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RECEIVED 4/21/2006 at11 :34 AM
RECEIVING # 917670
BOOK: 617, PAGE: 523
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THIS MA.mTENANCE AGREEMENT (this "agree~ent") is ll1ade this / r day of
Il-ß-./l . . , 200k, by and between creJ)~ß" 14~"--T;?'
whose address is pO 13c>~ 12:3 7 ;J-h-Ó( ~t> r3//tJ '
(hereinafter referred to as "Owner'')and Lincoln County, \Vyoming (hereinafter ,referred
to as the "County").
. ",A. .Owner is theov,rner of real, property located in Linco~,County, \Vyoming,
:'~{;', ,more particularly described below (the "Property"): , , ' ' ,
'jX:~.::);;:,::·;>:!'.' ,'Tk,IM.P~fJ:~c(~It,~P~ . ' '.
';;;';:'",'..', :;Subdivision: ?hlìctC-,2-scc~d~/,~t..#J -Lot #,: / 1
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. "i:~2¡j:~i:f~'~;;·'{.';:S(~;~i~~åFdescriPtiOn): . -
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~f;r,i~.{"-~S\ ,,·~;~lttb,ePi.operty is, such that aIlEnhilI±p~9 Wastewater Treatment ,Syste~!(the '
77~,'~!:¡);;:~~:T,~;~a~~nt System"} mustbeinstalf~ in order to meet the requirements of
:,,::\~,;;;;:fl:J;ìê'LincOlnCounty, Vlyoming Zoning Resolution and/or the Lincoln County,
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~·,~':)wýõrningSubdivision Resolutlon.:Or the Owner has voluntarily chosen to
r~~y.~~~;~I!ha;1ce4,V/astt~Té!.Ù~r ,treåtinent system installed.
~:~f¥ig;'0jr:;~~;~;':L:,," :,':,,':'\';' ; "..'., ',. '..
;;,::tri,:ò.rder to complywitli'Vyömllig Department of EnviroinnentalQualitY",:.,,: .... .
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,.;,,' .., :;ãtJ;9!l$,~t1ie,'OWnè(stíâJJ,P59,:\Ti,qëfor the ongoing inspection, Saràpllhh:(.!"'.'····
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"';.;:i¡2~;:'.t~.0~~~).~~~FqI\E,'Òwner. agTees'ai';o~~ws:'~ .,c.,"
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"--',;~--i=""::-:~·~-·~'-T'Üpön'installation oithe Treatment System and the execution of this
"·::·~~~:~~:~gr~!fiènt;'.9!¥ne.r'~hall provide annual evidence of ongoing Treatment System
"""ÍÌlaìnÅ’riancem the form: of -sampling results AJ'-JD a copy of service contract for the
0, owmg-yeät 'with~a provider authorized by the Treatment System's manufacturer.
2, Owner is required to keep the Treatment System on the Property ip. good
operation, condition and repair. Some repair or replacement costs may not be covered by
a service cop.tract. Owner will be responsible. to pay all costs not covered.
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3. Owner's obligation to this Agreement shall contimie unless a connection to ,a
central sewer is obtained and/or the requirement is eliminated by the County.
4. . This Agreement and the obligations on'the part of the Owner hereunder shall
- ,
be perpetual and shall run with title to the Property an,d shall be binding upon Owner and
Owner's heirs, successors, assigns, transferees and grantees. Thís Agreement will be
recorded in the Office of the County Clerk to provide notice of the obligations of the
Ov.~ner and Owner's heirs, successors, assigns, transferees and grantees to maintåin the
Treatment System. Owner agrees to Dotify the County of the name of any new Owner
upon the transfer of the Property.
5. Failure to provide the County with evidence of annual effluent sampling AND '
evidence of an ongoing maintenance contract shall constitute a violation of the County
Sma¡l 'Wastewater Regulations (Februar)'r, 1986). ' ,
, 6. Violation of the provisions of the County Small Wastewater Regulations
(Feb~ary~ 1986) shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Each and every day or portion thereof
duriD.g which any violation of any of the provisions of the regulation is committed..,
continued or permitted shall be considered a separate offense. Uponconviction of any.
such violation, such a person may be punished as provided by law with a fine of up to ,
$750,00 and 10 days in jail per day of violation.
7" Owner hereby grants to the County, the service contract provider ånd t~,ei.r
agents, for the term of this Agreement, an easeplent on, over and across the Property to
access, inspect, maintain, monitor and setvic~ theTreatment System, including annual
sampling of effluent and periodic sampling of the settled solids.
1N '\VITl\.TESS '\VHEREOF, the OV/NER has signed this Agreement
effective the day and Yeal" fust above written.
WITNESS myhandthis ,/ð day
com,rTY OFçil.N\../f>.Q,,,,--,~ SS. . . . ., ... ..
ç; . The above and foregoinginstrument was acJmowledged before me bq~
L- ~/> -t Æ,) . this I:;> day of ~ ~ Q ~ , 200~. ..
WITNESS my hand and offioial sea!. ~
Notary Pub~ D{!:!:!:/ /PM Jðf &r ~
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