HomeMy WebLinkAbout917723 (, 0 '1N~¡r 1 \ , t ,.,..,.....'",.,; , ... ·.....·.·.·r.J·. .,:.&;., , :¡~U¡!¡¡mj¡;m¡m RECEIVED 4124I2Öö6"iif.Jî:14 PM RECEIVING =# 917723 BOOK: 617 PAGE: 711 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER. WY Warranty Deed .JeroJd G. Schmidt Gæntor, for and in consideætion ofTEN ($10.00) DOllARS and Dther Good and Valuable Consideætions in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby BcknowledfJed, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: KHF BuUders, Jnc. A Wyoming corporation Gæntee, whose mailing Bddress is P.O. Box 491, Thayne, WY B3127, fue following described real estate situate in Lincoln CountYBnd State of WyominfJ, hereby releasinfJ and waiving BII rights under Bnd by virtue of íhehomestead -exemption laws of fhe State fe-wit: Lot 99 in Star VBlley Ranch Plat 5, Lincoln County, WyominfJ BS described on íhe Dfficialplat íhereof Subject 10 Bny easements, reservBtions, restrictions or rifJht-of-ways of record, of sifJht or in use. WITNESS my mmd fuis ¡q.Jh day of ~ ,2006. State of I AYIeuh County of ,£N 'WLu ) ) ss. ) The fore,going instrument was acknowledfJed before me, B notary pu for said County and State, by Jerold G. Schmidt, fuis r::tbh .day of 2006. I Wîtn NOTARY PUBLIC NATALIE UNDERWOOD 3088 South 1300 East Sail Lake CIty Utah 84106 MV CommisSion Expires January 3 2010 STATE OF UTAH t1&bL;) ú..i5ä~ Notary PubHc My Commission Expires: } /3 J~}D . I ......., ... - -"....., ""-. ~; ~