HomeMy WebLinkAbout917693 :::~?:~~~r:i~;::: i'.Ii. .;i...'.'; ~I.! t.1 WARRANTY DEED WlLLIAMDANA BPATILDJNG.AND DONNA J. BPAULDJNG, Husband .and Wife, p:a.ntorB of Lincoln County. State of Wyoming, for !;on¡;ider~tion of Ten 1U1d OO/lOO'.s ($10.00) 1U1d other ,good 1U1d vlÙUable !;Ol1Sideration in band, receipt wl1ereof is .bereby .acknow1eLiEed CONVEY AND WARRANT TO MICHAEL COSTANTINI, KAllEN Co.ST.ANTINI AND MILDRED COSTANTINI, Joint Tf'n:mts with llights of BurvivorBhip, grantees, whom: .address is 812 Gæ-dener :Road, Rock1idge, FL 32955 :the following described real estate, .situate.in Lincoln County li11d State of Wyoming, 11ereby Iele~¡;ing lI.Dd w.aiving.allrights under li11d by v.irtue of:the hnmp-~p.ad -exemptionlaw.s of:the.st:ate 10 w.i1: .P.art of Lot 1 of :Block: 9 of:the Afton ToWl1SÍte. Lincoln County, Wyoming more J1aI1icu1arly described.as follow.s: :BEGINNING lit.a pomt 11 rods West of:the Northeast!;Dmer of .said Lot 1.andrnnninp; thence South 105¥.l feet; thence West 5 IOds; 1hence North 105¥.l feet; tbeT}~ East 5 rods 10 :the POINT OF J3EGINNING. ALSO .P.art of Lot 1 of :Block: 9 of:the .Afton ToWl1SÌte, Lincoln County, Wyoming more J1aI1icu1arly ñescribed.as follows: JffiGINNING lit.a pomt 225.5 feet North lI.Dd 181.5 feet West of:the Southeast!;Dmer of .said Lot 11U1d ]1mnin,f thp-nce South 33 feet; then~ West 82.5 .feet; thence North 33 feet; 1ñence East 82.5 feet to the .POINT OF lillGINNING. SUBJECT, .however, 10.all reservmons, restrictions, :protective !;ovenams, exceptions, asernent¡; lI.Dd Iights-Of-WllY of record, in.sight, or in lISe. '-+I- WITNESS our .hands 1bis I \ - .day .of April, 2006. RECEIVED 412112006 .at.3:42 PM RECEIVING=# 917693 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 629 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY . ~.~~~~ _. .~. -- - £ß Ç2~ ~ '77-z/~¿:I!Æ' . 'f2'././d¿¿- Donna lJ S:p~nll'ITng State ofWyaming ) )ss. County of Lincoln ) The faregomg Ÿm:trnment w.as .acknowledged before me by William D.ana .sp:m lcHng ..and DmmaJ. .spanlding this 1.11:11 Day of April, 2006. Witness my.hand .and officiaI.sea1. My Cnmmi¡;¡;ionExpires: 9-15.,. 07 Æ-tcVÞicU, , IY!,', . ~ N .Public GLORIA K. BYERS- NOTARY PUBUC County of ' State of' lJncoln Wyoming My CommIssion Expires Sepl15..2007 .~: