HomeMy WebLinkAbout918348 C00001 RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE . AGREEMENT entered into the 1st day of September 2005. WHEREAS, by Oil and Gas Lease dated September 17, 1998, ("the Lease"), recorded in Bk. 431, Page 349, in the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation, Lessor, leased to Texaco Exploration and Production Inc., Lessee, lands described as follows: 2-( ? (:.J 1 Township 21 North. Range 113 West. 6th PM Section 9: E/2 Lincoln County, Wyoming Only as to those depths and formations ITom the surface of the earth to the stratigraphic equivalent of 12,670' as found in the Ballerina 20-9 Well located in the NE/4 of Section 9, T21N, RI13W; \.. WHEREAS, the Lease is now owned 25% by Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 25% by Questar Exploration and Production Company and 50% by Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation (LESSEES); WHEREAS, Anadarko E&P Company L.P. ("ANADARKO") is successor in interest to Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation; WHEREAS, prior to the end of the primary term of the Lease, LESSEES drilled and completed the Ballerina Well No. 20-9 (API #49-023-21488) in the SW/4 NE/4 of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 113W, and it is presently producing gas ITom the Dakota formation; WHEREAS, ANADARKO agrees to ratify the Lease to clarify that it is a presently effective and producing lease; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the payment of Ten Dollars ($10.00) by LESSEES to ANADARKO, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, ANADARKO acknowledges that as of September 1,2005 the Lease is valid and in full force and effect: ANADARKO hereby ratifies and confirms the Lease and grants, leases and lets to LESSEES in the proportions described above, the E/2 of Section 9, T2IN, R113W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming in so far as it covers those depths and formations ITom the surface of the earth to the stratigraphic equivalent of 12,670' as found in the Ballerina 20-9 Well located in the NE/4 of Section 9, T2IN, RI13W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the terms set forth in the Lease. THIS RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE shall be binding on and inure to ANADARKO and LESSEES, their successors and assigns. This RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE may be executed or ratified in one or more counterparts and all of the executed or ratified counterparts shall together constitute one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed as of the date first above written. ANADARKO E&P COMPANY L.P. By: Title: RECEIVED 5/15/2006 at 2:23 PM RECEIVING # 918348 . . , BOOK: 620 PAGE: 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. By: (', 10. ? ~!J" Title: Attorney-in-Fact A EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY 've Vice President CABOT OIL AND GAS CORPORATION By: Title: Page 1 of2 ~:.: ~;~m~m¡~~~~~f~~~ · ,;~, ¡æmE~~ C7..."...r. .""'.........~ ¡!::~T': :,,'~:':,.::\'.,r!¡ ~·¡::::i~:ÛG 002 0918348' RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE AGREEMENT entered into the 1st day of September 2005. WHEREAS, by Oil and Gas Lease dated September 17, 1998, ("the Lease"), recorded in Bk. 431, Page 349, in the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation, Lessor, leased to Texaco Exploration and Production Inc., Lessee, lands described as follows: Township 21 North. Range 113 West. 6th PM Section 9: E/2 Lincoln County, Wyoming Only as to those depths and formations ITom the surface of the earth to the stratigraphic equivalent of 12,670' as found in the Ballerina 20-9 Well located in the NE/4 of Section 9, T2lN, R113W; WHEREAS, the Lease is now owned 25% by Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 25% by Questar Exploration and Production Company and 50% by Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation (LESSEES); WHEREAS, Anadarko E&P Company L.P. ("ANADARKO") is successor in interest to Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation; WHEREAS, prior to the end of the primary term of the Lease, LESSEES drilled and completed the Ballerina Well No. 20-9 (API #49-023-21488) in the SW/4 NE/4 of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 113W, and it is presently producing gas from the Dakota formation; WHEREAS, ANADARKO agrees to ratify the Lease to clarify