HomeMy WebLinkAbout918425 i ~. o~ o~ I:::g. è..{¡Q ·f;ð .8CJ. u.¡ ':¡:;jt ...... .... -~ i¡i;. !JEtS 8-£1. ~ "I):;:¡S iii' ~ (S ~~. t<¡ 1:"1 ...~ It " ;~~~,¡ ~I .:.. ': :~f" 2r;i ;':::f ":" ~':!';S:;:.:;:"" "'''--''' '.'.,. -,' ." .' ...., ...........~_:.- ..... ...-;..,........ . ',. '. .'...............,.....-. ,·,'-,~;;,·~·.,;..,"N,'_·.,_'.·~-L··', ..:.-.....-'...,.".'.~,'-,';.,-.:..' '. .' .-...,·:,..··.·,~·c .........._.,... RECEIVED 5/1612006 lit 1:18PM RECEIVING# 918425 BOOK: 620 PAGE: 164 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY 000164 QUIT CLAIlrf DEED ......, Kf\¡OVv'N l\LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That· GLORIA N. LOVET1\ aka G.N. LOVETT of (he County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in CQD5identiQD of Ten and oo/lOO's Dollars (510.00) 4nd other gDod ~ valuable consideration to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby confe~sed and ACknowledged, hi!ve remised, rdeased,· conveyed and foreyer quitclaimed and hy these presents do for their heirs. executClfS and .administrators, remi:w, release A.'1d lptever quitdairn unto KE?\'NETH M. LOVETT whose address is St.J¡eorge, 1.!T their heîrs, successors 311d assigns. forever, all such right, title. in1:erè~t, property, possession, claim 8!KI dernand as I have, oughr In have or h~reafter a.cquire Ìn or to 3.111h~ fQHowing described premìses, to-wit; Lot 26 of Star V àl1ey R&n~h Plat 9, Linc.oin O:mnty, \~'yoming li~:: d¢scribed Q11 the official plat thereof. ...;...-. ., . .' , Hereby re1easing and waiving an rights under aDd by virtue of the nomesr€.3.d exemptìonlaws, oLth~ . Sta.teofWyomicg., '.-. ".. Dated 1lili \ O~ ria:; of C'f\0J--;\, 2006. . \ ~. \ 0 ....Lc.... f\J. l@.Ve:ûC State of Utah .. [;- County of ~\rL~':~' Gloria 1'4, Lovett The t:,:,regöìng instmmf'nl W2!~ }tcknowledged before me by GloriilN. [.c:r;!eH this day of ~, .2006. s~ Wi,ness my hand and "rocial '~ c· .'. ,.".. ,'. .' . . . }. '~1"; :. ... :; ~ . , .":\ My Commission Expires: \ Q \ \S-\.~ zø . d ) ?09E ~¿E~ LO: r'l[jè:D~;] m ilj =rìJ.ll 3::'-:J~!H;:- if::' Notary Public NOTARY PUE --··--"·-1 AiMEE ORT, -J I j 9:10 West Sunset "J ~¡¡, '¡ George IJT I' 7,' My Gcmn'/$slon i:)o'~".:J ,¡'me i 5. 200f s.I.::'TE OF U],: ~__ T t' ; ,~ 'i QC'1V1? -1=:i71-- AHI,