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W. S. 34-11-101 (Facts affecting title to real est1!8ÒRTESY RECORDING
This document is being recorded
solely as a courtesy and
accommodation to the parties
therein. Land Title Co. Hereby
expressly disclaims any
responsibility or liability for
the accuracy content thereat.
Ted C. Frome of Box 968, Afton, Wyoming 83110 upon his oath
deposes and states as follows:
1. That on October 30, 1970 Samuel Young, Jr. and Ila Young,
husband and wife, by contract for sale sold to William Paul Callahan III and
Joseph Michaels Callahan:
R.E. Survey 115, embracing a portion of the unsurveyed
public domain, Wyoming.
A boundary description of R. E. Survey 115 is contained in the
Contract for Sale, said contract is by this reference made a part of this
affidavit and is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
The description ofR. E. Survey 115 shown on page 1 contains
at its end the following language:- -
"excluding the property hereinafter described,
which property shall be retained and reserved
by the buyers",.
2. 'Paragraph 8 of the Contract for Sale provided for the Youngs to
reserve and retain a tract of land of approximately five acres. Youngs were
to have the 5 acres surveyed ,and then place a corrected warranty deed with
the escrow agent showing the legal description of the five acres.
Paragraph 8 further provides "Should Sellers (Youngs) desire to
sell the tract of land reserved by them, they shall offer the same to Buyers
(Callahan-Frome), and the Buyers shall have the right to meet any bona fide
offer which Sellers have received, upon the same terms and conditions as
Seller may offer the same to another party. Seller covenant and agree that
they shall not conduct any commercial or bus mess operations on the
property reserved". RECEIVED 5/12/2006 at 10:05 AM
RECEIVING # 918263
BOOK: 619 PAGE: 648
1 JEANNE WAGNER ..., ...',
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Paragraph 18 of the Contract for Sale provides "In the event
that either the Sellers (Young) or the Buyers (Callahan- Frome) shall bring
suit to enforce any of the conditions hereof, it is agreed that the defaulting
party shall pay the Prevailing party in such action all the reasonable costs of
said action, including a reasonable attorney's fee as may be set by the
3. On May 18, 1977 the Callahans assigned the Contract of Sale to
Ted C. Frome. The Youngs approved this assignment. A copy of the
assignment is made a part of this affidavit by this reference and is attached
hereto as Exhibit B. At this time Youngs had still not placed a corrected
Warranty Deed with the escrow agent, giving a legal description of the five
acres they were retaining.
The legal description on Exhibit "B" does not reserve to
Youngs the 5 acres that Exhibit "A" provides they could retain but assigns
the full 159.76 acres to buyer (Frome).
The failure to retain the 5 acres in Exhibit "B" was an oversight
and the retention should have been included as Youngs intended to reserve
their 5 acres at the time they approved Exhibit "B".
4. On April 20, 1992 Samuel Young, Jr. and Ila Young executed a
new deed to H. E. Survey 115 giving the legal description of the land being
transferred to Frome and the legal description of 5.67 acres being retained by
Youngs and delivered it to the escrow agent. A copy of that deed with
attached legal descriptions is made a part of this affidavit by this reference
and is attached hereto as Exhibit C. The deed was recorded on January 11,
1993 in Book 322 P.R. at page 659 as document No. 759550.
5. The facts stated in this affidavit may affect title and the chain of
title of lands located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, appearing by the record
to be owned by the Samuel Albry Young and Ila T. Young, Trustees, or their
successors in trust, under the Samuel Albry Young and Ila T. Young Joint
Living Trust, dated October 10, 1990, with Samuel Albry Young, Ila T.
Young, Judith Ann Toland, Susan Walker and Loretta Dory named as
DATED this 5th day of April, 2006.
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Ted C. rome
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Subscribed and sworn to before me by Ted C. Frome this /s r-day of
Witness my hand and official seal.
County 01 ~ State ,of
Uncoln ~ Wyoming
My_ Commisskm Expires May 2, 2007
My Commission Expires.