that it is a presently effective and producing lease; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the payment of Ten Dollars ($10.00) by LESSEES to ANADARKO, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, ANADARKO acknowledges that as of September 1,2005 the Lease is valid and in full force and effect. ANADARKO hereby ratifies and confirms the Lease and grants, leases and lets to LESSEES in the proportions described above, the E/2 of Section 9, T21N, RI13W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming in so far as it covers those depths and fonnations ITom the surface of the earth to the stratigraphic equivalent of 12,670' as found in the Ballerina 20-9 Well located in the NE/4 of Section 9, T21N, RI13W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the terms set forth in the Lease. THIS RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE shall be binding on and inure to ANADARKO and LESSEES, their successors "and assigns. This RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE may be executed or ratified in one or more counterparts and all of the executed or ratified counterparts shall together constitute one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed as of the date first above written. ANADARKO E&P COMPANY L.P. By: ð~.~~~ TItle: .. O'MALLEY PM 1!-- ATTORNEY·IN·FACT ~~ CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. ~ By: é,1J.?~ Title: Attorney-in-Fact QUEST AR EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY By: Title: CABOT OIL AND GAS CORPORATION By: Title: Page 1 of2 r;-........ 091..sa48 ,... ,... ~, ;:1"I:·'r.'-3 '~ V V U u RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE AGREEMENT entered into the 1st day of September 2005. WHEREAS, by Oil and Gas Lease dated September 17, 1998, ("the Lease"), recorded in Bk. 431, Page 349, in the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation, Lessor, leased to Texaco Exploration and Production Inc., Lessee, lands described as follows: Township 21 North. Range 113 West. 6th PM Section 9: E/2 Lincoln County, Wyoming Only as to those depths and formations ITom the surface of the earth to the stratigraphic equivalent of 12,670' as found in the Ballerina 20-9 Well located in the NE/4 of Section 9, T21N, RI13W; WHEREAS, the Lease is now owned 25% by Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 25% by Questar Exploration and Production Company and 50% by Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation (LESSEES); WHEREAS, Anadarko E&P Company L.P. ("ANADARKO") is successor in interest to Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation; WHEREAS, prior to the end of the primary term of the Lease, LESSEES drilled and completed the Ballerina Well No. 20-9 (API #49-023-21488) in the SW/4 NE/4 of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 113W, and itis presently producing gas from the Dakota formation; . WHEREAS, ANADARKO agrees to ratify the Lease to clarify that it is a presently effective and producing lease; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the payment of Ten Dollars ($10.00) by LESSEES to ANADARKO, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, ANADARKO acknowledges that as of September 1, 2005 the Lease is valid and in full force and effect. ANADARKO hereby ratifies and confirms the Lease and grants, leases and lets to LESSEES in the proportions described above, the E/2 of Section 9, T21N, R113W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming in so far as it covers those depths and formations ITom the surface of the earth to the stratigraphic equivalent of 12,670' as found in the Ballerina 20-9 Well located in the NE/4 of Section 9, T21N, RI13W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the terms set forth in the Lease. THIS RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE shall be binding on and inure to ANADARKO and LESSEES, their successors and assigns. This RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF OIL AND GAS LEASE may be executed or ratified in one or more counterparts and all of the executed or ratified counterparts shall together constitute one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed as ofthe date first above written. ANADARKO E&P COMPANY L.P. By: Title: CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. , By: C..Þ.?~ Title: Attorney-in-Fact -. "~----V'~'---~"""'''''---:':--:''~-,'-;-:--~ --....'....::-.