulent) set forth in the "Notice(s) of Federal Tax Lien" currently exist against the Affiants which appear to be based upon contentions, assumptions, presumptions, silent judicial notice, or a "Kind ofTax--1040", unsupported by valid and lawful evidence brought forth in the record. Said contentions, assumptions, presumptions, silent judicial notice or 1040 type of claims are hereby rejected and challenged as being fraudulent on their face, and; b) that the claim(s) or Notice(s) of Lien 668(y) and/or 668(y)(c) were prepared and/or executed and/or supported and/or enforced by the parties set forth above, and covered up by them or their agents or delegates. . " . " c) that said claims and alleged liens were purportm~ to be b~sed ~p~n. a KI~d of Tax-l 040 or other false and fraudulent assumptions or presumptIOns or sIlent JUdICIal notlce, not. .' authorized or supported by any evidence or valid foundation in law or any lawful jUdICIal determination. 30 DAY NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND CRIMINAL LIABILITY TO BE ENT~RE~: Should the Lienors/claimants and the other supporting "acto~s" ~amed or named ~~rem, fa~l to act to prove or perfect their claims ~d. the authoriti ~r ~~l~g S~l: ~:;~~~:C~~t~s~l;:tL::" aIle ed liens against the Affiants, wIthm 30 days 0 t e .. al CrvIC upo~ them, the Affiant will file a default against the "Notices" set forth above, and; Page 4 of6 ¡. . .n;! ,ljI¡I¡4¡a;¡;I'li';';' :""i'.;" I,.,'" Ii ~j!¡I·¡~M~I)f:i'.r:R'*!~:~·~~i!1::::~·,: .: .:-:~. ,',: -. '::',.:.:.::: ,; ·':"'-!·~;;'';:JJi;f.~ L:". "c"'; ': ~':';':';';';<'¡ijli ;'í~l~ . . . ~'i:i'\~YIr,¡;¡.¢',·:,,~:i~,¿;t~:~'"i"·:¡'(..·.¡\ -. .' "':'.'.':'i'!'~.'i.~¡".'.,;¡~,'.~'-'~'..;_. :';':;::.". "~"';'\',J-;'_~ô!".~." 09176Z4 ('\ r\ 0 .~, 9· 8 \,.: U I;) that in addition to the above, the failure of the IRS and its agents to act to lawfully prove or perfect your claims may necessitate the filing of criminal charges against you for your fraudulent and unlaWful acts, and/or complicity and accessory to the filing of fraudulent documents and claims and the taking or encumbering of property by false pretenses as ·set forth in Wyoming state law statutes 6-3-404, 6-3-407. In addition, your failure to act may constitute violations of the Christian Common Law, God's Moral Law, the natural law, and other unlawful acts against the peace and dignity of the undersigned Sovereigns and Freemen, (the Affiants), and the people of Wyoming and Lincoln county. The Lienors, Claimants, Respondents, Defendants are again notified that the time within which you may file suit and produce the evidence to enforce and perfect the claims represented by your Notice of Lien, and for the other parties to justify their past, present, or future aid and assistance in the enforcement Or pursuance of the claims of the Lienors, Claimants, Respondents, Defendants, is limited to 30 days from the date of service of this lawfullv recorded Constructive Notice upon you by Certified Mail through the United States Postal Service. DISCLAIMER Affiants reserve all rights under all forms of law, without prejudice. Affiants hereby refute, disclaim, and refuse any implied contract to which any mailing address, salutation, request, demand, quote of statute, or presentation contained in this document may subject Affiants. Affiants do not waive any Constitutional or Common Law rights. Affiants do not voluntarily or involuntarily acquiesce into any foreign