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THIS CONTRACT FOR SALE made and entered into this .J {);¡( day of
October, 1970, by and between SAMUEL YOUNG, JR. and lLA YOUNG, husband
and wife, hereinafter referred to as Sellers, and WILLIAM PAUL CALLAHAN,
III and JOSEPH MICHAEL CALLAHAN, as tenants in common, hereinafter
referred to as Buyers.
WITNESSETH: That the Sellers hereby agree to sell to the Buyers
and the Buyers hereby agree to purchase from Sellers, the following
described real and personal property, situate in the County of Lincoln,
State of Wyoming, to-wit:
H. E. Survey No. 11S, embracing a portion of the unsurveyed
Public Domain, Wyoming, more particularly bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at Corner No.1 from which U.S. Location
Monument No. 37 bears North (9°361 East) ninety-nine and
seventy-seven-hundredths chains distant; thence South (18°431 East)
twenty-nine and forty-seven-hundredths chains to Corner No.
2; thence North 72°10' East ten and eight-hundredths chains
to Corner No.3; thence South 17°S0' East forty and seven-
hundredths chains to Corner No.4; thence South 72°181 West
fifteen and eighteen-hundredths chains to Corner No. S; thence
North 18°8' West nine and ninety-eight-hundredths chains to
Corner No.6; thence South 72°12' West five chains to Corner
No.7; thence North 18°1' West five chains to Corner No.8;
thence South 710S91 West nine and fifty-two-hundredths chains
to Corner No.9; thence North 18°3S' West fifty-five chains to
Corner No. 10; thence North 73°30' East nineteen and ninety-nine-
hundredths chains to Corner No.1, the place of beginning,
containing one hundred fifty-nine and seventy-six-hundredths
acres, including the livestock and personal property located
thereon, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and made a part hereof by this reference; ~cl~ding~De
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and reserved. by the)uyers: .
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together with and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances
and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, upon the following
terms and conditions:
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1. PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price of all of the property
sold under this Contract for Sale is $250,000.00, which shall be allocate
as follows:
Real Property
Personal Property
which Buyers promise and agree to pay to the Sellers as follows:
(a) The sum of $25,000.00 upon the mutual execution
of this Contract For Sale, receipt for which
is hereby acknowledged by Sellers; and,
(b) An additional sum of $25,000.00 at the date of
closing, which shall be April 24, 1971; and,
(c) The balance of $200,000.00 payable, together with
interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent (7~
per annum on the unpaid principal balance in
monthly payments of $1,797.68 each, the first such
monthly payment to commence M~y 24, 1971, and
a like Sum of $1,797.68 shall be paid on the 24th
day of each and every month thereafter, until the
said sum of $200,000.00, together with interest
thereon at the rate of seven per cent (7~ per
annum, has been paid in full. Payment shall be
made to the Star Valley State Bank, Afton, Wyoming,
or at such other place as Sellers may, from time
to time, designate. Buyer shall have the option
to reduce the monthly payment to $1,500.00 for
any month during any calendar year, but the amount
deferred shall be paid in full on or before
December 24th of the year in which such payment
is deferred.
2. POSSESSION AND CLOSING. The closing of this Agreement sha 1
be held at the office of Floyd R. King, Attorney at Law, Jackson, Wyomin ,
into possession of the property effective April 25, 1971, and to continu
on the '24th day of April, 1971, and the Buyer shall be entitled to enter
in possession unless and until default is made under the terms of this
Contract For Sale.
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3. WARRANTY DEED AND ESCROW. Upon payment by Buyers of the
principal sum of $250,000.00, together with all accrued interest, as
herein provided, the property, both real and personal, shall be conveyed
by Sellers to Buyers by a good and sufficient warranty deed; provided,
however, that Sellers shall not be required to warrant title against
any person, firm, or corporation claiming by or through Buyers. The
parties do hereby appoint the Star Valley State Bank, Afton, Wyoming, as
Escrow Agent, and shall deliver to the Escrow Agent an executed counter-
part of this Contract For Sale. Upon execution hereof, Sellers shall
contemporaneously execute the warranty deed and bill of sale, hereinafter
referred to, and deposit the same in Escrow with the Escrow Agent, and
hereby instruct the Escrow Agent to deliver the same to Buyers when Buyer
have performed all of their obligations in accordance with this Contract.