--7-''-.,.,<,.........-..~-_. -~_:""__..,_ QUEST AR EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY By: Title: ¡tJ'L CABOT OIL AND GAS CORPORATION 9rt By::( Ti tle': /Zf23~~ YPr~/~ Page 1 of2 :Œm~m~~~~~mj¡; f::;.f,;:"-åNi:-t hi :::~::~:~;1::~:;!:!I 091..8348 } .~' , r nnÜ' {,' 4 .. 'J ~, t. Acknowledgement Page to Ratification and Confirmation of Oil and Gas Lease State of Texas } County ot;W~7 } , This instrument was acknowledged before me on Y'/:£d ~9 , 2006 by t2/YJij}--f2-tJ~~, as ~;y-d/L:/ , for Anadarko E&P Company L.P., on behalf of said corporatil~~'~ {Í WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~.1-:::~~:-.:n:-'1 S I·· · Nolary Public. Stat. 01 TIna ~ ea . ., Commllllan ElpIra 03-29." i I ~"""""""""""t State of Texas } County of Harris } Thi instrument was acknowledged before me on~ ~d~/ ~ , 2005 by I!./} ¡:;'I-'&~, as Y'JI1: 1).... I!l.V , for Chevron U.S.A. Inc., on beh;J1 of said corporation. WIT !;Y h:::u::::ial 'em. j) f; ~ È*i :*ª MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Notary Public Seal J \~ÿ.f.,~f,·.~~i¡ Augusl 11, 2006 at: # ~ k-... -¡ë~ oS ~~.~- . . otary~ Residing at: ~-f,pn/7:?&') J.:j'0¡V State of Colorado County of } } This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 2005 by , as , for Questar Exploration and Production Company on behalf of said córporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Seal: Notary Public Residing at: State of Colorado County of } } This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 2005 by , for Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation on behalf of said corporation. , as WITNESS my hand and official seal. Seal: Notary Public Residing at: Page 2 of2 03l83tl8 e..... ¡ . ~ : ('. ì ." 5 -'\JVU{J Acknowledgement Page to Ratification ànd Confirmation of Oil and Gas Lease State of Texas County of } } This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 2005 by , for Anadarko E&P Company L.P., on behalf of said corporation. , as WITNESS my hand and official seal. Seal: Notary Public Residing at: State of Texas } County of Harris } T i instrument was acknowledged before me on....s, ~4r ~ ' 2005 by 8f) //1 ~~~ JlS t/' - -"'" , for Chevron U.S.A. Inc., on beha~d corporation. Seal: ~~, {:~~X} ~~:f.IŸr:,~~~" CATHY SUE DEVINE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES August 11, 2006 otary Pllblk..- at: #IL) ~ 1«/ Ll <; WITNESS my hand and official seal. State of Colorado } Countyof~ } This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~c:~~_J:) , 2005 by ~ ~. \{~ , as ~~"'~ '{\<!!i::.~~\~~ for Questar Exploration and Production Company on behalf of said corporation. Seal: This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 2005 by , for Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation on behalf of said corporation. , as WITNESS my hand and official seal. ---,---c~Seal: Notary Public -- Residing -at: Page 2 of2 jlj1);¡~~~!~~¡lli~Ii~ ~: ,,(" r*ffi~~~JJ ,û(,6 - 09:t83t~8 Acknowledgement Page to Ratification and Confirmation of Oil and Gas Lease State of Texas County of } } This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 2005 by , for Anadarko E&P Company L.P., on behalf of said corporation. , as WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public Seal: Residing at: State of Texas } County of Harris } This instrument was acknowledged before me on...~~&r~ 2005 by~/) Md¡l/2.--, as ¡t.II:; rhP7- ¡n-!ÂL.f, for Chevron U.S.A. Inc., on behalf o~orporation. WITNESS myhand and official seal. Seal: '11 "..,,-.;,~'tr.fi.II.~t~,...... "., :'~;' -~~ ':;~.":'~ :*ª ~j i '~~1~r..9,,:,~tl t;,~:~~~- CArny SUE DEVINE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES August 11, 2006 otary Public N %J;,¿~~ C<S Residing at: State of Colorado County of } } This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 2005 by , as , for Questar Exploration and Production Company on behalf of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public Seal: Residing at: State of Colorado County of 1),,')'\ v t'1'" } } This instrument was acknowledged before me on ðc.fr> L"... / 0 , 2005 by ~. J'('oH lJl(f /,.10 , as /'l, ( I1-t"JI''/I';t ¡. , for Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation on behalf of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Seal: ~ l!. ,ž.L..r-: Notary Public Resiåing at: ¡ KATHRYN B. FLAGER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO My Commission EXDlreq11/12/2007 Page 2 of2