When Recorded Mail to: ~i ~7,,t t;~ ;'.
Burrow Closing Management Corporation ·
520 W. Palmdale Blvd., Suite O
Cendant Mobility Services File #: 1234:785
(Space~ above for recorder's use)
I (We), Joseph E. Brabender ~aii:; principal(s), do hereby constitute and appoint either Burro~v.
Closing Management Corporation, a Caiifornia Corporation ACTING ALONE, or Cendant Mobility
Services, a Delaware Corporation, ACTING ALONE (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation"), as my
(our) true and lawful agent (attorney(s'?'i[n-fact) to act for me (us), and in my (our) name(s), place(s) and
To enter upon and take posses~.ii~m of the real property located at and commonly known as 246 Elm,
Kemmerer, WY 83101 more particulailii~' described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by
this reference, (hereinafter referred to ~i.q the "Property") that may belong to me (us), and/or to the possession
of which I (we) may be entitled, includfiiig but not limited to any buildings or other structures on the Property
and to take any and all actions on beha?:~i of the undersigned for the exchange, transfer conveyance and/or sale
of the Property; :.
To ask, and/or collect by all a,¢i(ilable legal avenues and to also receive any of the rents, profits, issues
or income of any and all of the Propert)~, or of any part(s) thereof;
To pay contest, and/or compro,mise any and all taxes, charges and assessments that may be levied,
assessed or imposed upon any of the Pi;,~perty and to also receive refunds in connection with the taxes,
charges and assessments that affect the !Property;
To make, execute and deliver any deed, mortgage or lease, with or without covenants and/or
warranties, regarding the Property, or i'of any part(s) thereof;
To do any act of management and/or conservation of the Property including but not limited to,
repair, rebuilding or reconstructing an~;7 buildings, houses or other structures or any part(s) of the Property;
To obtain insurance of any kifiit, nature or description whatsoever, on any of the Property and/or in
connection with the management, use er occupation thereof and/or on any personal property belonging to me
(us) on the Property and/or regarding ~he rents, issues and profits arising therefrom, and to make execute
and file proof(s) of all loss(es) suStaine~:' or claimable thereunder, and all other instruments in and about the
same, and to make, execute and deliver receipts, releases or other discharges,therefore,, under seal or
otherwise; .,
' To demand, sue for, collect, arA recover and receive all goods, claims, debts, monies, interests and
demands whatsoever now due, or that 'iaay be hereafter due or belong to me (us) (including the right to
institute any action, suit or legal proee~!:~clings for the recovery of any such Property or any part(s) thereof, to
the possession whereof I (we) may be ei,~[titled), and to make, execute and deliver receipts, releases or other
discharges therefore, under seal or othl?rwise;
To defend, settle, adjust, comp~mnd, submit to arbitration all actions, suits, accounts, reckonings,
claims and demands whatsoever regarding the Property that now are, or hereafter shall he, pending between
me (us) and any claimant, person, firm, association or corporation, in such manner and in all respeets as my
(our) said attorney-in-fact shall think f,~;
To hire any and all acconntam~,, attorneys at law, cleric, inspectors, appraisers, brokers, workmen,
laborers and others, and to remove them, :and appoint others in their place, and to pay and allow to the
persons so employed such salaries, wag)~s or other remuneration(s), as my (our) said attorney-in-fact shall
think fit;
To use, develop, alter, replace,~ remove, erect, or install structures or other improvements upon the
Property which the principal(s) has/ha'?e an interest and/or rights in the Property; and
Without in any way limiting tli.~e !'oregoing, generally to do, execute and perform any other lawful act,
deed, matter or anything whatsoever, t.~at ought to be done, executed and performed regarding the Property.
And I (we) do herebyratify an.~ i::onfirm each and every act that my (our) said attorney-in-fact shall
do, or cause to be done, in or about the P!~°perty, by virtue of this power of attorney.
This power of attorney shall nOt ioe affected by the subsequent disability or incompetence of the
principal(s) hereto. This power of atto~ni~y may not be changed orally.
In order to induce any third p~,~,rtY to act hereunder, l(we) hereby agree that any third party
receiving a duly executed copy or facsimitle of this instrument may act hereunder, and that revocation or
termination hereof shall be ineffective ~as 'to such third party unless and until actual notice of knowledge of
such revocation or termination shall h~ve ibeen received by such party, and I (we), for myself (ourselves) and
for my (our) heirs, executors, legal rep'i'esb, ntatives and assigns, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless
any such third party from and against ~m!,r and all claims that may arise against such third party by reason of
such third party having relied on the p t~ovisions of this instrument.
I (We) further agree to indemnifi~ and hold harmless the Corporation, and its officers, directors and
employees from any liability costs, damages or fees (including reasonable attorney fees) from ,the actions of
Corporation exercised under the terms of this Power of Attorney, provided that acts of the attorney-in-fact
are performed in good faith.
Cendant Mobility, its agents a~:~d employees are also authorized to obtain information with
connection with my home and my relocation by accessing web-based sources maintained by lenders and
others and providing them with such at~thentication as may be needed to obtain such information.
WITNESS V~IEREOF, we have~ signe~ii: tlmse presents this
~ J~seph E. Brabender
COUNTY OF ..... ~//k.._? :',__ §
On~his~~l~ of t~'~.~./t~._~. ....... , 2001, before me,
C~-~ ~ ~.~.~_ ~ j ~7'~- . 'personally appeared, Joseph E. Brabender ,
personally ~t0 me (o~ ~roved to i:~;[i~; on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose
name(s) is/~ subscribed to this instru~:~ent and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), ~'~hd that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the pe~0n(s) or
the entity upon behalf of which the per:~iVn(s) acted, executed the instrument.
Witness my h,d and offici~s'e~l.
My Commission Expi~
Legal Description for
Joseph E. Brabender
Lot 2 of the Quarry Subdivision~ Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat
thereof. ~i'