Said warranty deed shall be sufficient to vest fee simple title to the
property in Buyers free and clear of all liens, defects and encumbrances
(a) Real Estate taxes from the date of execution hereof;
(b) Roads, highways and easements of sight or record;
(c) Any lien, defect, claim or encumbrance caused by
(d) Reservations in the patents from the United States
or State of Wyoming, water rights, ditch rights,
claims or title to water, and subject to any mining
claims and ownership or title to any mineral interests,
and the effect on the surface of the exercise of
mineral rights.
Delivery of said warranty deed to the Escrow Agent shall not
constitute delivery of title to Buyers, and such title shall vest in
Buyers only at such time as all terms, covenants and agreements herein
contained on BuyersT part to be paid or performed have been so paid or
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Upon the execution hereof, Buyers shall contemporaneously
execute a quitclaim deed to the above-described property, quitclaiming
the same to Sellers, which quitclaim deed shall be deposited in Escrow
with the Escrow Agent and the Escrow Agent is hereby instructed to
deliver the same to Sellers should a default occur in this Contract and
Sellers elect to terminate the same, as hereinafter provided. If said
Contract is terminated, the warranty deed, quitclaim deed, and the
abstract and bill of sale hereinafter mentioned, shall be returned to
Sellers, and upon payment of all terms and conditions hereof, the warrant
deed, quitclaim deed, bill of sale and abstract shall be delivered to
fuyers. The fees and expenses of the Escrow Agent shall be shared by
Sellers and Buyers.
Within thirty (30) days after the mutual execution of this Agreement
and the payment of $25,000.00 as contemplated above, Sellers shall, at
Sellers! expense, deliver to Buyers an abstract of title compiled by a
bonded abstracter, reflecting merchantable fee simple title to be vested
in Sellers, subject to this Contract and to:
(1) The items listed in sub-paragraphs (a)
through (d), both inclusive of this
paragraph above, and,
(2) The outstanding mortgage to the Federal Land
Bank, as hereinafter referred to, and,
(3) The lease agreement between Sellers and Kay
Erickson, as hereinafter referred to.
Buyers shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of same for
examination, and exceptions to title, if any, shall immediately be
delivered to the Sellers! attorney, Floyd R. King, P.O. Box 40, Jackson,
Wyoming, in writing; and Sellers shall at their own expense clear all
reasonable title requirements within 120 days of receipt of said title
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opinion listing said exceptions, but in case said title can not be
perfected within that time then this Contract shall be null and void and
the cash received hereon shall be refunded to Buyers.
4. TAXES. Buyers agree to pay all property taxes and
assessments on the property for 1971 and subsequent years.
5. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Sellers shall, upon transfer of
possession, execute a bill of sale to all personal property listed on
Exhibit "A", free from all liens, defects and encumbrances, except for
the mortgage to the Federal Land Bank as hereinafter referred to, which
bill of sale shall be delivered to the Escrow Agent as herein above
provided. During the term of this Contract Buyers may sell or replace
the items listed on the bill of sale provided that such items are promptl
replaced by like items of similar value and suitability for use on the
6. OUTSTANDING MORTGAGE. It is understood by and between the
parties that the mortgage to the Federal Land Bank, referred to above,
is outstanding and constitutes a lien against the premises. Sellers
covenant and agree to satisfy said mortgage in accordance with its terms,
or pay said mortgage in full, but if said mortgage is not satisfied and
released, the Escrow Agent shall pay the principal and interest due on
said mortgage, as the same may become due and payable, from the amount
received from the Buyers in payment of the purchase price hereunder, to
keep said mortgage current at all times. Said mortgage shall be
completely released prior to the Warranty Deed being delivered to Buyers.
7. OUTSTANDING LEASE. It is understood by the parties that
the Sellers have leased the property to Kay Erickson, which lease shall
terminate April 24, 1971. Sellers shall be entitled to retain all lease
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rentals received by them as a result of the agreement.
Should the lease
be terminated, either by lessee's default or by mutual consent of lessor
and lessee, the Buyers shall be entitled to possession of the property
provided they shall elect to close the sale earlier, and pay the
additional $25,000.00 as provided for in paragraph l(b), above.
