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Kemnœœr. WY B3'TDT
IT fi Pina AIIBDUe.
Kemmaœr. WY B310T
RECEVED 511BL2ODfi .atlt42.AM
BOOK: &2Œ PAGE:413"
7T6' p-1JJe AIIBDUe
Kemmerer, WY B3'TQT
MAXIMUM LIEN. Thelierr af1bis MortgageshalfnatBXCeed1lt.any Dnetime$10.1.83.n0_
THIS MORTGAGE.datBd: May 10. .200B, is J1'1iIIie Bnrl ~y--.rtA(t .betweerr Jitft:J I L HIII±H, A MARRIED MAN
(refmred: m bB10w .as "Gnmtor") .and ARST NATIONAL .BANK - WEST, whœæ BIfrlœss is 716 Pine A\fBIWff.
KuJuJut:Jur. WY .83101 (referred:m.below.as "Lender").
GRANT DF MDJfTGAßE Fill' ViIIwIbI& ==irfArwrinrr. Gnmtor11'Jl:J\'tgJlgl.m.conveyrm l.smier 1111 at Grnntar's right; DtJe.. .and interest irr BI1Ihn
Tha iollawing .dascribed real pTDpf9"ty. 1Dgether with .all .existing: or "lIh-q.."TItIy £meted .or.affixed.bJJildings. improvements:.and iixtuœs:; 1111
~. rights at wHy. .and appurtmumces; .all wB:ter, w.a:ter rights, w~.and rlitctr rights: (including.stack irr .utilities with- rlitctT .or
irrigation rights); .and.all ather rights, rDyBlties. .and profits: reJ.ating: to ~ real pra:µerty, including without limitation.all mineraJs:, .oil. gæf,
gea:thermal.andsimilannstters. (the "Real Property") Jo~rt in liNCOLN County, StaœDfWyumiu9_
Thø Heal Property Dr its Bddress is commonly known.as 721 ASH A \IE, JŒMMEB:ER. WY .83101.
lŒVaLVINGLlNEDFCHEDTT. ìhis MortgagaS8CUœSm& Indebtednessim:ludin¡r. wittJour lirnitatiarr..a mVDIving IÚHf uf.cJ'J!dk, whicfr .obligates
l.Bndarm maJæ ...rnnm........m Gnmton¡o: Jon¡r.as üœntDn:DmpIies wittr BIt ma1:ørms: atm& CrBditA!JRIØD1iß1L Suctr ..rnnm....~may .beTlJiltJJ!'.
rapaid. .mTd ramada (..,... .mila m time. .subj~m m& Jimitatimr ~ -mtaI nl1.........nrlin¡r baJaru:e .owing .lIt:.any Dn&:tim&. not .im:luding~
:charges: Drr.sucfT baIam:ø-2lr.aIDædDr IlBIiabJa mta Dr .51JmBS.provided ilTm& Credit:A!JRIØD1iß1L.any ten.......... Ý .ovemges. Dtfmr:charges. ~
2IIT1D1JITtS sxpsnded .onuhlBm:æt.1lS provided ilT .eithertha Jndebtedness par:agœptr Dr~ :pamgœph. ~I not ~ Crmfit:.lJmit:.as.prDVided
irr tha 1:œdit: Agreemant. Jt: is: ma intention Df Gnmtor mut lBndar that: ~ Mmtgaga .-cuœs ~ baIam:ø .DIIts:tiInding J.JDder m& Crmtit:
AgreemBlTt:1nmT:tim& m~ 1nmT:zero:.u¡rm tha Credit:.limit:.as .prDvided irrtha Cnu:Iit: AgrtHØJJJØ1tamt.any intBmœdiata h:.honr",
Grantor presently .assigns to l£nder .all at Grantor's right; title, :and interest: in .and -ra lill preserrt: .and fu:txJæ lfœsesatThe:Property Bnd 1111 Rents:
iram The Property. In .additian, Grnntar g:nmt5: -ra l£nder .a Uniform Commercial Code security interest: in-rlm :Persorml f'rnperty .and Rents:.
PAYMENT ANn t"'tttHJHnlfANCE. Except:.as otherwise, provided in this MCITtgBgH, Grnntar shall .pay m.i.fml:ær .1111 .BIT1IJJ.II1t!i.secuæd.by this
MartgHge.asmey becamedwund.shaJl strictly perform 1111 at Grnntar's obligations .undenhis Martgaga..
i'u~JON ANn MAINTI:NANCEDFTffEpfIOPERTY. Grantoragrees-rhat:ürnntar's possession liITd.useDf<he:PTDpf9"ty shall be gavemed:.hy
<he iDllawilT!J.prDvisians::
pn..........inrr.mTd Usa. Until 1he ~ at .an £Yem- at ThrlauJt; Grnntarmay (11 r-emailT ilT passessiarr .and .crmtrD1 ~:PTDpf9"ty; (2)
liS&, apeTilJ'a ormanage The Property;.and (31 c.a1lect:The Rents iram me Property.
