HomeMy WebLinkAbout918090 VVI-oJ...J ! ::;;:::;:;~~:;:x:::j~ :~~t;:~:~:~:::::~ OOOÛ13 'é!) ,. - ---_._-'-'----- --~_._---_. WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Mountain West Small Business Finance 2595 East 3300 South SaltLake City, Utah 84109 RECEIVED 5/5/2006 at 2:11 PM RECEIVING # 918090 BOOK: 619 PAGE: 13 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY NOTICE OF LEASE <:;'J Notice is hereby given that Kenneth L. Cram and April Cram , as Lessor, and Star Valley Quick..§top, Inc., as Lessee, have entered into a lease agreement dated May 1,2004 affecting real property located at 128 South Main, Thayne, Wyoming 83127 and more partic- ularly described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. DATED March 23, 2006. LESSOR: ~L.¿ Kenneth L. Cram .~~ ril Cram ~ LESSEE: STAR VALLEY QUICK STOP, INC. By: ~L-L Kenneth L. Cram, President " ~:~:,_t1I.'YÂ'~,... . ,.,.~... ,-,'-.k'>¡;'_~~¡;';:.':-,F~'~-<;~:t~"~¡,.~,¡",, :1:;;:.,1_,.._ ..', .~~",;¡,;:""..-r--"_'''~~J~~p,}.:;~..,).....": -.,.:,..., ~. -,; ~:.', ',';....';....,..f.~;..·.';..-'.:.'_õ. , ~'.', -..",' "~ .~~-;,..+-:..~.....;.t~:~ -,-;;r7:ï::-,,>~,.Y~p'.!~,'IW~¡w;:~,,¡,;.;1.."'a"1i'r.'~"''''',_I¡Y'''''';I.'''..,:::_:"¡;";1..:~:;'~'.;:¡/':;';:';!{-:_~:~;.$.:1 .' ·'I: ~I:¡·,~¡=r,~.:io·.·!:"I:¡~!:¡:L~ ~r_ '=¡,'; '. - ,-,.¡,: ,;..:.'~III;¡":':·'· .~"','.,.:,' ¿,".. ;:,;;,..,.' ,:, ".';~':i.::c4~.. , , , 09:t8090 :~~~: l ~:!:~:~d!~:~:~ :~:~;~: '·,-,·.,:·c':·:'·'··,·,·.·.·,·...y......·,·¡·.·_···:,. ' ¡~~~~ ,~,V.:t~ft~.:',,,.....:'~·:qii..~II".n'4:..',; 'I..,,·,_.,,!. .ò ..;..... - ,- ,', '·o¡·j;;·;;.;.,I,.",._'" ..-;:'::,_..:,..'.,.,,~.,.:...... NOTICE OF LEASE NOTARY PAGE STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Lincoln ) :55. ) r f'\ 0 ,.... 1 4 I.'" V '..... ~ - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this March 23, 2006 by Kenneth L. Cram and April Cram. SALLY L. MARTIN.Notary Public County of . State of Lincoln . Wyoming My Commission Expires September 13, 2006 STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Lincoln ~ J1t:u';4- Notary Pu c '. ) :55. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this March 23, 2006 by Kenneth L. Cram, President, Star Valley Quick Stop, Inc. c N~)t ft/~ SALLY L. MARTIN Notary Public County of State of Lincoln Wyoming M Commle,lon Expires September 13, 2006 ,·,.,...'.,.õI'....,.,....';..-.,.,~¡.,..-, .,.,..,~¡....,.,«.:""'.J_..-, ' ..'......, ,..,,, ""-,,':.""'" ,'.."( "'i"...',...~,;,;'-.n'-'..¡ ",. '" .-, '.I~'.:O;.:a;o:.".,._. . ~..::.¡,.."...........""...~1~¥,'·..·J""'·_Of'·' ·~::-~::·,I ",,",-., ':',',·'..,·.r'·....l·r~I~':¡:.::':'.·, '. ;,',...,...."1...~,.. '. 0918090 et.h~bt i-A ,... r\ 0 " 1 5 ;.<..1 U "_ De'scription: Parcel A Amended A portion ofthe properties as referred to in ·the Deed recorded in Book 45BPR, on Page 316. and in Book 447PR, on Page 314,-with the Office ofthe Cleric of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE1J4 of Section 23, T34N, R11 9W, of the 61h P.M., Th~yne, Lincoln CDunty, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows; . BEGINNING at'ån..~,:tLiminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking apoínt In:the Ea,st Right- of-Wa.y line of U,S. Highway 89, said Point of Beginning being 1,632.43 feet N20020'ZT'E, from the B.l.M, type Monum~rit marking the Paul N. S~erbe RLS 164, 1986 location for the Southwest Comer of said SE1/4, also snid Poj~.of Beginning being, 2,609~9B feet N52°25'38"W~ frorn the 8.LM. type Monument marking the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1976 location for the Sout[\east Comer of said SE1/4; th~n6e N23°'5B'43"W, along said Ea~t Right-of-Way Line, 147.48 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking the Southwest com'~r of the Thayne Village Center; thence N85°01145"E, along the South Line .Jf said Thayne Village Center, 313.51 feet to an Iron Pipe marking a Northwest corner of Tra-ct NO.2 - Dana Lånds, of the Star Valley Cheese Corporation, proþer.y as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 337PR, on Page 661, with said Office; thence SOD28'04"W, along a west line of said Tract No.2, 113.05 feet to aT] Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe; thet)c;e S79°00'051rW 256.18 feet to the Point of Beginning . Description: Parcel B Amended A portion of the properties as refeTTed to in the Deed recorded in Book 458PR, on Page 316, and in Book 447PR. on Page 314, with the Offi~eofthe Clerk of Lin~oln County. Wyoming, within the SE.1/4 of Se~tion 23, T34N, R 1; 9W" of the 6th P.M:, Thayne. Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes a':1d bounds being more particularly des~ribed as.follows: BEGINNING at an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking a point in the East Right- of-Way line of U.S. Highway 89, said Point of Beginning being 1,652.43 feet N20020'27''E, from the B.LM. type Monument marking the Paul N. S~herbel RLS 164 1986 location for the Southwest Comer of said SE1/4, also said Point of I . _ ~ Beginning being, 2,609.98 feet N52°25'38'W, from the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Paul N: Scherbel RLS 164, .1976 location for the Southeast Corner of the SE1/4; thenÅ“ N79°00'OS"E, 256.18 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron P.ipe marking a point in a West line of Tract NO.2 - Dana Lands, of the Star Valley Cheese Corporation property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 337PR, on Page 661, with said Office; thence SQo28'Q4'W, along said West line, 186.57 feet to an Iron Pipe, marking a comer of said Tract No.2; thence N89C>24'52'W, along a line of said Tract No.2, 190.03 feet to an Iron Pipe marking a point in said East Right-of-Way line; thence N23°58'43"W. along said East Right-of-,.Way, 147.48 feet to the Point of Beginning, . r.::~~*:$j:~i~ :::¡ Wt£.t!~~iJ.