8. RESERVATION OF PROPERTY. The Sellers shall reserve and
retain a tract of land containing approximately five (5) acres, which
tract of land shall be located along the westerly line of the said
property, the exact description to be obtained by survey, but to be
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located on the corner presently marked by the survey marker designated as
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u.S. Department of Interior, B.L.M. Cadastral
Survey, 1962, H.E.S. 115, Corner No.9.
The Sellers shall obtain an accurate description of the property to be
retained by them, and upon obtaining such survey, shall cause a warranty
deed, reflecting the correct description of the property to be retained,
to be placed in Escrow with the Escrow Agent, in substitution for the
warranty deed prepared on the execution of this agreement. Sellers shåll
have the right to use water from the property sold for irrigation and
domestic use, and shall reserve access to and from the property over and
across the property sold. Should Sellers desire to sell the tract of
land reserved by them, they shall offer the same to Buyers, and Buyers
shall have the right to meet any bonafide offer which Sellers have
received, upon the same terms and conditions as Sellers may offer the
same to another party. Sellers covenant and agree that they shall not
conduct any commercial or business operations on the property reserved.
9. PREPAYMENT. Buyers shall have the right at any time after
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197 '8,). ~~. ma::! j¿e~men ts with 0 ut pena lty 0 r premium of any
kind. All partial prepayments shall be credited first to accrued in teres
and the balance to principal instâllments in the inverse rder of when du .
10. CURRENT EXPENSES. Upon possession being given to Buyers
the parties hereto shall pro-rate current taxes on personal property,
all utility bills and other items normally pro-rated.
11. INSPECTION. The Buyers have inspected the premises and
property they are to receive and agree to take the same Tlas isTl in their
present physical condition and Sellers have made no representations or
warranties other than set forth herein with reference to physical con-
dition and no agreements or representations pertaining thereto, or to
this transaction, have been made, save such as are stated herein.
12. OUTFITTERS LICENSE. Sellers agree to transfer the Outfitt rs
License issued to them by the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission, to Seller ,
at such time as Sellers may request the same, but not prior to April 25,
1971. It is understood and agreed that the transfer of the Outfitters
License is subject to the rules and regulations of the State of Wyoming,
but Sellers shall cooperate with Buyers and assist them in obtaining such
license to the best of their ability.
13. INSURANCE. Until the entire purchase price shall have bee
paid by Buyers, Buyers agree to keep the real estate and personal
property described above and in Exhibit TlATI hereto, insured in an amount
not less than $50,000.00, which insurance shall be carried by an insuranc
company or companies reasonably acceptable to Sellers and shall contain
appropriate loss payable provisions protecting Sellers as Sellers!
interest may appear from time to time. Originals of such insurance
policy or policies shall be delivered to Sellers. If Buyers fail to keep
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and maintain such insurance, Sellers at their election may secure the
necessary insurance and the costs therefore shall be added to the purchas
price. In the event of loss or damage to said property, the proceeds of
said insurance policy or policies may be used to repair or rebuild the
damaged or destroyed property. Said policies shall not be oancelled unti
ten (10) days written notice thereof shall have been given to Sellers.
14. EXTENSION OF PAYMENTS. It is understood between the
parties that the parties intend that the monthly payments shall be
completed within fifteen (15) years after the commencement of the same,
but the parties hereto may, by mutual agreement, extend said payments for
a period of time mutually agreeable.
15. TERMINATION. If Buyers fail to pay any principal or
interest installment in the amount and at the time herein provided, or
fail to pay the property taxes as herein provided, or fail to keep and
maintain insurance as herein provided, or are adjudicated bankrupt or
make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or violate any of the
terms or conditions in this agreement contained, Sellers shall have the
right at any time thereafter to notify Buyers in writing of the nature
and extent of the default and if such default is not corrected within
thirty (30) days of the sending of such notice, Sellers shall have the
right at any time thereafter, to terminate this agreement by recording a
statement of termination in the public records of Lincoln County, Wyomin ,
and Buyers' rights hereunder shall terminate and all payments made by
Buyers hereunder shall be retained by Sellers as liquidated damages and
rental for the use of the property, and the Sellers shall have the right
to enter and take possession of the property or any part thereof, and
Buyers shall peacefully surrender possession of the property to Sellers.
