HomeMy WebLinkAbout918530 · ~':"'."""~>"""'."._''>!'''.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~'_u""",-_>:-.,.........-_..; .0'. .. - ""0"".' ".', ° O"'·':a:r.. O:'~..". ~ "'-~~,",,'''''~-''' ..... ~..........-..,..,-..-.,-"..,,-"'.. ",................. ."_. .""',0.' .r.o"....,0J.+..-",_,.." ""'" 000457 When:Recorded, Mail to: :Bank of Star Valley 1'0 Box 8007 Afton, WY 83110 Ai:tn.: .sHIPPINGDEPT.lDOC. CONTROL Orrler No.: RECEIVED 5/18/2006.at 10:38 AM RECEIVING:# 918530 BOOK: 620 PAGE: 457 JEANNE WAGNER .LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR VALTIABLE CONSIDERATION, íheIeceipt ofwmch isJ1ereby .acknowledged, :BANK OF STAR VALLEY, .hereby .ass:igns to ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION 0, V that certain Mortgage, together with the .IDdebtedness secured thereby, w.hich Mörtgage is dated Mav 10. 2006 , was executed by Michael L. Snivelv JUld Kari!D. B. Snivelv. husband JUld wife .asmortgagOIS, to The Bank of Star V.allev ,.as JDOrtgagee, w.as Iecorded on Mav 15. 2006 ,in Book. 620 4t P4ge 83, 1nst:nnneIlt Number 918370 . Bituated in.said county described 4S follows: Lot ï6 of Norrlic "RanchesDivision No. 6, Lincoln County, Wyoming JiS rlescribed on thè official phtñled on May 28,1996 JiS instrument No. 820400 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. :Dated May 17.2006 . VlCE PRESIDENT STATE OF WYOMING } } 1>S } COUNTY OF lINCOLN On 17TH rlayof MAY , 2006 , personally 4ppeared before me LANCE:P. ROBINSON who being by:me .duly BWom, .did .say that _.he_is the VICE :PRESIDENT , of TIlE BANK OF STAR VALLEY, .and that the foregoing instrument was .signed .in beillùf of.said corporation by 4uthority of 4 Iesolution of its Board of .Directors,.and.said VICE :PRESIDENT .acknowledged to me that .said corporation ex~uted My CommissionExpires: d - f - JfJJl- Residing4t: JJ f1D n ) l~ Y û.ß....-) MINDY LYMAN .Notary Public County of Linco'n State of Wyoming My Commission Expires llSaasSIl ~~~m~~~mtfi ,:;i~!;-ifl!;ill~;¡!Nij;i_¡J