HomeMy WebLinkAbout917705 ...... RECEIVED 4/24/2006 ~,t,wr,;i:f¡~ ¡;;+'¡fM :n~ '~:r:r:~~~~::::::: '~~,'i<'"" mmm;~~~~f~ ::>:::-.:!o:~~:~::::; RECEIVING # 917i(~Jl~;:~è BOOK: 617 PAGE: 659 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CORRECTIVE TRUSTEE QUlTCLAl1VI DEED 000659 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Noah Hillstead Family Trust, to. ,,p George Noah Hillstead and Jean T. Hillstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984, by George T. Hillstead and LaVon Lancaster, Successor Trustees, Grantor, of 337 Lancaster Lane, Co Road 147, Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS an undivided one-half O~) interest to RICK H. HILLSTEAD and ROSA YCEL~ HILLSTEAD, as tenants by the entireties, Grantees, of 5996 Bitter Creek Rd l40, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the fol/owing described real estate, situated in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, ../1; to-wit: v The property as more fully described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER WITH aI/ improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reseNations and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. ¡. THIS DEED TO CORRECT THE ERROR IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THAT CERTAIN DEED DATED 7TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006, AND FILED ON THE 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006, PAGE 612, BOOK 709 PR IN THE BOOK OF DEEDS, OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. ' \; rA WITNESS my hand this / ~ day of March, 2006. GRANTORS: Noah Hillstead Family Trust, George Noah Hillstead and Jean T. Hillstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984 . 4~ t: ¡fJL., C-·/ George T. Hillsteac;f Successor Trustee ¿tfhu~ LaVon Lancaster Successor Trustee GRANTEES: (¡(;~ f/dMx¡J) RICK H. HILLSTEAD // ~ '-If~{ C-ý--t~. " ROSA Yté'ELA HILLSTEAD ,- .j. ~ "r' STATE OF d'¡~· ) . )ss. COUNTY OF uJ(/,i'~tIoÑ) 000660 091.7705 The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by George T. HiIIstead, Successor Trustee ofthe Noah HiIIstead FamilyTrust, George Noah HiIIstead and Jean T. HiIIstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984, this 'O~ day of March, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public SUSAN CARTER 4103 N, Morgan Dr. Enoch, UT 8í1720 Wr-¡ Commission Expires CX:tober 15. 2007 State of utah ~C:u1JM C~ otary Public STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by LaVon Lancaster, Successor Trustee of the Noah HiIIstead Family Trust, George Noah HiIIstead and Jean T. HiIIstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984, this 11~1Jãy of March, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M.GALLOWAY-NOTARYPUBUC C~unty of ~ " State of lInco/n W W omi My CommissIon ~pires ~U}Æ~ No PÙ lie .... STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by RICK H. HILLSTEAD and ROSA YCELA HILLSTEAD, this -/4.f!!:Jay of March. 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M, GALLOWAY - NOTARY PUBLIC C~unty of State of Lincoln' W I M C '. . om Y omm/ssron Expires 2 ,Ii / t IJ·, ." fmf!¡¡~!m~mjl~i~~ ~::: ;¡1m;~~;;t~~;;¡; EXHIBIT "A" COG661 D i;,SC./U.P'l.'rONFOH NOA U I UL.LS'rEADJi'A!\JIL Y 'J'RUST 0917705 QUt'I'CLAJ[\j TO rUCKIL UJLLSTIGAD To··wit: - - That p~u't l)fthc SWY.,NEY, oi'Sel:.!ionIO, 1'31N IÜ19W, LiJJ~oIJJ Cöuuty, Wyoluing, b~illg part ú t that tral:.L of re~or~[ ¡utile Office of [hc C.lerk of L¡n~úlll, County in 800k 2/3 u r Photoslalll; ,tzcconL on page 79, dc~cribcd as [i.)J1Ü\vs: All oflhe S W Y;INEY.', EXCEJJ'J' the 'oUawing t\\'o (2) tracts: AU of said S vVY.II'IEY:, lying aud bciJJg siluated wcsterly of tile !:()Ho",ing de::;'-Tibcd IlI1C;' , BEGiNNING at a poÜlt Ull tllC south linc of said SW~;;,NIJY" S89"_'IW]O"I.~, 27<1.461\::et hUIII the sl)ulhwcst conler of said SW Y:INLW,; UICIl~C NOOtJ-07' -06"W, 1013,[ Ci feel, ~doug an CAisliUgfcnce liue to a pojrJt; UICJJ~C NOOO-20' -54"12, 60,00 feet to a point at a JCIIl:.C ~onler; UICJl~e NOl°-0Y-3J"E, 232,51 fecI, along said Ceuce liue, to a point at a JCllce cn n ler; , lIlclIce cOllliuuillg NOJo-OJ'-33",E, [~.97 ¡bet to a position 011 the IlOltll line ur said SWJ/,NE~I,',; AND 'l'ract U :IS dc~;cribcd 011 the alladled descriplioll tilled, "DESCH.lP'I.'\,ON FOI<. NOAU, IUJ,LS'IJiAD "A[VI1L Y TJZUSI', DA'J'ED I (j APRJL IntI TRACT B" dalL~d 15 Dercn Jb·~~r 2 DO 5; the ßASli BEARiNG for litis survey is the west liue of Ihe NI~Y:I of Se~lioll [0, 1'3,1 N lUI9W, bcillg l\IOOO-24'-2tl"E; each "COfllCr" JOlllld as describcd ill the Corllel Record JìJcd or to be Ü led in tllC Ollice uf the Clerk uf LillCIJl1l COUnly; e~ll:h "pojnt" IllalJĹ“d by a' 5/8" x 24" stccJ rcillJì.)rcing md' with a 2" alunÜÙul1J cap insc{,ibcd, "SUI':' VE\'OR SC.l-JI21{UEL ClOD AF'J'ONWY PLS 5368", with ~Ipprupriate dClails; aJl ill a~cordallce \\lith the plal[nc[wrcd tu be Ü[ed in the OJTice of U1C Clerk l) ' LiJICul, Coullty tiLled, "l'10A,U lUJ-,LS'rE~).p FAfvULYTRUS'r, DA'rED 16 AP1U.L [%4 JJLA'J' OF 'IJZACTS WITHIN rFllE/S''')9.4\¡E~/'IN'vV~/;,SEY,1 SEC'IJON to 'l'3IN RlIYW LINQÇ)U:V~Q~NJ'Y, W.¥Üt\éllt~G',:/~lalcd [2 Dc~c.lnbcr 2005, as rúvisçd. /<. //)¿/' //./ p/// //,/,/,,,/,/' .. . / I' /.,;/ ,/ .... / / l""'-"".,,,¿,,,.,~,., // /// ,;// // .... ¡/:<....."'>"¡/./,.~" / / ,..,/ '/ ,j, ,<",. 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I,,)INI: A SC/IElIlIEI. nl;!JiSIl~,lioll HtJ. !;3lìO :!yo ~;dmlht,l, U U. , 'NYI,III"/tU- ·il".!~f W~'{I"liIIU ~"I. INYUlltillt !lol !;~I"ÌlIV~" Idal,o pC'lin!",I(lalll) "fVlc;dilicaliol1 in allY W;:1Y of the foreç)oing closcl iP!Ioll ICIIlIillé1les lialJillly uf thu SUIIiUyrJI" } I ¡ I ! i , I I I I I I I I I I I ¡ I I i ! I I i j I I I ! i i I ! I i i ! ¡ I I I i I I I I I I I I I i i I I, r I ì 1:. I~- ". ~" ¡:'.' '.1 /