HomeMy WebLinkAbout87595801014716 WAk TY DEED g OOK_'~_~_~._.R PAGE ~YM0~D PATRZCK ~OLD, SR., ~. ~in~lo man and ~YMOND PATRICK ~0~, J~.., a single man Grantors of Alpine, County of Lincoln, ~ate of Wyomin~ hereby CONVEY and W~T ~FFREY M, :EDW~g and.~ :-~. EDW~DS,~ husband and wife, as tenants by ghe eDtir~ti~s Oranrees of 1355 lance Drive, :~santa Rosa, CA 95401 for.~he sum o~ Ton Dollars and~other good and valuable consideration 5he following described 'CraC~ of land in Lincoln County, Sga~e of wyoming, hereby releasin~ and waiving~ail rights under and by virtu~ of the home~tead ~xempgion laws of the State,j] Lot 8, River View Meadow~ Ad.~::t~t~on to the Town of AlPine within ~he SE~/~ of Section 30, TZ7N, R%%sW, ~)'~ordin~ to chat plat ~iled July 2, %993 as Instrumeng ~o. 767%16. Subjec5 50 reservations an4~ res~ric=ions contained in the United Sta=e~ Patent and to easements and~rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvement;'s and appurtenances thereon. WrTNESS, the hand of maid grantor~, this 2$th day of June, A.D. 2001 ~'~6~d Pa~ibk Sunold, Sr. Ra~o~d Patrick Hunold, STATE OF ~ %%~',~% County cf ~ ~% ~ On the ~%%+ day of 'June A.D. 2001, per~o.nally appeared before .Ra~ond Patrick Hunold, Sr., ~known or identified to me 5o b~ the person whose name is s~sc~ib~d to the wJ.'~hin inm%~ment, and acknowledged to me tha~ he ' ~a~ Public ~ My commission expires on~- LAND TITLE CO.ANY ............. - Vir/i,RRANTY DEED RAYMOND PATRICK HUNOLD, S~., a single man and RAYMOND PATRICK }{UNOLD, JR., a single man ~rantors of AlPine, County of Linooln, St&~e of Wyoming hereby CONVEY and WARRANT T¢:: , / ~F JEFFREY )4. EDWARDS and~/~. EDWARDS, husband and wi~e, ~rant~e~ of for the ~um of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration--- ..... ~ the followin~ described t]cact of land ~n Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiv~.n~ all rights tinder and by virtue of ~he homestead exe~ption laws of the S~a!~e~~ to-wit: Lo~ 8, River V~w Meadows~Addition to the Town of Alpine wi=bin the S~1/4 of Section 30, T37N, RllSW a¢¢ordin~ to that plat filed July 2, 1993 as Instrument No. 767%16. Patent and to oasements and.rights-of-way of r~oord or in uso. To~egher with all i~rove~:~nts ~d appurgenances ghereon. WI~SS, ghe hand of ~aid ~:ranto~s, :his 20th day of J~, A.D. 2001~ Raymond Patrick ~unold, ~ond Patrick H~old, ~r~~ or ~ ~i~o me%o~he pezsoq whos~ ~b ~ , , ' .... --.,:~ . LAND TITLE C On the day of June A.D. 2001, personally appeaxed before me, Raymond Patrick Hunold, J~r., known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within insurgent, and ,~c~owledg~ to me ~hat ~ executed the same. ' I I -- /.~,A II I1~