HomeMy WebLinkAbout875951· e ~RANT~, whose ~ddres~ i~ P.O. ~ox ~ : l~a, ~ 83118 WITNESS~: ~ ~e G~GR, for and in consJder~on of TEN DOLORS ($10.OO)in hand paid, · e receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does, by ~ese present, grant, bargain, sell, CONV~ AND WAR~NT unto ~e said G~EE, a~l ~ certain ~a~, lot, piece, and parcel of land S~e in ~e Coun~ of Uncoln, StYe of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by vi~e of ~e home~ead exemp~on laws of ~e StYe, to-wff: LOT 21 of BRIDGER VI~ ~NCHES as pl~ed and recorded in ~e ~cial Records of Lincoln Count, Wyoming. R~ERVING THEREFROM a~l ~ghts, ~e, and intere~ in and to any and all mineral dghts ap~aJnJng thereto. Subje~ to all declar~ons ~>f ~ovenan~, cond~ons and re~ons of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~e GrantOr has caused frs co~or~e seal to be hereunto ~xed, and ~is in,merit to be signed by ~ duly au~oHzed o~cer, ~e day and year fl~ above w~en. LEISURE VALLEY, INC. A Nevada CorPoration .,': .~,$~'~ .... ,/, -,, ! ,~ t ) Secretarv/l'reosumr STATE OF VVYOMING ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was ackno~dedged before me by Bradley'J. Stewart the Secretary/Treasurer of Leisure Valley, Inc., a Nevada corP~ration; this 15th day of June, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. ' ~: ;i,;'~'~:'"~ Notary Publi 'i~an~J°~ Said County and State