HomeMy WebLinkAbout918387 '7·;¡·':: ·';"~':an:::I~r;r."-':ß~~ð~"~ "~'r'~~'!:':'tli:;r!~6,,~,·.:.!.i~>L~r'~..i~...!!1":"'_'.': ·~',- ·¡'I:j';' ~.!I·I'¡'''~,;.'·i!i:'·~r".z.r",a:.~.:t.¡ '."t·,; ',. "'.~." ,..-';.f.!..'.!..S'=~"¿f¡M"~'¡;".";''';L''·'''''''''#J: :'I¡-.,::·,~;y¡.;J~·¡.¡"..:cr.-:,...¡t¡q<"..¡.o"~"'I"''''!I''~~:'I¡. 'I~It,''''':Cfj~,"''''.'''_'''',,~.":~' 000139 RECEIVED 5/16/2006 at 12:59 PM RECEIVING # 918387 BOOK: 620 PAGE: 139 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QIDT CLAIM DEED-u KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the BARBARA M. SWEENY TRUST, Dated June 15, 1999, Barbara M. Sweeny, Trustee, Grantor(s), for and in consideration ofTen (10) Dollars and other valuable considerations Î1l.1)and paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and QUIT CLAIM to: GARDNER RANCH, INC., a Wyoming Corporation, Grantee(s), the fQ~lowiJ1g described real estate, I. ~. . . . t .~ ,. situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiying, all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: ), o [ , See Exhibit "A" attached and made a part hereof.. /.' J DATED this ßday of t ~2006. Þ ',.. . ~ ........, '," ~~¿r¿~¿-~ Barbara M. Sweeny Trust STATE of/AJVblJ1/;!fy ) COUNTY OF ).,/If/Út.,j/ ~ 55. . Before me, a Notary Public in an4 for the State aµd County above- mentione~ did personally appear Barbara M. Sweeny mid 'acknowledged the foregoing Quit Claim Deed on this i::2!£ day of mil V ' 2006. 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal. HARbN NJMMO WiNE.S Notary'P~bliç . "ëõurity of' State of . Lincoln V¡Jyo Ing MV Commission Expires ~ ~ jl-n~ 7J~ NOTARY PUBLIC ./ My Commission Expires: V..,.tÞ- ~ ~7 . < ~ ,. :.- :,? ~ . ¡ .' , . ~:::::::;"::':;R '.., ;. '~~ "'-"~ '!I' .¡:". ·~1~~~.f~¡'-{~'~ ;T¡j;i';~'~).; h:.~ ~:!::~~~ΕΎ;i:::~; ~~~~. :'-i'l'i "t·..'!ß6'~ rxI,.~::,:.;.:;: ~J~: g ...~~f::~; ~î~~ill~jl['~ . .'- -- . ", ' '~I""'~~I~:I~¡" :'~ .'¡:'_:I~~:~:.t:¡;: .::!. .;:~:: :-:r;;,:£fi!;';; -!'X:.'.~·.':·:-.!."~' ''''.,'i.'!!:';::'!;.\ .!';'~_. ·~<~~;::!.H·~;~i!<~".~~~.!¡; ':;'.:',;;; .;..~,..." .~;,;æ.>::~'.m:ii1ä'.!i! 1:';'~~S:~-:::'l!!c! : '.;:....,.,:!.;.~ !,~-:¡~:':':;X'¡::'j~,:.~: ".",';' :":¡":~';.:-:!';>".;'1-';':- , P,ofns!on.ll hnd Sutvlyoq Paul H. SdMitb. Wyo. Rlgistration No. 164 !JIah Regislfation No. 1670 tdaho Regislfa~ No. 3i9O Nevlda RtgillllÜOß No. 6805 ScoIIA. k/Ie..... Wyo, RogIsk.1Ion No, 3888 Idaho R.gI.k.11on No. 802& Utah Regislration No. 372111 UAAlOWE A.. SCHERDEl Wyo. AIglsLta!lon No. 5.361 SUtVIYOl SchIfb.~ lTD. Anon, Wyoming ø;g Pin.y, I'I'(ooning Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hal Springs.. Idaho Monlpelier. Ida!\o , , , , .' . DESCRIPTION FOR GARDNER RANCH, INC. GARDNER RANCH TRACT :. . ~ "-- #" 091J~ 87 To-wit: - - That part of Section 13, T32N RI19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 3~9 of Photostatic Records on page 303, as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the SEI/4 of Section 13; thence S89°-06'-24"W, 76~.32 feet, along the south line of said Section, to a spike; thence NOO°·30' -43"W, 30.00 feet, to a point on the northerly right-o'f-way line of the Kennington-Burton County Road No. 12-136; . thence coursing along an existing perimeter fence line as follows: NOOO-30'-43"W, 630.00 feet, to a point on said perimeter fence line; continuing NOoo-30' -43"W, 130.98 feet, to a point at a fence corner; N84°-55'-Il"W, S2.13 feet, to a point at a fence corner; NOOO-56'-22"W, 583.33 feet, to a point at a fence corner; S87°-30' -26"W, 36.04 fe¡;t, to a point at a fence corner; NOOO-OS' -04"W, 381.38 feet, to a point at a fence corner; S89°-38'-27"W, 368.51 feet, to a point at a fence corner; NOOO- 13' -30"W, 881.61 feet, to a point on the north line of the SWII4 of said Section 13; NOOO-00'-21"W, 498.86 feet, to a point at a fence corner on the southerly line of that tract of record in said office in Book 600 of Photostatic Records on page 690; thence N89°-0T -40"E, 1319.30 feet, along