DUty m MaiotaiJT. Grnntar stmll maintain The f'rnperty ilT gDDIÍ condition .and promptly perfarrrr.all repairs. Tepl.aœmenm. .and 11IIlir1tBmmae,
necessary -ra preservec its \UÙIJe;.
CmnpJianca WtttTEnI;....uo,uuilidbIwL Grnntarrepressnnr.:and: w.ammts:to.Lenderthat: (1) During:<he.periad: at Grnntar's.ownershiµ.at
Thef'raperty, Lhe~ has :beerr no liS&, gerrer:atiarr, manuf:aI:nJrBc, stmBge, ù=ûJ 11U"l. disposal, ~ JJr tJ II=W:' œd: reJeæm at Bny tiazmrJaus
5ubsnJnca. by .any pm:smr DIY, .under, .about: .oriramLhe 'Property; (2) Grnntar has TIa knowledge.at; ar Tml5DTT1D believeTh:attheretna
been, iIXcept:.as previrwslydis:claserlm .and.aclmuwledgedby .Lender irr writing, Ia) .any.bœach ar vialatiarr at.any Ewi/.UIIII....Wfll.aws.
(h) liITY liS&, genemtiarr, manufm::tuæ,5tDnlge, LœB:tment:, disposal, release Dr1:hœatened reIimse at 1JTIY ttszmrlaus 5ubsnJnca. DIT, JJnder;
.about: DrirDm -rIm:Property by Bny prior .owners: or acI:llpBJ1tS at The Property, or (c) .any m:tual .or 1I1I...w:lled litigBtiarr or claims at BTIy
kind by .any :persarrrelatiny-m sudT nmtters;.arnf (31 £xœpr.as previrwsly discJœæd1D .arnf.æ:knawledgedby l£nder ilT writing:, lal 11Hither
Grnntar nar .any 1mmnt:. c.aTTtr1i:l:tDr, .agent: or .ather lUlthariZBd -USer at-the:Property shall .use, generate, manufm::tuæ. .s:tare, ~ .di:s¡mse at
or release Bny tiazmrJaus 5ubsnJnca. .on, .under, .about DrirDm The Property;.arnf (b) .any sudT .activity shall .1m 1:DTIduc:ted: in l:DITIJliarmæ
with .all Bpplicable iBdeœJ. state, .and IDCBI laws, r.eguJatiaTTS:.and an:tina:rtces, im:lw:üng without limitation .all Envirnnmennd Laws. Grnntar
lIIIttmrizes.lender.arnf its.agertt!r-m iÐ1ter JJpDTTTh:ef'rnperty -m make sudT inspections .and1f!st!r, at: Grnntar's~. .asJ£ndermay rleerrr
1IpJJTDpriate ID .determine campliam:e ~ f'rnperty with- This section at the MartgBge. Any inspectiaTIS .or1f!st!r made by lender shall be
iDr Lend:er's purposes only .and shall ntttbe.canstnJerlto !:THate'.any Tesp.ansibility.or liability onme.parrat Lmderto Gr:antorarm.any.ather
person. The representations .and w.ammties cantainedherein are lmsed arr Gr:antDr's due diligence in inves:tigatin¡r ~e Property ior
Hazarda.us Substam::es. Grnntar hereby (1) releases.and wIlives .any future .claims ligainst: J£nder iDr indemnity or cantribution in The
Bcverrt ÛT1intar becomes ti1ibJe far cleanup: or ather CDStt .under liny suctr Jaws;.and (2) .agrees ID indemnify liITd imld tmrmless Lender
BgBirrsT Bny .and: Bit clBims, 1000000, liBbilities. rlarrutg:es, penalties, and i!XpIß1SeS: which .Lender may rlirm:tly or indirm:t:ly sustailT or .suffer
rJ!SLÙtÎrTg: irDm lI.brem:h ahhis .section atTh:e MDTtgBga or .as. .a conseILleTTce at .any liS&. g¡mennian, TTIBr11IfaI::tu, .stanIge¡ rllspasBl, releBse
arih:matened reIeasec.n=urring priarta: Gr.antar's .ownership or imerest: in Tha Pmperty, whetherorntttTh:e.s:BlT1& w.as ar.stmuJd: tmve.beerr
knawn-ra Grnntar. The provisiaTTS: atthis sectiDIY atTh:e M.artgage, including: theobligationm indemnify, shall surviva1he.payrmmt: at1he
II1I1ffiJtedness .and1hemnisfm:tiarr lind: recrmvayarme at~e lierr atThis Martgage.and shall nttt.lmBffm:œd:by l.imder's.m:quisitiarr at.any
interes:r irrttm f'rnperty, whether by iDreclœwrBc or .otherwise,.