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Upon delivery to the Escrow Agent of a statement of termination the Escro
Agent shall terminate the Escrow and return all instruments contained
therein to Sellers.
16. TIME OF ESSENCE. Time is of the essence of this Contract
For Sale.
17. WAIVER OF BREACH. A waiver by the Sellers of any breach
of any of the provisions of this agreement required to be performed by
the Buyers shall not bar the rights of the Sellers to avail themselves
of any subsequent breach of any such provisions nor abrogate the time of
the essence clause of this Contract For Sale.
18. ATTORNEY'S FEES. In the event that either the Sellers or
the Buyers shall bring suit to enforce any of the terms or conditions
hereof, it is agreed that the defaulting party shall pay the prevailing
party in such action all the reasonable costs of said action, including
a reasonable attorney's fee as may be set by the Court.
'. ;1.9 . ASSIGNMENT. The Buyers shall not sell, assign, or convey
Buyer's rights hereunder or to the property without the prior written
consent of Sellers, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
20. AGREEMENTS. It is agreed by the parties hereto that all
stipulations and agreements herein contained shall extend to and bind th
heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the respective parties.
21. NOTICE. Any notice required or needed to be given under
this Contract For Sale shall be sent by certified mail to the other
party addresses as follows:
To Sellers:
P.O. Box 391, Afton, Wyoming
To Buyers:
P.O. Box 1172, Jackson, Wyoming
Upon notice to the other party the addresses may be changed at any
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22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement constitutes the entire
agreement of the parties and may not be changed or modified except by an
agreement in writing signed by the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract For Sale was executed the day and
year first above written.
Ila Young
lI¡l)fL: ~ ûœQ-=~
William Paul Callahan, III
1 White gas (2-burner) stove
2 Rubber Boats - oars & life jackets
Gas Pump - 1000 cap.
2 8' Camp tables
Crawler - 420
Wheel Trç¡ctor
7 Horses
1 l-Tort GMC Truck
Lawn Mower - Gas operated
Light Plants
Gas Refrigerator
Spike Tooth Harrow
Bridles - Halters - Blankets
1 Twin Tub Dexter Washing Machine
and Rinse Tubs
1 Typewriter
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1 Large Pine Table &
2 Couches - matching
1 Coffee Table
1 Step table
1 Footstool
1 Small table
12 matching chairs
chairs 1
Table and chairs
Pots and Pans
10 Double beds
10 Single beds
T a bi e s
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Pine Book Cupboard
Wall Stands
Book Stands
Clothes Horses
1 Oak Table
Bed - mattress, etc.
Pillow Slips
Rubber hose
Cabin saw
Mower - John Deer - Hay
Cement Mixer
Riding saddles
Riding saddles
Pack Saddles
Rifle Scabbards
Camp Stoves
Gas Stove, 1 large grill
w/large oven
Soil Drag Leveler
Gas Heater
Coal Heater
Seller shall retain all other personal items retained on the premises
not specifically named above and shall specifically retain the following:
1 Cultivator 5 Gal. of Penta 1
1 Tent Stove 1 Sewing Machine 1
1 Tea Kettle & Beaver 1 Ashstand 1
1 Deer Foot Lamp 2 Packboards 1
2 Small Butane Tanks 3 Roof Jacks 1
1 Old Chest of Drawers 2 Old Saddles 1
2 Old-fashioned Washstands 1
6 Wool Blankets Silverware 1
All traps of any kind
1 Old Grindstone 2 Pre Chaps
1 Butane Gas Stove Furniture Clamps 1
(Portable) 1 Writing Desk
Assortment of 6 Chairs 2
Fireplace Kettle
Oxyoke and chain
Mounted Deerhead
Set ea. of deer & moose
Square Footstool
Complete set of Harness
Saddle Scabbord, hand mad
Set Saddle Bags, hand mad
Stainless Sugar, Creamer
and Butter Dishes
Old-fashioned Dresser wit
Rocking Chairs
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This is an Addendum to the "CONTRACT FOR SALE" relating to the sale
of real and personal property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, known
as the Box Y Ranch, executed by Samuel Young Jr. and Ila Young, husband and
wife, as Sellers, and William Paul Callahan, III and Joseph Michael Callahan,
tenants in common, as Buyers.
