HomeMy WebLinkAbout917649 , ,. -·,'f'.' ....:.:.. :';';;".:;;;'õ 000471 ÆCORDING RECUESl'ED BY ORDER ., ~N 12-3519-35-4-00-103.00 .,~" f1t:COfIOED MAIL TO Name "l RECEIVED 4/2012006 at4:19 PM RECEIVING # 917649 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 471 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY r- J ~! ·~l a :0 t\U ~ ~ . fJ':¿;. ~ ~¡= Õ ~. '. ~·IP'·'" :¡ ~ ~ ;I p. , ;(0:9 ;t ~ 0 ... ~; u ~~ ø ".~ n :,-". '( ~ ~JY l~# Str.eI Add,_ Mr~ & Mrs. Jeff. Pluta 17763 Riverbend Road Salinas, CA 93908 CIty Slate Zip ~_.~ - - L -J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR ÆCOADER'S USE Grant Deed The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $-=12~prrection Deed ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of __._...._.___........_........_.._._.....__.._._._....__.. ( ) Realty not sold. FORA VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Jeffrey C. Pluta, a married IDan, who acquired title as Jeffrey C. Pluta, an unmarried man hereby GRANT(S) to Jeffrey C. Pluta and Nina Pluta, Husband and Wife, As dD '-- that property in Unincorporated area of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming described as follows: Lot 41 of ~ridger View Ranches as platted and recorded in the O££icial Records o£ Lincoln County, Wyoming. Mail Tax Statements to Grantee at address above Dare March 1, 2006 STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OFMonterev On MARCH 1, 2006 beforeme,the Jlnderslgned, a Nolary Public. in and lor said Slate, personally appeared JEFFREY C. PLUTA pen;onaIIy ÌDown 10 me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) 10 be the person(s) whose DlUDe(s).tsIare.ww:ribed 10 the within Jnsll'JUDeD1and aclmøwJedged to me that hrlsh~they executed the 511JDe in .hisIher/thelnwthorized capadty(ies ),aud that by hlslher/theiIslgnature (s) on the JnstrumenUhe penson(s),or the entity nponbehaltof which the persOJl(s) acted, uecD1ed the JnstnunenL WITNESS ~dandOmclaJSea1. ~. ~. Signature L )J.. ~ ~ SUSAN C, CLARK r., '~.' SUSAN C. CLARK. ..., Ü . ,.' Comm#1376767 ;.. :( ..~ . Notary Public· California ñ , ManÅ“rey COijnty ... '.,.,;., My Comm.fxp. SEP. 26,2006 Name fTGlS-l40 BI94 (typed or printed) (This JU'e8 for officlaJ JloJarlaJ seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE