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/' jerry LWi/sor:l,:being' first duly sworn upon' my'~()ath: depose and state as follows:
j~ip:·f~.k't. ;'B~;;;Y·;'-- :~~r'1 9n~-·-'~:: \.:1". ;"" -' -tit ",: ',. :~:. " .f, ;
:JJi\;:'~:' - Tba~r/Dam¡ a joiT:1t Trustee named in thé-Lë'slie:q Nllhn 'add Violet K. Nuhn
R~\tqÇ..9.ble·pving Trustd.dated .D~çember 14, 1998.-; 'II i;~_: "
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2. That on january 7, 1999 in Book 424PR on page 228 of records of Lincoln
County Clerk was recorded a Quitclaim Deed from Leslie C. Nuhn and Violet K. Nuhn to
Leslie C. Nuhn and Violet K. Nuhn as joint Trustees Leslie C. Nuhn and Violet K. Nuhn
Revocable Living Trust conveying the following described land:
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Beginning at a point on the west right of way of Turnerville-Grover Park Road and
being 5 8 ° East, 696 feet from the !4 corner between Sections 14 and 15 in T33N
R 118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence N 90° W,
320 feet; thence N 0°0' E, 200 feet; thence N 90°0' E, 440 feet; thence meandering
southwesterly along the west right of way of Turnervil/e-Grover Park County Road
back to point 1, the place of beginning.
3. The Warranty Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly
defined as required by W.S. 34-2-122 (1977) in that the date of the Trust was not shown.
The date of the Trust is December 14, 1998.
Dated this / ~ay of May, 2006.
State of Wyoming )
County of Lincoln )
I, jerry L. Wi/son, do solemnly swear that I have read the foregoing Affidavit
subscribed by me; that I know the contents thereof and verily believe the statements therein
contained are true.
The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me by jerry L. Wilson this
¿~ day of May, 2006.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires:
RECEIVED 5/12/2006 at 1 :55 PM
RECEIVING # 918279
BOOK: 619 PAGE: 701
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