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Affidavit of Survivorship
J, Terry Jean BerryhiJJ, beiny of jawful Bye Bnd Duly sworn Bccordiny 10
Jaw, upon my oath, Depose and state:
That under the Date of June 21, 1999, for valuable consideration, EJmer
Dean Mitchell Bnd Huba E. MitcheJl, husband Bnd wife, by Deed of that Date,
which Deed was Duly filed of record in the Office of the LincoJn County Clerk, on
June 10,2003, in Book 523 of Photostatic Records on Paye 308, conveyed to
LaDonna Rees, B sinyle person, Bnd Terry Jean Berryhill, a sinyle person, BS
jointíenants with riyht of survivorship, thefolJowiny Described property to-wit:
Lots 1B Bnd 19, TBylorThirri Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyominy
That by reason of said conveyance Bf.or-esaid, the said LaDonna Rees. B
sinyJeperson, and T-erry J-ean BerryhiJI, B sinyJe person, became the owners of
said real property, and title thereto vested in them continuously from the Date of
said conveyance to the Date of Death of LaDonna Rees, on 1he 1Bth Day of
Dec-ember, 2005. That by r-eason of and upon the death of .LaDonna Rees, title
to the Bbove described r-eal property vested absolutely in T-erry Jean BerryhiJJ, B
single person.
Affœnt avers find c-ertifjes that LaDonna Rees, is the identical party nameD
with T-erry Jean Berryhill in the æorementioneD Deed. whose Death íerminated
her interest, title find -estate in said real property; Bnd Affiant attaches hereto and
makes B part of this Bffidavit, B copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said
Dec-edent, Duly c-ertified by the public Buthority in which said Death c-ertjficate is B
matter of r-ecorD.
Dated this F Day of ~
RECEIVED 412112OOO.at B:34 AM
RECEIVING =# 917654
BOOK: 617 PAGE: 490
d ~J& .
~ -TerryJ~
Btateof W~¡
County of ~
Subscribed Bnd sworn 10 before me. a notary public in find for said County
Bnd State, byT-erry Jean BerryhiJJ this ?'= Day of ~ ,2006.
WITNESS my hand Bnd official seal.
NllDeneDMa...ftatary ~
County Of .. State Of
.Lincoln . Wyoming
My cam.~.Expires May 20....
¥~ /J-~
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: '1J77 OlD / ;;J D.o P
This document Is being recorded
by Rocky Mountain Title Insurance
Agency of ",..ë",;'¡'",..I.",f'ounty
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