the south line of said tract and the south line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 492 of Photostatic Record on page 179 to the southeast point of said tract in Book 492, on the east line of the SEI/4NW1I4 of said Section 13; thence SOO-53'-06"W, 83,07 feet, along said east line, to the southwest point of Lot 6 of Cynova Acres Subdivision of record in said Office as Plat No. IOI-F; thence coursing the southerly boundary of said Subdivision as follows: N89-05' -57"E, 216.12 feet, to a point; SOOO-53' -06"W, 415.37 feet, to a point on the north line of the SE1/4 of said Section 13; N89°-05' -57"E, 1 139.91 feet, along said south line to the northeast corner of the NWI/4SEI/4 of said Section 13, identical with the southeast corner of said Subdivision; thence continuing N89°-0S' -57"E, 24.33 feet, along the north line of the NE 1/4SE 1/4 of said Section 13 to a point at a fence corner; . Exhibit "Modification in anv wav of the fOrAnniñn r1p.~r.rinlinn I"'min~toc bhiH,.. nlthn ~,,_._,,_." " 000140 1Q. {' " "'):':';".' , ~., ::i:.!::!t'i';O¡O¡.·I!'~~¡¡~8"I.t.¡t:.~~~lhflñ:~1illr!~íP.~--Mt~.::7;:,~~!1.:· ::;:::':'i~~r:::n~"~<:~;~;:;;'"" ".;l~.;.':i~'.'i'¡'¡~.i'~~2ó~,~.~~¡;:.,':: ~:; ¡'.: ':"-':'~~~i';~~·I_/.¡' ;..·,nS~~'¡;a'i~:~::·. ·';:::·';"~"..f:~t!'~llì!it"~J":l.\~~!!.tD~:±'.í::~\· :~!~r'\;~;~"~¡!':;?:::" '. ." P,oI...1oIW I.&nd Surveyor. Pa'" N. Sc:herMI Wyo. R~'.alion No. 164 Ul&h Rtgiskllion No. 1610 Id.ho Ritgilkltion No. 3990 N.vlda A.gts"IIion".. 6IOS Sco. A. 5chaoMl Wyo. Rag;,.alion No. 3IU Idaho R-vi.....tion No. 1021 UIoh Ragi,.al"" No, 3121\1 UARlOWE A. SCHERBEl Wyo. Atgi'kllÏon No. $361 Surv.yor Schtlbel, LTD. l.va Hot Spring.. Idiho Monlnali.f Jd..hn DESCRIPTION FOR GARDNER RANCH, INC. GARDNER RANCH TRACT PAGE TWO thence coursing an existing fence line as follows: 5000-14'-30"E, 999.45 feet, to a point; 500°-09'-55"1::,324.41 feet, to a point on the south line of said NE 1/45El/4; SOOO-II' -40"E, 813.31 feet, to a point at a fence corner; S86°-34'-08"E, 87.00 feet, to a point at a fence corner; SOOO-29' -07"E. S04.28 feet, to a spike on the south line of said Section 13; thence S89°-0S'-00"W, 104.53 feet, along said south line to a spike; thence NOoo-14'-IS"W, 437.91 feet, along an existing fence line, in part, to a point at a fence corner; thence N89°-58'-54"W, 893.20 feet, along an existing fence line to a pipe; thence SOoo-46' -SO"E, 268.62 feet, to a pipe, on an existing fence line; thence S68°-02' -41"E, 472.99 feet, along said existing fence line, in part, to a spike on :;aid south line; thence S89°-0S'-00"W, 961.01 feet, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOfv1PASSING an area of 155.83 'acres, more or less; it is the intent of this description that the called-for monuments, and not the existing fence lines, control the location of the property lines; the BASE BEARlNG for this survey is the east line of the NE 1/4 of Section 24, T32N R119W, being NOoo-17'-00"W. BLM 1981; SUBJECT to an easement for Kennington-Burton Lane County Road No. 12-136 each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each. "point" marked by a S/g" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed. "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS S36g", with appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYORSCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS S36g", with appropriate details; each "pipe" marked by a I" black iron pipe with a yellow plastic cap inscribed "PElLS 698"; 000.141 o 18:387 all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "GARDNER R INC. PLAT OF TRACTS WITHIN SECTION 13 . TnN Rl W L~f l- ' Y, WYOMING", dated 22 December 200S, as revised. 'c" . G <>1" . .9,,10 .- .. : <'l"~ ~("'~1 ~ . April 200if- (j. ,.... ';roo') ~\ 9. ¡ f h 8b · .. . I w·'; ,l.' . .,11. .. \ . <'., \ I.: .. <~~~, ~~ X I It t..#~ÆL~~í,¡, F :;.. "Mnrlifi~;:¡ti~ri~~;'~rl0~w'~\i nf,:-t{p fnrø"nin'n rlpC::f"'rintinn lor",;,,~tnc:- r¡",hilil" "I .h.... ,....~............." I'