HomeMy WebLinkAbout918272 File No.: 51302 (01) , :")r684 '.' '-.) v Name: Address: Ross S. Wolfley 739 E. Coventry Lane Alpine, WY 83128 RECEIVED 5/12/2006 at 10:47 AM RECEIVING # 918272 BOOK: 619 PAGE: 684 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: WARRANTY DEED (Individual Form) Ring Enterprises, L.L.C., an Idaho Limited Liability Company GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming W ARRANT(S) to , CONVEY(S) AND Ross S. Wolfley, a married man as his sole and separate property, a 30% undivided interest GRANTEE(S), whose address is 739 E. Coventry Lane, Alpine, WY 83128 for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto 1") "7 J !.- i7 ,;; Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this 19th day of April, 2006. STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Teton The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 19th day of April, 2006, by James S. Read, Managing Member of Ring Enterprises, L.L.C., an Idaho Limited Liability Company the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said limited liability company. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. Notary pef¡ q , ~ ('\ - A.¿/"¡! My commission expires 0 u LAURIE caE· NOTARY PUBLIC State of County of Wyoming Teton I 007 My Commission Expires 9/12 2 File Number: 51302 Land Title Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page 10f2" ,,' :··;':~J;i;iilij;¡t:;,:.:",." : ;~:i~~i~~~mi~¡~t::: :.~:.~-~~:.~~ benL öy: bbLIUj, r¡;~;~:¡;¡i!:¡!~':';:',::'; 03i~&""?Z 1111810111r1 ~/)( Surv/>¡'þ/'J !N,~ , FlðgÏslralÌOn NÞ, 1114 , n.g1ot/D1Ïan No. 1870 · R"OItnIOØon No, 3900 ,118 R"9IaI/Bllon No, 8SD:i : A, /k1)ø/l).J R"II""""1Qn No. G80~ I Flegla1/Drion No, 8D'2!! Rogir1/BlIon No. 3711111 .Owe A. SCHEFlBEL R"1JIr1ra1!On Nø.. 6308 yo, sa..<boI. LTD, \'¡)oning AII)'. \Y;'omi¡g m.WyoITJiry¡ DI Bp~, Idaho ¡lllIr, IdJhg , ::IU I ßt~'~;t":Q~09; , " ,I -,' ::;!~::::::::::~::;:;J :::'j. r"j';';';':':':""""" !::,j ,! ~) ,.~ :I'~': , !':~ ':i:l'I; ::',:",H~ DESCRIPTION FOR, :-:-¡, i!t "., "1 ¡- RING ENTERPRISES, Llik!U , i:tr',~ " PARCEL B NORTHERL f1Q,' ;';EXlSTING SOUTH FENCE LINE :",; :::~;; ",I 'j'" , : ¡:;:,.i.' ;i:~j, ' , 'i ""Iì' ¡~:.~ ·!t Zi i "",,'1, :li!:I. . That part of the NV,S V,SW~j!i:: ':. of S eotion ·19, T3 ~N R 1,18 W, I\'i tlUn the futOrporated Limits of the Town of Aftoni'¡¡'.:.. In County,Wyonung, bemg part of that Ira<;t of record in the Office of the C]cr~ o#j.iij· ~In County iii Book 575 of Photostatic Recor~s on page 8t4, described as follows: (Uh! . , ;,: 'j: ';, : BEGINNING at a brass:caij,tr ". intCf&ectiQ!ì of the easterly right-of-way IiÞe of U.S. Higl¡wa y 89 With tho .òull,i:~~ tor .aid NVaS !/¡SW V.NW Yo, S88"~32' -22"E, ~O, 67 feet, from the southwest comer ~(is~ ,;NY2S~SW~NW~; , , :':, .:1: : thence 889"-36' -57"E, 1265. ~t t~t, along an existing fence line, to' a position ~n the east jne of said N~8~8Wv.mr~;1J: i. .'! ' I..." ',1. ',' ! thence NOOo -11 '-42"W, 30&. ~~: t \ along the cast Ijne of said NV.S~SWYoNWV., to Ibe northeast corner thereof; , i:::¡ J ~,¡ . , i::'¡"T, ¡, ,! thence N88°-39'-SS"W, 349.9$·:t \ along tlie';,orth lino of .aid N~SY,SWV.NwV., to a .., 'I' , . point at a fence corner; : HI.). ¡ : . ~ .: ¡ : ¡ thence 800"-05' -Q4"E, 197, 6¡;:¡ iii: i along an eXisting fence line, ;0 a point at a fence ' ,.: ,j,', . comer; ).'.j 'H '. . , !':',¡':¡: ',i , thence N88"-42'-43''W,'9ls,6~jfW ¡ along an existing fence line, in Part, to a pQint on said eaSterly right-of-way jne; n iV: . thenç. SOoo-17' -23 "E. 13 i.s4ii}d~. along .aid easterly tight,oI-way line. to ~e BRAss CAP OF BEGINNING; , : ,,¡ ll.! '.." ',' 'Ï" ENCOMP A8SING an 1U'Cl>0dh.i·fcres. more Or:less; the BASE BEARING for ~i~:J;J Jy is the W~t line of the NWv. ~f Section! 