HomeMy WebLinkAbout918500 00644~6D27 COOBBl Upon RecordingPJease Return To: =~ !:-rik . \ /h -X9Jh., 1919 .' gI$s ~ 3rcrFloor Omaha, NE 68102 RECEIVED 5/17/2006 lit 4:00 PM RECEIVING# 918500 BOOK: 620 PAGE: 381 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER. WY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALLMEN.BYTHESEPRESENTS that WELLS FARGO J3ANK, R.A. for .and in l:onsiderÅtion of .the .sum of Ten Dollars, .and other ,good .and v1Ùuable considerátion, the receipt of which is hereby i1cknowledged, .has sold, .and by .these presents does sell, ASSign, .and tr.ansfer to WELLS FARGO J3ANK, R.A. .address of, " "'QYOMING COMMilliJ.:r~ DEVELOPMENT A1ITHORITY B5 JUDITH ::BEECH .sTREET, CASPER.,"'QY 82601 thatœrtain Mortgage dated MAY ~O, .2 006 , by .and between :EDWARD F t:A1U.SON, A.MARRIED 1>.ERSON AND CAROLYN .D CARLSON, A l!tA1rRIED .1'.ERSON 'WELLS FARGO JiANK, B.A. .as mortgagors, .and AS mortgagee, which Mortgage covers the following described property located inLINCOLN County, State of WYOMING ; to-wit: LOT .2 DF :BLOCK 37 OF :FIRST ADDITION 'TO ~ 'TOWN DF¥F.MM'F.'RER, .LINCOLN CODN'l'Y, WYOMING AS ])ESCRIBED ON '"THE DFF.ICIAL 1>L1cr 'THEREOF. " i V '-' And which Mortgage WllS recorded in the offIce of the County Clerk of .LINCOLN County,.stateofWyomingonthe~ 12th .day of MAY, .20D6 ,.aslnstrumentNo. 918298 in Book 619 . page 765 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, 'TIlE 1JNDERSIGNED .ASSIGNOR .sets its hand .and seal this ~DTH day of:MAY , .2 0 0 6 WELLS FARGO :BANK, N.A. .By ~Ú1Mu4- ~~ 'RRRNADETTE li1AT:T.ACF. --- Commonwealth/State of 1IXIIIJI.:UD; IOWA District/ConntylP.arish of XTU.~ The foregoin,g instrument WllS liCknowledged before me on thisMAY ~D I .20D6 by 'RRRNATIETIE1i1AU .ACF. the VP LOAN J>DCIlMENTATIDN of 1ŒLI.S :FARGO ::BANK BA ,.a .~ 4'~ , on behalf of.s.aid comp&1Y. Wyoming Assignment of Mortgage with Acknowledgment 11/97 lJDC 10 WY AS NMF.L '#069007104 ..' ~¡~~~¡~~m~~~¡!;¡~ m·