jurisdiction. Affiants hereby make explicit reservation of all rights and remedies. Time is of essence, and the Affiants hereby make reservation of all rights and remedies under all forms oflaw. Use of Notary below is for purposes of signature identification only and Affiants accept no foreign or domestic jurisdiction by the use thereof. Affiants hereby declare and affirm, as God is our witness, that the foregoing is true and correct, having first hand knowledge of the facts in this case on this /1 day of lføyil ' 200~. .~ Jl1~ ~M~ Maurice Wayne Jones, A~ent . .. ~£l~ ß;~~)r' F . orenda P~ice Jones, Ag t . . ' Date L,'-/f-Ò6 Date ~-If--tf ? Maurice Wayne Jones and DorendaPrice Jones, Agents for MAURICE W JONES and/or DORENDA P JONES, c/o PO Box 117, Grover, Wyoming [83122] NOTARY ENDORSEMENT On this J.::ì day of ~, 200 ~ , Maurice Wayne Jones and Dorenda Leigh (Price) Jones personally appeared before me, and is/are ß<Jpersonally known to me, or ( ) proved by valid identìfication, to be the affiant(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the above Page 5 of6 m*ili?~!;¡~~~~; ¡:¡:;::::::::::::*¡!:;: !:;;:;:m::'::J:l;:::;!)ti ~;:o,~ ....,..':':' _-. .1' .' ..' · ..o!J5..a....1.\JZ;l4':.,('"N~ ~..:~iÆ:"...1.:~~}3.£!.!..."\'{!i;~(r,:;~"I,"'!.!Z~§)';.7...-l~~~1 . ;, '~",- ·~t¡:;'--:%~M:;.,Üi!r.llif,¡~1§2~¥nl~·.:- '~-r·_··',. '¥4";.i3:~~,...¡j'!;i.·f,¡'in4Wj~~ð."1"~y...::~,'.,·: ··':;;'.¡:;';':";:",M't:'1'~,«r:.i¡,i:I,!;,:·:::;'·M."'·'.'i>":~:·f-~t-;¡~:..?:=;":~';~;'.; r (\0 ,.. 9 9 .~ U I,:; instrument, and acknowledged to me that by hislher/their signature thereon he/she/they executed 0917624 the instrUment. dated ;/.pr/ i / í~ 2òZ>6 Signature My Commission expirestJ¡)¡)t.....b!!K7..']..:~otary Public seal I<ALONJ fWl.. NOTARY PUBlIC COONTYOF &\ STATE OF LJNCa..N . WYOMING IIY ca.u.tlSSlON EXPIRES NOV. 22. 2(D¡ Page 6 of6 I.. ·':¡:~N~¡!¡~;I;·j,¡;;· '.,' '.~.";;' '·::;';3iH:"1¡':j¡~:~'tl:"?:f.~I.'i:';.~:<' un .., '·'·~:;--'·~.~;:··tir:~"%.· ........¡ .: ~.:.:.:.:.:i: W:j;·;": -·;·;;i~:;~~r~~'$$··:>;.;Y~~,IW'!:::::.:~t-':-:; 1~*:~·>·,·.: ':7 ,:.,'! ·!: ;,';li!ik'!.¡'~;f!Jifì'~:.~.:.r,,~¡!y· :""·~':~¡;!i;i:r'::~!!z~;¡;i<;.~;~..~ .::. :- :'. 0917624 !J rr'^- vt\ ~ ~r "/fh ---~'.,. 1872 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue SeNice ¡ Form 668 {V)(c} (Rev. February 2004) -- Area: SMALL BUSINESS/SELF EMPLOVED AREA #6 (800) 913-6050 282025306 As provided by section 6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue Code, we are giving a notice that taxes (including interest and penalties) have been assessed against the following-named taxpayer. We have made a demand for payment of this liability, but it remains unpaid. Therefore, there is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to properly belonging to this taxpayer for the amount, of these taxes, and additional penalties, interest, and costs that may accrue. Name of Taxpayer MAURICE W JONES Notice of Federal Tax Lien rr\C4....0 ' .' . - ~. ',' v. v Serial Number For Optional Use bv Recordina Office · This Notice of Federal Tax Lien has been filed as a matter of public record. .IRS will continue to charge penalty and interest until you satisfy the amount you owe. ..~.. ::i~: 'Î1'· .:..!E · Contact the Area Office Collection Function for information on the amount you must pay before we 'can release this lien. 1E.42 PO BOX 117 GROVER, WV 83122 IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION: For each assessmenllisled below. unl",::;s notice 01 the lien is refiled by the date given in column (e). this notice shall. 