HomeMy WebLinkAbout917795 $, ç; q~ i.; C,j ~.:.. G-c è¡:j El ~.. 0 .~t) ~ ,(I..) 4-'." .~ ':;J ""~ .... F~ .~ (;:I. {,; 111' ...:...; ~~ ~ It /7 ~ ~m~¡fi~iiff~¡~~~¡ ¡;¡mmm~~mmf~ ..;.."..............,.._.,.. .·-'-_..c...,.,_.~,,"O~'''.._":O;.'-'' - ,·,'...,......'L'........· .'---"-.'"'"....'"..........~. ..;, QUIT CT AIM DEED KNOWN All...MEN:BY THft~P1ŒSENT.s. That NORA WJ:il.IE.1ŒNNEDY ! n T' 0::': O· '.' V L (; tJ ~k of:tbeComtty nf 1 :romln. ~ nfWyIDIlÎIJ£ :in ('.nm:in~tinn nf"T1:IlEJd 00/100'.5 1>ollars ($10.00) llDd ntber BOnd.and v.a.Iuabk cnm:inP.T:lt1nn to :tbem:inJumd paid:tbe:reccipt wbcreof .is.hcreby ~ssed liDdJ1CknowJedgðl, Jœve:r~1~, :rcleased, .amveyœmJd forever .qnitdR1mM Jmd Dy1bese~!: rlo for:tbcir.heirs, ¥.Y~r.l1tnTSmJd arlminiJ:1TRtnTI:, ::remise, :release .and forever .qnitr.1RTm:unto CARL FORLINES -w.bose ~ilm-:s:is .1611 ~ lmnll~h.Road, .Midill,.:betE,.EL.32068:íhci:r..heirs, 1I:111".l'f"ftm.Jmd :111:1;11?'1:. :for-ever. Jùl.BUCh:ript. iitle. .:interest, -property. :posse.'iSÙm, 1:1aim Jmd ilf!Y11and JIS ll1ave,.ou.ght to Dave Dr 1æœafter m:gnire:in mío.,all :tbe:fu1low.iI:m rlp-sCTibedpr-emises, ìo-wit: "The WtSt1Ja]f nfibe"East.half .of1..ot44 Dfibe.AmP-MPitj)lat ofRñilOT Forest lbn~, 1 mr.nln County, Wyoming hein.g1he.BaIDeJand iI~1g:natf"iI.JlS "C."Fmli:nes 343PR,112" lID 1he Mtsll~hpj -=Rrl1ihit A. .Hereby ,.,.,If''.J\lm~ Jmd W1IÌV.Ì:nB Jùl.Iigbts under 2Dd by virtue of:the ilnT1\f"J3"_rl :eu:mption laws nf 1he ~ ofWyomïn.g. iiay.of tJ~J r DBœd 1his at .2006. #(~.4LlÆ ~ Nora rJ ~ nf ðtlifrnTlia ) )&s. ) County .of "The~ inlo:tnn11P-nt WBS JtclmowJtdged Defore:me by Nora Wlñte "KennMY 1his _ Jiay nf .2006. W:ttness :my .hand.and .official..sea1. :My r.rnnmininn ~Ì1'P.I:: Notary Public RECEIVED 412612006 Bt -4:D9 PM RECEIVING -:# 917795 BOOK: 617 :PAGE: 850 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER. WY ~-~-.--.--.- .- ·...............~.u.... ".' ..", .. .... _ _ '._.--...~.. " . ....--~... "'_..~._.....<.>.:......, .,--~ .....~ ...,.........-.............,... .' _·.'-·-.....o......._~,~,__:.....~,_".~.._."".._ ,.'._,;" ." ....... , .~......, '-" -. ".., . .,. .. .-.-,..."..........,. 091779S (00851 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California . County of JII!e/le£ -/ ~ Ù j . On ,#r'/ 1j2~206.l;;, . before me,CHAD HOWE, Notary Public, personallyappeare. d A/&FZL â/i, -£ ~/J. ¿ f... I NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) ~ .p~HsoAa.IIY kAOWnto lIlt! (Ulpr!i me O.n t.he baSiS. of satisfactory evidence) to be the perso~ whose name IS re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he s they executed the same in his G1êD their authorized capacity(~), and that by ~ their signatureM on the instru- ment the pers~1 or the entity upon behalf of which the person(~acted, ex- ecuted the instrument. . WITNESS my hand and official seal. Y" .... "'- ... '" '"cHÂo''''HôwÊ .... ( ~ COMM. #1581206 ~ ü NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ;;0 Z MENDOCINO COUNTY ~ ) My Comm. Expires May 22, 2009 r ___ ~ ~- -..I' __ .". ,.. __ -".- -- -- ~ .". -\. ~~~þ CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ~VIDUAL o TRUSTEE(S) o GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR o ATTORNEY-IN-FACT o OTHER: o CORPORATE OFFIGER{S) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: o PARTNER(S) 0 LIMITED ge _(:p-o 0 GENERAL NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES! DATE O':nDOCUMENT 0/£(;;6 SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE /LléJlJ,e. 7 I ~:::~:i::::~::::~¡*~: tl'I!':I:':'~'~I:~ ,,~j G-- I ~~;~ am ~ I ! ~ t ~ ~ !U CI I 0 1'1-.... ~ ~~L '\~. ~ &1 ~ i § i (~:= h: ±_=- - ~J::- _ -= n J ¡¡¡ III " ~ ... ... ~~ ¿. " i ~\1 tI( ~ I ~ ~ > k=" "i~t ~.. I ~ ~ ~~ J 1 ~!~ ši ~!_ I ~'1¡.~ a; ;l3!.~ ~~I 6 .. ~ \1 ~~ I ..J ~,g ~ ~ ~ . , I ~..+ tv ~. ¡_ '!" . ~ ~. !~ ^ · 0 . -.. .oo"Oit -.. ,oo"Oit !! 5! t· ,,- ........ '": ...~:- A::' --- i. ~ ~..! : ~ I b ~ ~ í~i[~ ~ 11 ~ z~} ï ~ ~ ~ a~&l) 9 ~t ~il~¡! n rl~i ~ i~~~m~fj~~mm;~~t ,,,--,,~,_.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Þ....~~...--..---....~..-,....~,,,,.".· ,.". ~. .'-'_.. "-"-_"_-'"~" ...."...0-.........'.... 0917795 o I ~ I 6 ..J '\ 2 '\ I I- 9 e - I ~ I § -.. .n"LO£ ."LO£ ~ --e--- , ~ ~ ~ ~ -_. " ......""""""'"_.........-....,.".', ~·,"-o_~,,·o.·~-_.....~,·._y '.,. ." -...-,.....,............"'...,...-.... ,... ~.._,;...... ."-- .......,..... '. Co 00852 ",; ~! !:I ~ ~I ~ ..~{l ÊIII~"'~ ~! ~ ~¡; Ì f ~ !~~~~ ~. ~. miq ;~I~;~ ~i ~ I~ f ¡ ! 'õ ~,~ ~~ e ~it~fi ~ ~ ; ::i¡ ~ ~ ~ QS ÐI ~ S ~ It"; ~: ~ D aU~~uo 1....1§u¡I!: "'-"-'Ii:'" J" ij!§>-i"Ji ¡ Jiiu Jiël;S:... Ji Gca ..0