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COUNTY OF Lincoln )
I, Susie Hawkes, being duly sworn on oath depose and state as follows:
1. That my name is Susie Hawkes, and I am President of Land Title Company and have knowledge of the facts
as stated herein.
2. That the following described property was conveyed to Lee R. Hyde and Naunie H. Hyde, husband and
wife, in that Warranty Deed which appears of record in Book 609 P.R., Page 857, records of Lincoln County,
".I ¡
See Exhibit A-I
3. Aforesaid Exhibit A-I contains a typographical errOr. The correct legal description as in Purchase Contract
J is attached hereto as Exhibit A-2. The Lincoln County land records should be corrected. The description should read
the same as Exhibit A-2.
4. The following described property was mortgaged in that certain Mortgage recorded in Book 609 P.R., Page
859, records of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
See Exhibit B-1
5. Aforesaid Exhibit B-1 also contains a typographical. The Lincoln County land records should be corrected
and reflect the correction in Exhibit B-2.
6. That this affidavit is made in conformance with Wyoming Statute 34-11-101.
Sub ribed and sworn before me this ~day of . nI\~ ,2006.
(Seal) -J.~. ~ff '
Notary Public
My Commission expires: Lo/.<ïh .vð.,
RECEIVED 5/8/2006 at 10:05 AM
RECEIVING # 918108
BOOK: 619 PAGE: 52
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The Southwest Quarter ofthe Northeast Quarter of Section 15, in Township 31North of Range 119
West of the 6th P.M. ,
Also, that part of the Southwest Quarter pft;he·NortheastQuarter, described as foIiows: Commencing
at the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 31·
NOlih, Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian thence running 40 rods South Thence 30 rods
East thence Northwesterly 9 rods paralÍel to County highway 140 thence 9roqs East thence to the West·
Boundary of said County highway to a point where ~aid Public Highway jntersects the NC'rth boundary·
. line of the southeast. Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15 thence West to the point of
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Exhibit A-2
The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, in Township 31 North, of Range
119 West of the 6th P.M.
Also, that part of the Southwest Quarter ofthe Northeast Quarter, described as follows;
Commencing at the Northwest comer of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 15, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian thence running 40
rods South, thence 30 rods East, thence Northwesterly 9 rods parallel to the County highway 140,
thence 9 rods East to the West boundary of said County highway, thence Northwesterly along
said County highway to a point where said Public Highway intersects the North boundary line of
the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15, thence West to the point of
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EXHIBIT 'ß'.- 1
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The Southwest Quarter oftl1e Northeast Quarter the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and
the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, in Township 31 North of Range 119
West of the 6th P.M., Commencing at the Northwest comer of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter of Section IS, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian thence
running 40 rods South Thence 30 rods East thence Northwesterly 9 rods parallel to County highway
140 thence 9 rods East thence to the West Boundary of said County highway to a point where said
Public Highway intersects the North boundary line of the southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
said Section 15 thence West to the point ofbeginnil1g, Excepting thererrom that parcel of Land
conveyed to Douglas M. Broadhead and Verdene N. Broadhead, recorded January 20,1975, Book116
P.R., Page 620.
File Number: SI412
land Tille Company
Wan..nty Deed - (Individual)
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Exhibit B-2
The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, the Southeast Quarter ofthe Northwest
Quarter, and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, in Township 31
North, of Range 119 West of the (Jt P.M.
Also, that part of the Southwest Quarter ofthe Northeast Quarter) described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest comer of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 15, Township 31 North, Range 119 We$t ofthe 6th Principal Meridian thence running 40
rods South, thence 30 rods East, thence Northwesterly 9 rods parallel to the CoUnty highway 140,
thence 9 rods East to the West boundary of said County highway, thence Northwesterly along
said County highway to a point where said Public Highway intersects the North boundary line of
the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15, thence West to the point of