'on thE: day lollowing slIch dale, operate as a cer1ìficate of release as defined in IRC 6325(a). · See the back of this page for an explanation of your Administrative Appeal rights, +___W.__.__·__··.__·.· _.____._ Residence T ax Period Date of Last Day for Unpaid Balance Kind of Tax Ending Identifying Number Assessment Refiling of Assessment (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) .-.." ..-----. -..._- ---. 1040 12/ 3112002 526-70-4578 10/2412005 11/23/2015 1256.19 I . ._. .._.L Pldce ûf Filing .. -,.------.-..-. SECRETARV OF STATE CLERK STATE CAPITOL BLDG CHEVENNE, WV 82001 Total 1256.19 -"'----------- . This notice was prepa(ed and signed at DENVER, CO . on this, the 30th_ day of March 2006 . -S¡9,j¡Jf f), 'Yk.;t?.)Æ for CINDV JAMESON ------.--- .-.-.---,-----. (NOTE: CenJilcale of oiiicer authorized by law 10 lake acknowledgment is not essenlialto the validity of Notice of Federal Tax Lien Rev. Ftul 7146ô 1971·2C8.409) Title REVENUE OFFICER (303) 446-1416 26-10-4667 Part 3 - Taxp~:r:::::::::!:f:::;;;~zopy i:~:J¡!:~:~:~:~:i::¡:;l~ .'.. ;':+I,:,:;:~;:;'C;fA T. NO 60025X FOr(.::f:!;¡;¡;:i:!i:~j)(C) (Rev. 02-04) :'F.'1.,* ~%~"el ~:::~:~i·:··::::::::::1 ':I~Ö!::t~b~l:i:.:':' ;" ,;.';~¡~i:i~~;:~:~:¡~;:I·;:¡:;:~':' ~~ .li;.~.~, ;..1'·;7·~': '=~t.~:g;~~=,:i':;: ~;:-" .J:;; }¡I.' ~ ',' ::..::, :C:(t:~,¿j""",-,,: ~ ".j' ?;'I·_·'et't~6~';;~~¡!j~:¡:.):t~.~.; ·, -;"_, '. ;;. !':·~;y.u~~¡:~jtJ~.~·t:l:¡~~E:l¡"!~~:i;j" 'l·.;::_,.;~:: ~ ., ·i';.· ,,:¡~.~.:.:.:.}¡!;i¡;;: ; 1,' : - ; " ~ ,'::' . -::.'~~.:¡,~.~. :.:.~ -:. : Ærr ~^-\~r l3)¡O.9176Z4 1872 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Notice of Federal Tax Lien ':;:'~~"':: t~~ Form 668 (Y){c) (Rev. February 2004) Area: SMALL BUSINESS/SELF EMPLOYED AREA #6 (800) 913-6050 282025206 As provided by section 6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue Code, we are giving a notice that taxes (including interest and penalties) have been assessed against the following-named taxpayer. We have made a demand for payment of this liability, but it remains unpaid. Therefore, there is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to property belonging to this taxpayer for the amount of these taxes, and additional penalties, interest, and costs that may accrue. Name of Taxpayer MAURICE W JONES Serial Number :)1642 Residence PO BOX 117 GROVER, WY 83122 IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION: For each assessment listed below, unle.ss notice of the lien is refiled by the date !;liven in column (e). this notice shall. on the day following such date, operate as a certificate of release as defined in IRC 6325(a). Kind of Tax (a) T ax Period Ending (b) Identifying Number (c) 526-70-4578 10/24/2005 11/23/2015 1256.19 r:OC401 For Optional Use bV Recordinq Office · This Notice of Federal Tax Lien has been filed as a matter of public record · IRS will continue to charge pena~y and interest until you satisfy the amount you owe. · Contact the Area Office Collection Function for information on the amount you must pay before we can release this lien. · See the back of this page for an explanation of your Administrative Appeal rights. Date of Assessment (d) Last Day for Refiling (e) Unpaid Balance of Assessment (f) Title REVENUE OFFICER for CI (303) 446-1416 (NOTE: Certificate of officer authorized by law to take acknowledgment is not essential to the validity of Notice of Federal Tax Lien Rev. Rut 71-466.1971 - 2 CB 409) 1040 12/31/2002 Place of Filing COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN KEMMERER, WY 83101 This notice was prepared and signed at DENVER, CO the 30th day of March 2006 Part 3 - Taxpayer's C<?py ... Total 1256.19 , on this, 26-10-4667 CAT. NO 60025X Form 668 (Y)(c) (Rev 02-04) ¢.Ifl/~·;:.,¡.;{:~;~o:;.:þ,:·",<~~'?';::~_7;'':',iJì~ìf2t1iJ:!l1J~~~M'ijt;;~~:~~~~~l';;,!