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MB\j)ill:¡m~!¡:?,'/bOl U6 WORK ORDER -:# 62280 & 62281 5EC.19, TI7N,R118W :~~m~ili~~~~mm ~~:RH~;l~ _ Æ \""'1·;>:;;·;,.;"",'('11 . ¡ 9 "·'··'''ù,} 'L DISTRJBUTIONEASEMENT ]{NOW ALLMENJ3YTHESEJ>RESENT: That 1he undersigned. Matthew G. Miles, ~ BingIe man, GrJUltee, whose .addr£ss is :Post Office Box 3665, Alpine, WY 83128, ("Grantor") for.a Bood.and valuable consideration, 1he receipt ofw1ricb is .hereby .acknow1:edged, rlo l1ereby EIErt. convey.and w.ammt unto Lower V.alley EnerID',.a Cooperative Cmporation, of Aiton.and J.ackson, -WYoming.and 10 its .sucœssors .and aF;F;i.£T1l':, ("['-mmtff>S"),.a pcpetua1 :easement.and :rigbt ofw.ay.for 1he construction.and cnntTnllp.iI -n1:',int~:m~, :repair, .alteration.and r:ephN"mp.nt of1he :electric Æs1nlmtion .circuits, lines .and ~lliptT1P.T1t of íbe ['-m:¡nteP. 10 be .constructed .and -maint::linp.il1mder, 11pon.and .across 1he premises of Grantor in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, .along.a line .described.as .follow5,10 Vlit: ' BEING.a part ofA1p:ine Village Subdivision No.1, J>iat2, Lot 76 amP.T1OP.ð 1.1rird 'FllirJE .according 10 that J>Ja1.:filedin1he Office of1heLinco1n Comrty C)erlcmore.acclmlt:ely l1escnòed.as.follow5: BEGINNING 111 íbeIDOSt North comer of 5a1dl0176. Thence .8270£, 107 :feet 10 11 point. Thence S]4D£, 162.feetto.a 1ransfonner location. -EASEMENT 10 include 10 .feet on ::eacb-Bide of described.line, logdber wÏJ;h .alll1e~l':l':::ny .and r:easonable rights ofjngress.and:egress.and 10 :excaVll1e lIIld refill iI.it:ch:es.and 1r::encbes.for 1he location.and repair of .said facilities .and 10 .cut, trim, 5pDly l1erbicides, or remove :trees, Bhrubbery, Jmdergrowtb or other obBtructions intmeTÏnf with 1he repair .and -m::lint~:m~ of 1he fa~i11ti~s. The Grantor .acknowledges -thatE1:ectric .and Magnetic Fields (EMF) .are 11a1l1T::I 11y occllIIing in 1he 1:rnm:ml¡;;¡;;ion or .distribution of :e1ectricity, .and -that 1he Grantee JJas .here noti:fied Grantor 1haí EMF resting .and infmmation is .av.ailab1t: JJPon request.from 1he Grantee. This Fa~p.m~t by Grantor is intended 10 ;n~lnilp. 50:much.space.as is Te~~~ary or .appropriate 10 1he presence of EMF .and r:easonab1t: operation of íbe ['-mmtff>'S Æstributionlines. Grantor .agr:ees1hat .all po1:es, wes.and other ..facilities, instal1p.iI on or 1mderíbe .described lands -5ball r-emain íbe property of 1he Grnnt:eer:emovab]em íbe 50le rliscr:etion of 1he Gnmtee.atíbe Grantee '5 :Upense. Tberights, conditions lII1d provisions of 1bis cf-..a~P.T1t .shan inure toíbe benefit of.and be binilin Z .upon íbe part:ieE, 1beir l1eirs, ::executors, ailminlmat(\TS, ¡;;nccessors.and a~~ip;n~, ['-.r::lntor Bball.compensa1e Grantee .for lIIlY nam::lU¡;; to ['-m:¡nt~'5 fa~i1m~ .caused by Grantor, :including payment of r-.T::Int~~'s .attorney.fees if .action is nnder1a1œn by ['-mmtff> to ~ce íbe .commitmP.T1t~ rlescribed in 1bis ~::I~P.T1t. ['Trnnfar I:e.serveS 1he'rigb:t 10 :improve, occupy lII1d useíllli :easementi'or .all purposes no! :inc~!with:the ~aRP.rnP.T1t ,grant. EachJlllTÌY .sba1l mvelbe ~y of .specific perfonnance regarding:tbis ~a~P.T1t. Tlrerigbts.and obligations Described in this ~a~P.T1t .sba1l TIm -wrth 1he lanel This -eaRP.mP.T1t is not :exclusive, .and Gnmtor r:e:tains .all TIghts Dot sp~~liic.a 11y 2Pntp.d by 1bis:easement. This is 1he :entire .agr~P.T1t of 1he -parties regarding this ~::Ir::P.mP.T1t , 1:XCept.as:may be .set.forth m writing.after 1he.date of this ~a ~t .and £ign:ed by íbe parties. Grnntor .hereby releases .and w.aives .all.rigbts by virtue of 1he 1Iomestearl F-x~rnption laws of Wyoming. WTINESS:fheThmd of:fiæ Gmntar, 1Jris...L day of ~ ,2006. J1fJß# MATI'HEW G.MILES 5TATE.OF fû~} . COUNTY OF~~~} The:for~oinginstrumen1~.aclmow1erlEed before:me by -.n\ ~ G. .)~ , 1Dis / Day of ~ 20 d.P (Seal) SALLY L MARTINe', Notary lie County of· . State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires September 13,2006 Wi1=ssmy 1mnd=t¡mciBh¡:;¡. /JaØI x. l~ {i14 NotaI}' 'PubliCi 1\ - RECEIVED 3/Bl2D06 Xit 11:26 AM RECEIVING;t 918127 BOOK: ß1B PAGE: 109 .JEANNE WAGNER LINCo.LN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY My .cmnmlF;RÌnn :expires: OJ - /3 --6& 1