HomeMy WebLinkAbout917628 ·,. ,'"j.y. ',.:'..':. ':~7.¡'-'-~'>,.'. ';".~~~.~ll""';''''U;.·~-J~·~b''''':,';~;·i!~í~;'I~.;.!-'~';~::HZ~...~,,;:Y:":;:''!;c,,.~..- :-, ':é·,;:';':': '.: '~,:".:., ':,:'-kf,:,·¡:'''::'';:J.' . :~-.' r.· "··;:'~~I!~~.!t!,~tÓ~':4·.~' ';: !~i.~¡'::~!~2'\(".Ĺ’WlWoL't"~ii..;:¡:·;,r.'?:f":~i~..k-",;· :'~. '. ",:" ;:;~;;~,. :';'!¡<fu~~jff.".';"~~':~-; ·c··~':"::;r~.~:. '4', ;·>~~.r,{.-:';"'Z;-. . COC410 RESOLUTION NO. 04-09-15 A RESOLUTION INITIATING THE PROCEDURE TO VACATE THE PART OF CEDAR STREET LYJNG AND BEING SITUATE NORTHERLY OF THE NORTH LINE OF FlRST AVENUE OF THE SECOND ADDITION TO TULSA (LABARGE) AS PROTRACTED WESTERLY AS DEPICTED UPON THE PLAT FOR SAID ADDITION OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY AS PLAT NO. 152. WHEREAS, the LaBarge Town Council has received a request to vacate .a parcel of land; and WHEREAS, the LaBarge Town Council believes the request may be in the best interest of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming: Section 1. Beginning at the center one-quarter corner (Center of Section) of Section 6, T26N, R112W found as described in the Corner Record filed in said Office identical with the northwest corner of said Second Addition; "'ì ¿, Thence; S89°-56' E, 53 feet along the north line of .said Addition to the northwest corner of Lot 27 of Block 1 of said Addition; ( 10 Thence SOoo-15' W, 129.7 feet along the west line of said Lot 27 to its southwest corner; Thence N89°-45' W, 53 feet .along a protraction of the north line of First Street to an intersection with the west line of said Addition; Thence NOoo-15' E, 129.7 feel alongthe.said west line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an.area of 0.16 acre, more or less; SUBJECT to easements of record or of sight. Section 2. That portion of Cedar Street right-of-way identified in Exhibit ''A'', .attached to .and incorporated herein, is hereby vacated under the conditions contained in this Resolution. Section 3. The Town of LaBarge reserves itself and.all utilities.and easement over the entire parcel for surface, underground and .above ground utilities, drainage ways and road purposes. RECEIVED 4/20/2006 at2:08 PM RECEIVING #- 917628 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 410 JEANNE WAGNER ____ Ur,!¡r:¡~~~mJ ~?~.N~ CLERK~MME~=~, ~~~~iihj :::~~ ~::8~::~:~;:;:;::.J [q;~11i;m~llim@ ';';:I:I:t:~o:;~;:.:.~~;;; ;.;,'.' ';::,,~,,: c ~ ';;f:::1" ".:'; ':;j~¡~';'." .-'j; ;::t; ;-:,;: :;::~" :-~. >;:~;~',.,\-;:';L~¡¡{-;"1;' . . ·';'-·.::'11;~,; _'.~:;~;~!&~.~~."":;:'.' '-r~i¡:'J·~iä;it~;·\';.~¡·:1Ii'¡:..i~J~:";~F_;];'r:·;·~¡:·:,:· "'~¡:¡;-r.;.:!¡~:.,¡,:-.j,.,-" '>:':~':{¡::¡~¡~~;;;;;':-:':'.-'. 0917628 C00411 Section 4. This parcel mllSt be incorporated into .an existing .and adjacent parcel .and, if developed, developed in accordance with the .Planning & Zoning building requirements of the Town of LaBarge in place at the time of development. Section 5. Should.any of the conditions listed herein fail to be complied with, the property will revert to the Town of LaBarge. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September 2004. ATTES,]· Be Ja