HomeMy WebLinkAbout918287 ~m;f;::m3 !;~:!:~~:'N'~:':' ;~~ . -. - '" , -.". ;:'''''~ ~·'~~J·'~';':';'·i~C~~;~~_~~'·\·;c'r:-::-::-.:.¡..''':;'~'œ~~".'~'!ú,:U':;':·..7:~i'-·;!:· -:-"'':'': -,;., ;,_~ _;¡'_,~ ~..., :"".J:"''.o---.y.!,::.. .' , . ,. ¡·>!.:~'~i~'~ .~r..' .;~; . 0 .I '_ ',-, ~o~l:'~Î~:¡~¡":.i)!r; ;'~¡.!;'.;i~~;1~',1¡,ì~'i'\' ':'-' '··;".':,~f"¿.: ·.';·ì J~<>-~<~i·r:;!~_,. ,...:,: '..' ,;-,_:;~~,~: 'i':';;+~.;""'. - - ~ -. ~ - ("\ 1')('\ ¡...,..- 6 - 1.1 U U ,..=~ - .- WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENrS, that L~LIAN E. HARRO\VER, a sìngle woman, Grantor, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuabie con$ideration in hand paid, re{;eipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND - _. W ARRANTS to SCOTT R.MICKELSENandMITZI E. MICKELSEN, husband and . .. i wife, Grante~s as to anundivided 40% interest as tenant-in-common with RICHAR'D,A. EGBERT LIMITED pARTNERSHIP, an Idaho limited partnership, grantee as to an uridivided 60% interest, c/o P.O, Box 208, Opal,WY 83124, the following-described property situated in the County of Line 0111, state ofWyóming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption la"'vs of the State, to-wit: see attached Exhibit "A" ./ Including and together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to ta.xes, reseI\lations, CQvenants, condíúons, restrictions, rights-of. way and easements of sight and record, if any, and further subject to a reservation of 50% of all oil, gas and miner.ti rights appunenant to the property. "'TfNESS my hand effective the -rItday of ~, 1997. /7(J¿,) t: ;¿{,/utu^,,~/ jT:illian E. Harrower \) STATE OF WYOMING COU~TY OF LH1!€:LW ) ) S5. ) .........--rJ.l The fore~oin~ ~Varra.my Deed was acknowledged before me by Lillian E. Harrower this ~ (1ay of 1t.p~ L ,1997. WTINESS my hand and official seal. ~WJP cr/D2A " No . Public RECEIVED 5/12/2006 at 2:39 PM RECEIVING # 918287 BOOK: 619 PAGE: 736 JEANNE WAGNER _____='~=~~_~_~OUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. wY / / I .. .... , ,,0:, ...-.:.'..... . _..,..... ' ',"J_ 'J..;. ,~~ ' .. ...............,.. .,.,,,,.-..,-, ...~. oj... .,.-.. '-'.-'-"-~ , ,. ._...... .......,.. '.<1 ._..~._, ... .~.........., r (ì /"'¡ ¡"'.. 7 ;~I d L t :~ Exhibit A Township 24 North, Range 116 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming: Section 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 and SE1/4 Section 2: Lots 1, 2 Section 12: E1/2 Section 13: N1/2NE1/4 Township 25 North, Range 115 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming: Section 32: SE1/4, S1/2NE1/4 ~ill~~i~!~!~:~ ';