=.;;,;o·',(.f~;.~Zß"~:..-'<.! ~.:.' .- '';:'~ ~. . .;....:':.. .,!. "~ï#ti('-:;'1~-,t,¡Œ"'A92~M;¡Jj,~;-::~)1~..,:,::t·'~.;:1ti'\::i:~J.:;¥,~-tt.~~:~mUtf,.itf¡,:j!ü'é 'i.-"~·;:-':~~I~:,:ï::;~;-Þt!:..;~!n~~...:;:·:~~\~..:;_,__.':r,::--;¡::~1'Fr¥~~:~;. 09176Z4 ¡JIT~fv\0"r Æ ~/ CERTIFIED MAIL r (ìf)4'" 2 i_"Ul: U ~~ IRS Dep>1rll11~ jt of. ¡he Tr~>1~lIrr ;';~/ . Inle.'n"J Rc\'t'lIue St'nic.. PO BOX 145585 STOP 84206 CINCINNATI, OH 45250-5585 7178 2665 9394 6004 9851 Letter Date: 04111/2006 TaxpaYér Identification Number: 526-70-4578 Contact Person: CINDY JAMESON Employee Identification Number: 84-20120 Contact Telephone Number: (303)446-1416 i:;·:-:;Z ,~y. ~ MAURICE W JONES PO BOX 117 GROVER, WY 83122 )01642 Notice of Federal Tax Lien Filing and Your Right to a Hearing Under IRC 6320 We filed a Notice of Federal Tax Lien on 04/04/2006 Type of Tax 1040 Tax Period Amount Owed 12/31/2002 1256.19 The lien attaches to all the property you currently own and to all property you may acquire in the future. It also may damage your credit rating and hinder your ability to obtain additional credit. You have a right to request a hearing with us to appeal this collection action and to discuss your payment method options, To explain the different collection appeal procedures available to you, we've enclosed Publication 1660, Collection Appeal Rights, If you want to request a hearing, please complete the enclosed form 12153, Request tor a Collection Due Process Hearing, and mail it to: Internal Revenue Service 600 17TH STREET DENVER, CO 80202 You must request your hearing by 05/11/2006. We'll issue a Certificate of Release of the Federal Tax Lien within 30 days after you pay the full amount owed, To get the current amount owed, contact the person whose name and telephone number appear at the top of this letter. ( over) ( 0 F- 2/ fffi:~t~::~!::~¡:i~~ tlli:W&;l~f::!.! mr11~~æ¡' ..;:.;-~¡~.: :;:.' '; -.,..' '.' . -.-;", "' .:".~[':..-; ,',"" . .- -';' ¡ ',I¡~~i·.·I·'·'·;'~I~.',·· . ,. "-'¡~~)".~:'~'.". ." '.,!:::", '.',~,¡,~~~ .' :.: ':--¡!, '.' :;·;::.:::',·I~ ;'~:&;·~·;i;"'···.i'. . 0917624 COC403 We'll also release the lien within 30days after we accept a bond guaranteeing payment of the amount owed or after we adjust your account based on the decision of your requested hearing. We enclosed Publication 1450, Insîructions on h6w to Request a Certificate of Release of Federal Tax Lien. If you have any questions, please contact the person whose name and telephone number appear at the top of this letter. SincereJ~ if f-J. \v~ Director, Campus Compliance Operations Enclosures: Publication 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer Publication 1450, Instructions on How to Request a Certificate of Release of Federal Tax Lien Publication 1660, Collection Appeal Rights Form 668-Y (C), Notice of Federal TaxLien Form 12153, Requestfor a Collection Due Process Hearing ¡¡fr.-A:', ~ If ~ I - ,.-.~ }-, ;{ ï t...... I. Letter 3172 (DO)/ev. (11-2004)