HomeMy WebLinkAbout917713 i*;~::rn:;m!:::::¡:; '::i;;:;:;:ft~:;:;i;:;::: C00689 RECEIVED 412412006 at 12:50 PM RECEIVING# 917713 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 689 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY Tbis JiJlAce for :Recorder'Ji.use only WYMRSD3-5 04[28/05 Project'#: 708WFB Rcièrmce'#: 708-014048'7208 Imll~~JIIII ~~OOII ~~JIJI~rnl~I~11 ~~JIII ~"~I *7Dß-D1-4D-4ß72D.8* Secondary ~ferenÅ“'#:2006OS03 (R045) 'PIN!fax ID'#: 12-3119-13-4-01-086.00 Property Address: 2487HWY.241 ..AFTON,WY 83110 Document TheparedBy: DOcx, LLC 1111 Alderman Drive Buite:#350 Alpharetta, GA 30005 Whenrecordedretum 10: DOcx, LLC l111ALDERMANDR., SIJITE350 ALPHARETTA, GA30005 770-753-4373 ~( MORTGAGE RELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DISCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION of1bepayment.md full.satisfaction of.all :indebteLÙlf:$ .secured by1hat certainDero of Trust Described below, the Imclt'r"VuxI. WellsF.argo Bank, N.A., w.hose.address is 2701 WELLS FARGO WAY, MAC X9901-026, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55467, being 1bepre.sent le,gal owner of5aid:indebtedness.and tlu:reby1:DtitIed.and 31rthnri7ed to Ieceive.said payment, rloes.herebyrelease, .satisfy,.and rlischarge.saidDero of Trust :in full.and doeshereby consent:thatthe.same be CIIIlCeled.and discharged mrecord. Borrower(s): KIRBY .JOE BOOT.HANDDONNAL. BOOTH, JlUSBANDAND "WlFE Original Beneficiaty: WELLSF ARGO BANK, N.A. loan Amount: .$124,000.00 Dme ofDed ofTmst: .1211312004 Dme~corded:1211712004 Book: 575 'P2ge:367 1nstrumentNumber: 905367 l.egaJDescription (ifIequired): LOT2 OFHIAT:F.A'H SUBDIVlSION,LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMJNG AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIALPLATTRRRROF. Cmnmf'7lt": lIIldrecorded in the official :records of Lincoln Comty, Btate ofWyomingllffecting Real Thoperty .andJDDTeparticularly deBCr:ibed on ..said Mortgage referred to.here:in. IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF, the ImclP.T!:Ì zntXI has £.aU.Sed the.se presents to be -executed on this .date of 04/2012006. WellsFJU"go:Bank, N.A. ~~ ~~<.- . Witness: RITAKNOWLES Wl~~J~~ LINDA GRRRN VICE~BES.LOANDOClIMENTATION ~TION .state of GA County ofFULTON On 1his.date of 04/2012006, beforeme, :the J.IDdersigned.autbmity,.a NotaIy Public .duly J;OIl1ID.ÎssÌoned, lluali:fied.and.acting within lIIldforthe .aforemenl1nnp.d S1ate.and County, personally .appeared the witbinruunedLINDA GREEN.and JESSICALEETE, lmown tome (or identifiedtomeon the basis ofsatisfactory evidence)1hat they.are the VICEPBES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION.and VICE PBES.LOANDOCDMENTATION respectively ofWdlsF.argoBank, N.A.,.andwae .duly 31rthlll"Î7P.din 1heirrespective r.:¡p:lMtip..<: to exea.rte the foregoing:instrumentfor .andin1he.ruune.and on behalf ofsaid .corporation .and:that said J;oporation -executed the .same,.andfurther .st2ted.and æknowledged:that they .had so.signed, ~xecuted.and rle1i vered.said .:instrument for1be con:sidcration, u.ses.and pmposes 1hereinmentioned.and .setforth. Witne.$ my .h.and.and officjaLseal on the rlate.hereinabove .setiorth, ~~~~~ Notary Public: BARBARA l. WARNICK Notary Public - Georgia Fulton County My Comm. Expires March 01,2010 ~