HomeMy WebLinkAbout917712 C08688 RECEIVED 41241200611t 12:49 PM RECEIVING # 917712 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 688 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY This .pau for Recor.der's .use only WYMRSD3-5 04128/05 Project#: 708WFHM Rererence#: 708-4)033077819 I~I~~IIJIIII ~~IJI~mlllll ~m~~~ool ~II ~II~I *7013-0033077131-9* BecondaryReferenÅ“#:20060428 (R043) .PlNTInID#: 17opertyAddress: 540.E. COTTAGELANE ALPlNE, WY 83128 Document PreparedBy: DOcx,LLC 1111 Alderman Drivt! Suite'#350 Alphart!tta, GA30005 When m:orded rf1um to: DOcx, LLC 1111 ALDERMANDR., SOITE350 ALP.HARETIA, GA .30005 770-753-4373 MORTGAGEBELEASE, SATISFACTION,ANDDLSCHARGE IN CONSID1UV\TION of1hepayment.andfull.satisfaction of.all indebtedness .secured by that cfrtainThfrl ofTrust rlescribed below,1he undersigned, W:ells Fm-go Jlank, N.A.., .successor by merger to W:ells F.argo Home Mortgage, Inc., whose .lIddressis2701 WELLS FARGO WAY, MACX9901-026, MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55467, being1hepre.sentlegal owner nf .said :indebtedness1U1d 1hereby entit1ed.and.authorized to receive.said payment,.does .herebyrclease,.satisfy, 1U1d dischar~esaidDred nf Trustin full.and noes .hereby consent that 1he.same be canceled .and rlischar~ed of m:ord. ]3mrower(s): LETICIALIERA, AMARRIEDJ>.ERSON Original Beneficiary: WELLSF ARGO .HOME MORTGAGE, JNc., A. CORPORATION loan Amount: 5198,000.00 Date of Deed ofTrust: 91512003 7/ DateRecorrled:9I8l2003 Book 533 .Pl1ge: 835 lnstrument Number: 893208 l.egal Description (ifrequired) : LOT 30, LEON LIVINGSTON SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN BYTHE OFFICIAL J>LAT OF SAID SUBDIV1SIONFILEI> IN THE OFFICE OFTHE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGANDBEING5ITUATEJN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 118 WEST OF TBESIXTIIJ>BINCIPAL MERIDIAN. Cnmm~t!:: .ædm:orded in 1he Dfficial records nfLincoln County,.state ofWyomingñctingRell1.Property 1U1d:moreparticularly rleÆribed DD .said~rci"ernx:l tol1crein. ]N "WITNESS WHEREOF, the lmrlt=i gTlM.has.æu.sed:these :presentsto be i:XfCuted DD this .date of 04/1712006. Wiills 'F.argo:Bank, N.A., .successor by.merger to Wiills 'F.argo Home Mortgage, Inc. Vñ~ID.~lúJ. ~L . LINDA GREEN VICE J».RES.LOANDOCUMENTATION ~A/~ ÆS CALEETE VICEJ>.RES.LOANDOCUMENTATION ..state of Ä County of FULTON On:this date of 04/1712006, beforeme, the undersigned .authority,.a Notary Jlublic.duly eommissioned, lluali:fied.and.acting within .and for 1he .aforementioned State1U1d County, personaDy .appe.ared 1he witllln named LINDA GREEN.and JESSI CALEETE, Jrnown 10 me (or identified 10 me DD 1he basis of satisfactory evidence) 1hat 1hey.are the VlCE J>.RES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION .and VlCE J».RES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION respectively ofW:ells 'Fargo J3ank, N.A.., .successor by merger 10 W:ells :Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., 1U1d Wf:re duly .authorized in 1heJrre~ctive £aP.aci1ies to execute the foregoinginstrumentfor1U1d:in thenameø DD behalf of.said corponrtion.and that ~ coporationexecuted 1hesame, .and::further .stated1U1d.aclmowJedged 1hat 1hey .hadso.d. executed1U1d rlelivered.said.:instrument for1he COn!:irlf!rntiM, usesllIld purposes 1herein mentioned 1U1d set fÅ“th. Witneæmy.h.and.anð .officia)soù DD 1he rlate.hercinabovesetforth. .. ~~~ NOtaryPllblic: ~;',.,.¡f.""'II'!~........, ij·;'f'."~.1 f..';i.' ti:~~!;~~!;i~ .. ~