Should Sellers elect to terminate said "CONTRACT FOR SALE" pursuant to
paragraph 15 thereof, Buyers shall be entitled to remove all buildings,
equipment and improvements which Buyers have placed on the premises, so long
as such removal does not damage the premises. However, Buyers may not remove
any buildings, equipment or improvements which replaced any buildings,
equipment or improvements now on the premises.
Sellers agree to perform all acts necessary to transfer the brand known
as the "Box Lazy Y" to Buyers, and/or insure that said brand remains as the
brand of the premises sold pursuant to the "CONTRACT FOR SALE" and this
Addendum thereto.
William Paul Callahan, III
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J~~háel Callahan
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This Assignment made this ~~/; day of May, 1977, by
WILLIAM PAUL CALLAHAN, III, hereinafter referred to as the
"assignor", to TED C. F~OHE, hereinafter referred to as the
In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein
contained, the assignor hereby assigns to the assignee, and
to the assignee's legal representatives and assigns, ,all of
the assignor's right, title and interest under that certain
Contract for Sale, dated October 30, 1970, entered into
between SAMUEL YOUNG, JR., and ILA YOUNG, husband and wife,
referred to in said contract cflS "sellers", and WILLIAM PAUL
common, referred to in said contract as "buyers", and which
said Contract for Sale conferred upon WILLIAM PAUL CALLAHAN
III and JOSEPH MICHAEL CALLAHAN the right to purchase the
premises hereinafter described for the purchase price and
upon the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement.
The property sold under the Contract for Sale is more
particularly described as follows:
H. E. Survey No. 115, embracing a portion of the
unsurveyed Public Domain, Wyoming, more particul-
arly bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at Corner No.1 from which U.S. Location Monument
No. 37 bears North (9°36' East) ninety-nine and
seventy-seven-hundredths chains distant; thence
South (18° 43' East) twenty-nine and forty-seven-
hundredths chains to Corner No.2; thence North
72°10' East ten and eight-hundredths chains to
Corner No.3; thence South 17°50' East forty and
seven-hundredths chains to Corner No.4; thence
South 72°18' West fifteen and eighteen-hundredths
chains to Corner No.5; thence North 18°8' West
nine and nineDy-eight-hundredths chains to Corner
No.6; thence South 72°12' West five chains to
Corner No.7; thence North 18°1' West five chains
to Corner No.8; thence South 71°59' West nine and
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fifty-two-hundredths chains to Corner No.9;
thence North 18°351 West fifty-five chains to
Corner No. 10; thence North 73°30' East ninteen
and ninety-nine-hundredths chains to Corner No.1,
the place of beginning, containing one hundred
fifty-nine and seventy-six-hundredths acres.
The assignee does covenant and agree to abide by the
terms, covenants and conditions contained in said agreement,
to pay the purchase price and all assessments; taxes, in-
surance and other obligations against said property, and
agrees, to hold the assignor harmless by reason of nonpayment
or nonperformance of the same, and to indemnify him for any
loss by reason of assignee's failure to so perform.
JOSEPH MICHAEL CALLAHAN, one of the buyers named in the
Contract for Sale has previously quitclaimed all o£ his
right, title and interest in and to the property to the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the assignor and the assignee have
executed this agreement.
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William Paul Callahan, III
cX:ç?c;~ ~~~~
Ted C. Frome, Asslgnee ...
County of Teton
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by
WILLIAM PAUL CALLAHAN, III, this /f~~day of May, 1977.
Margarot R. hap or
COUNTY ~(,fJ~;~<~'.è' STATE
OF ,q¡',,~n~ OF
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and official seal.
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County of Lincoln
The foregoi~g instrument was acknowledged before me by
TED C FROM th' ¡d-J/; 1 f
' . E 1S /,'í'- (cay 0' May, 1977.
