HomeMy WebLinkAbout875952WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: BECKY L BARBER PO Box 684 'Loan No. 412481509 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE BOOK;t r PR PAGE STATE OF WYOM~G ) ,. ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: CO~TY OF LINCOLN ) That in consideration of pa~ent of the ::cbt named therein, Mortgage ElecWonic Regis~ation System, Inc., by these presents does hereby release land located ::.h LINCOLN CounW, State of WYOM~G, described as follows: Legal Description: See aaached E~ibit from the lien of a certain mo~gage made and executed by BECKY LEE B~ER, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGIST~TION SY~?FEMS, INC., on March 22, 2001, and recorded on March 27, 2001, in Document No. 872327, Vol. 461, Page 4.S8, Certificate ---, CounW of LINCOLN and State of WYOM~G, to the end that said mortgage shall cease to be a ;:~ien on the land above-described. Wimess their hands and seals, this Septen.'~ber 7, 2001. Mor~~egistration System, Inc. Robe~Pett&n~i~~ Secretary STATE OF IOWA Coun~ of Black Hawk On September 7, 2001, before me, S. ilt~ Carolus, personally appeared Roberts Pettengill, Assistant Secretary, personally ~o~ to me (or proved to me on the basis of satishctow evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within ins~ument and ac~owledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on *;he ins~ment the person, or entiW upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the ins~ment. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 7 3t.a[Y~gsure 08/15/2003 (hotary's Seal) 2001-08-30 MIN: 10006260g:I:24815095 MERS Telephone: 1-888-679-6377 Order Number: 483 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning a~ a point ;~hich is 78 rods South of the Northwest corner of Lot 'I, Section 33, Township }~5 North, Range II~ West of the 6th P.M., and running thence East 20 rods; i::hence South 4 rods; thencs East 20 rods; thence South 18 to'ds; thence West 40 :::~ods; thence North 22 rods; t~ the point of beginning, Excepting a plo= of .]~!nd beginning a= a $o'~nt 78 rods South of the Northwest oorner of Lot one (1.i ,. Section 33, Township 35 North, Range 119 Wes= of the 6th P.M., Wyoming.; t~ ~'uce East 150 fee=; =hence South 172 fee=; thence West 150 'fee=; thence Nori.:ih 172 fee~, to the 'plac~ of beginning.