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Mountain West Small Business Finance
2595 East 3300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
RECEIVED 5/5/2006 at 2:10 PM---------------
RECEIVING # 918089
BOOK: 619 PAGE: 11
Request for Notice of Default and Sale
Request is hereby made that a copy of any Nvtice of Default or Notice of Sale under the Mortgage
or Trust Deeds or other instrument set forth below, and any other Mortgages that may hereafter be
recorded, affecting the property known as and described more particularly as follows:
See Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made part
hereof by this reference.
be mailed to the Mountain West Small Business Finance at 2595 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah
84019 and the Small Business Administration at 100 East B Street, #4001, P.O. Box 2839, Casper,
Wyoming 82602-2839.
J ¿)
Kenneth L. Cram and April Cram
Bank: of Jackson Hole
May 7, 2004
May 11, 2004 Entry No: ýt.fk
DATED March 23,2006.
Book: 554 P.R. Page: 840
Mountain West Small Business Finance ..-/
STATE OF Wyoming
The foregoing instrument was acknowledgeå before me this March 23,2006 by William J. Frisby,
Senior Vice President, Mountain West Small Business Finance.
Cou nty of
Notary Public
State of
My Commission Expires S~ 13, 2006
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De·scription: Parcel A Amended
, ,
A portion of the properties as referred to in· the Deed recorded in BDok 45BPR on
. ,
Page 316. and in BDok 447PR, on Page 314,-with the Office of th e Cleric of
Lincoln County. Wyoming, within the SE1J4 of Section 231 T34N. R119W1 of the
6th P.M., Th~yne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and' bounds being more
particularly desr:ribed as follows: .
BEGINNING at 'ån.Âtúminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking a point In:the East Right-
of-Way line of U.S. Highway 89, said Point of Beginning being 1,052.43 feel
N200201ZT'E, from the 8.L.M. type Monum~rit marking the Paul N, Sc.herbè RLS
164. 1986 location for the Southwest Gomer of said SE1/4, also snid Poi~.of
Beginning being, 2,609.98 feet N52°25'3S"W; from the B.LM. type Monument
marking the Paul N. Soherbel RLS 164. 1976 location for the Sout!\east Comer
ofsaid SE1/4; thene:e N23°'5B'43'W, along said East Right-of-Way Line, 147--4.8
feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking thê Southwest com'~r of the
Thayne Village Center; thence N85"01145"E, along the South Line ·)f said Thayne
Village Center. 313.51 feet to an Iron Pipe marking a Northwest corner of Tra-ct
NO.2 - Dana Lånds, ofthe Star Valley Cheese Corporation, proþer.y as referred
to in the Deed recorded in Book 337PR, on Page 661, with said Ofiice; thence
Soo28'04"W, along a west line of said Tract No.2. 113.05 feet to all Aluminum
Cap on Iron Pipe; thet)ce S79°DO'05I1W 256.18 feet to the Point
of Beginning .
Description: Parcel B Amended
A portion afthe properties as refeITed to in the Deed recorded in Book 458PR, on
Page 316, and in Book 447P-R, on Page 314. with the Office of the Clerk of
Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE.1/4 of Section 23, T34N, R 1 i 9W"
of the 6th P.M:, Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes aI!d bounds being
more particularly described as,follows:
BEGINNING at an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking a point in the East Right-
of-Way line of U.S. Highway 89, said Point of Beginning being 1,652.43 feet
N20020'27/1E, from the B.LM. type Monument marking the Paul N. Scherbel RLS
164 1986 location for the Southwest Comer of said SE1/4, also said Point of
' ,
Beginning being, 2,609.98 feet N52°25'38''VII, from the B.LM. type Monument
marking the Paul N: Smerbel RLS 164, .1976 location for the Southeast Corner
of the SE1/4: thence N79°00·05"E. 256.18 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe
marking a point in a West line of Tract NO.2 - Dana Lands. of the Star Valley
Cheese Corporation property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 337PR,
on Page 661 , with said Office; thence SQo28104'W, along said West line, 185.57
feet to an Iron Pipe. marking a comer of said Tract No.2; thence N89°24'52'W,
along a line of said Tract No.2, 190.03 feet to an Iron Pipe marking a point in
said East Right-of-Way line; thence N23°58'43"W, along said East Right-of-Way,
147.48 feet to the Point of Beginning,