19. T32N . D I Q"w.:';i, .:n,:, , RII8W, bemgNOO -]7 -0 .,¡ 'Hi'. . ' ;::j, I-! " " TOGETHER. With a right ôf i~'. J egress and uliJities over, under and '"'TOSS that sixty (60) foot shared ,",cess and utiiiIYì'~ement !oca]èd in the southwest comer of said Parcel ' ,'.. 'I" ~ . A of record on the below rcfcrcn:c:': "plat; i ' ::::1 ;'1::¡ , RESER V ING unto the Gr¡int~;·;·' ~ir heirs, .uec...ors and assign.· a perpetuiú tight of ingre.., egress and utilities:ov~.::': '~er, and acTOsS that sixty (60) foot shared ~cc..s and utility easement located in the Ii*, ' .: est corner o[said Pmel B; AND. : ~~ERVING unto the Granto~1:lIr heirs, ~uc';..sors and ..signs that twenty. (20) foot ul1hty easement apPurtenant t'/;;f, .,;01 A, beIng. tho north twenty (2U) feet 01 the west 915,64 feet, as depicted on the ¡;~<! : . ¡referenced plat; , . ¡::,j '::1:': , SUBJECT to ,that twenty (20). #9'þity easem.,)t shown hereon, being the wbst twenty (20) feet of slUd Parcel B, to be 8\'iIiI ,d to the Town of Alton fur a water line' . ',:). f¡;' ',j, , ; , :",i,', , >,' , each "col11er". found a" describ.¡t¡~;' e Corner Retord filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of LIncoln County;. ;::¡ 'J"! . . ¡::),l'~, , ~h "poinf' marked by a 5/8t!t#':)" steel reii;forcJng rod with a: 2" atunlintun cap Inscnbed, "SURVEYOR scm;WI, t LID AFTON wY PLS 5368':, wit/¡ appropriate deIatIs' ,'.¡. '" , , ' . ,..,,~: ., . :.:~ ';r .; "ModifIcation in any waif of!th'~..JÎ~!r'""nl..~ ..J_ . Jan-12-06 11 :20; c'::;;::::r;;fage 8/9 ,; "''::;';:;, 'I, i ~-:;"t'i . ^ ....8F r; ,'") "~ /..:, ~ \... ".I\,,~ .,:;;r,;'':0 (,(Q)' J f'~>r?' \, \ , i Ij', ' \ I.. . , j'! To-wit: -- .. " " " , ' , , , , Sent By: SSLTD; 1 307 885 9809; Jan-12-0611:20; Page 9/9 . . : ~. ~ : Ii! Iii . .., .1:'" :.., I J.. DESCRIPTION FOR: ;:;-!: 1 L RING ENTERPRISES~ L~t r L . : . PARCEL B NORTHERLŸ1d: :'~EXISTING:SOUTH FENCE LINE :..¡. ';1· PAGE TWO :".¡ . 'j.;:, ::..¡.. 'J; t: :...r J':¡': :,:: . =': , LL:jJ: .' each "brass cap:' marked %+~. 2" galvonked steel 'pipe with bras, cap' inscribed, "MARLOWE A. SCHEIœËt-·: ~S 5368 AFToN WYOMlNG", with approp~iate detail, found' ;':¡. q:. , :--; .¡:¡.: (:i . rt{ '. " all in accordance wi tb the ri~", ];'pared to hc' :tiled in the Office of the CIeri<' ofLincoIn COlD1ty titled, "PLAT to '!!IC: þMP ANY PARcEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR RING ENTERPRISES, LLC!..:. IN THE NORTH AFTON W ATEA ANþ SEWER ANNEXATION TO THÈ 1i~r . :. ON'JN THE NY,sy,SWY.NWY., S*=nON 9 T32 118 UNA!::¡ OMÎNG", dated 11 November 2005, lisrevi,ed. ,,' "'='0 Ii¡ III . I, ,1'..1 :::.~.. Eh :-:.1' Fr.': . : '1·1· ::tn~: :..1 .,. t·. ¡·o'L. ¡:,,: ;:-~ .1¡: ¡i :' :".¡. ::: ..... 'I' ,.j' 1, ¡' >.i·)¡i ~::.¡. r H :':.1 '1:1.:: . . ,. ~ . 11 Ii ::~:J: JW ',' : " ~... : :: .1:; ~ :::{. flf! ::j'il ;",1, fP :':¡"IT :.:.¡ r fi '/i!Jil: :."¡ "',:¡: :.:¡ .. ; ; ¡ ~:)'. (~~. ...., .~: L 'HI¡ . ". ·1. t· I. A, f. ;mf~~~~~m!i.~~;ff,~,': :;::1-: :h f - 03:tS~ "?Z PrOIISSia""llAnø Survøyorv P1¡yf N. Scf¡S/IJ Wyo. R"IIblTlllQn No. 154 Ulah n.¡"'11nn III/¡ U170 Idaho ~1"11on No. S$9O lI.walla Roollrrllfoft No, 880:5 Scoh A. &:hSI1It! ~, qllQlilrlllo/ No. 3889 1Il411o RDOtrIIlIÍI:t1 No. 802e Ulah F!.egIlI2falÏct\ No. 3T2111 'MRLOWE A. SCHeReeL "'Yo. Reo'_tion Na. 5ses JIiMIYot Sdwtsel. LTtJ. IRan. Wycm¡ng !tv PInUV, Wyomna ~8Or1. W¡omlng Jlvl\ 1101 Spnnae, ~aho AhnlMlj"t Irl.hn '\..-;:.~.,/ r:....,~ìti'"'86 \ . '-J,., ;. ~ ...." , UA "_..J1I1_ _d. .1