----·--W.ì..r:PNBS.~; ...JX1.y-b..a.rl '.
MlI,.çllrot It Shepliorcl
OF i~tíf~S'~5 OF
Comminon expi,e. Oelob., 15, 1979
and official seal.
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Nòr'ary/ Public (
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My commission expires:
SAMUEL YOUNG, JR., and ILA YOUNG, husband and wife¡the
sellers referred to in the çontract for Sale hereinabove
described, do hereby conseht to assignor's assignment of his
rights under the Contract for Sale, dated October 30t 1970,
to the assignee, TED C. FROME, provided, however, that such
assignment shall not relieve or release the assignee, WILLIAM
County of Lincoln
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by
SAMUEL YOUNG, JR. AND ILA YOUNG thi s \ q ttl. day
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Samuel Young, Jr. , and Ila Young, husband and wif e
grantor of Afton I County of Lincoln I State of W}'ullling, heretJ)'
Ted C. Frome and Betty B. Frome, husband and wif e by the entireties
grantee of Af ton, Wyoming
for the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable considerations
the fullowing described tract of land in Lincoln County, State oC WYl)IIIIS,
hereby releasing and waiving all rights und£:r and by virtue of the homestead oxumptlon laws of the State, to -wit:
See attached legal description
Signed in the presence of
WITNESS, the hand of said grantor . this
!.I a y of
A.D. I~
Ila Young
(j . l/
County of LINCOLN J 55.
On the .;:).O~"- day of A~
A.D. 19'1".l... personally appeared before roe
Entry No,
¡:~e $
.sa- TR v..e \ V 0 u.. n \ :s 'c .
:¡: I 0... ~o u... \\ ~
~.- CY9I'& that
CouIt)'oaI Slale at ,
a.øan \Yyomk1g
My CommIaston Expires July 9. 19<\?
instrument. who duly
he, execuII.:d the same.
~ry Public
Commission expires: 1")- 't - q 5"
Residing in ~
Th ' n. d 11 t "",...,;.1:;':;.""
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H. E. Survey No. 115, embracing a portion of the unsurveyed Public
Domain, Wyoming, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at Corner No. 1 from which U. S. Location Monument No. 37
bears North (9°36' East) ninety-nine and seventy-seven-hundredths chains
distant; thence South (18°43' East) twenty-nine and
forty-seven-hundredths chains to Corner No.2; thence North 72°10' East
ten and eight-hundredths chains to Corner No.3; thence South 17°50'
East forty and seven-hundredths chains to Corner No.4; thence South
72°18' West fifteen and eighteen-hundredths chains to Corner No.5;
thence North 18°8' West nine and ninety-eight-hundredths chains to
Corner No.6; thence South 72°12' West five chains to Corner No.7;
thence North 18°1' West five chains to Corner No.8; thence South 71°59'
West nine and fifty-two-hundredths chains to Corner No.9; thence North
18°35' West fifty-five chains to Corner No. 10; thence North 73°30' East
nineteen and ninety-nine hundredths chains to Corner No.1, the place of
beginning, containing one hundred fifty-nine and seventy-six-hundredths
acres, excepting and reserving unto the grantors as husband and wife, by
the entireties: That part of Homestead Entry Survey No. 115, T34N,
Rl16W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows:
Beginning at Corner No. 9 of the said HES 115 where found a 2"
galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed "HES 115 9 1962";thence
N71°-59'E, the base bearing for this survey, 588.0 feet along the south
line of the said HES 115 to a point; thence N39°-07'W, 535.9 feet to a
point; thence S71°-59'W, 400.0 feet parallel to said south line to a
point on the west line of said HES 115; thence S18°-35'E, 500.0 feet
along the said west line to the corner of beginning; each point being
marked by a 2" galvanized steel pipe 30" long with brass cap inscribed
"PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 BIG PINEY WYOMING 1971" and appropriate
details; encompassing an area of 5.670 acres, more or less; all in
accordance with the map prepared and filed in the Office of the Clerk of
Lincoln County; together with and singular the tenements, hereditaments,
appurtenances and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, subject
to all easements and encumbrances of sight or record.