Nuisam:a. W.asta. GumtDr shall nttt~. carn1w::t: or pmrrrit: Bny TUlÎsBnce nor =mit; pmrrrit:, .or .suffer BTIy stripping at .or Wl!Sta DIT Drta
The.pTDpf9"ty or.any:pDTtÎDTT ~f'rnperty. Without: 1irniting:-tl1egeneælity ~iDregDing:, Grantor will ntttrerrmll&, Drgram--ta.any.at:lmr
.pmty <he rig:hna remove, .any timber, mineœJs (including: ajl .and gas), casJ, .clay, scari.a. .sail, gravel Dr rock prndw:t¡¡without.lender's.pri.ar
wrinerr .L:IJr1Se1Tr.
Rmmnœi uf lD1plD1lf1J'JJ1D Gnmtor stmJl notrlemalish.or1.el1.1I1VH.any ImpraVfHTlelTt!tirmrr<he'ReaJ 'Frnpeny wittmut:.lender's priDr writterr
cansem-. Ãs.lI. amditiarrID~e renmv1ll Df Bny Impravermm:œ, .Leinjermay require GrnntarID make.ø1l4l1y<:1I1UJrt:. .:.ut6f.u.1uJyIDLender-ta:
æpIane.sucfT In1pravernenœ with- Improvermm:œ at at: IeiIs:L ~ value.
l.emfBr'sRight:-ta£iJter. lÆnrler:andl.snder's Bgenm.arnf J":µJ=-,WivesmaymttBr-1lpIJTrtheReBI f7Dperty .lIt:.alll'fHlSDmlbJe"times-taBttemt
-m .Lender's interBSts.arnf1D inspe¡:nhe Real f7Dperty tar:purpDSeS.Df Grnntar's J:DTTIpÜ1ume with-tl1e1Brms .and:.conditions:Df1his Mmtg:agæ.
.Gmnpliam:a with ÛDvømmøntal Hequiœmønts. Grantor shall promptly comply withlill JBws, ardimmces:..and reguhttions. naw or 1IU,_IlttJ
inmfect, at.all gO\ftollllllUIIUd lWtharities BppJicablaID-tt1e.us& Dr accup.am:y atiha f'rnperty. Grnntar-may x:antest: in gmut-taith BTIy.sucfT
law, UI JilU1lll£, .or reg:uIatiDIY .and withhold compliance during::any prnceeding:, including:.appropriate BppeaIs, .s.a Iang:.as Gr:arttcr tms TIDtified
.Lender in writing: priar-ra doing sa :and sa Iong:.as, in Lender's .soja -Opinion, .Lender's interests in the f'rnperty lIrenttt jeopardized. Lender
may rcequirBc ÛT1intarta .past: "rt"qJ IRT<>' security ar.a .surety band, re,asOT1BÌlly satistactary tolÆnrler; to prIJtecrJ£nder's interest
9· 11.;).c;.·ri~ 0
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PBge 2
.LoBn No: 21005103
Duty to Protect. Grantor agri!es neither to abandon or leave unattended the Property. Grantor shall no all other .acts, in .addition to those
acts set forth above in this section, which from the character and use of the Property are reasonably neci!ssary to protect .and pri!serve the
Property. .
DUE ON SALE - CONSENT BY .lENDER. lender may, .at li!nder's option, declare immediately nue and payable BII sums Æöecuri!d by this
Mortgage upon the sale or transfer, without l..i!nder's prior written consent, of .all or .any part of the Real Property, Dr any interest in the Real
Property. A "sale or transfer" means the conveyance of Real Property or Bny right, title or interest in the Real Property; whether legal, beneficial
Dr i!quitable; whether voluntary or involuntary; whether by outright sale, need, installment sale contract, land contract, contract iar need,
leasehold interi!st with a term greater than three (3) years, lease-option contract, or by sBle, Bssignment, or transfer of Bny beneficial interest in
Dr to any land trust holding title to the Real Property, or by any other method of conveyance of Bn interest in the Real Property. tiowever, this
option shall not be exercised by .Lender if such exercise is prohibited by federBI laworby Wyoming law.
I AXES AND .LIENS. The following provisions relBting to the 1:IIxes and liens on the Property .are part of this Mortgage:
Payment. Grantor shall pay when due (and in all i!vents prior to nelinquency) .a1l1:Ilxes, payroll1:Ilxes, Æöpecial1:Ilxes, .assessments, wBter
charges and sewer service charges levied .against or on Bccount of the Property, and shall pay when nue.all claims for work none an Dr ior
services rendered or material furnished to the Property. GrBntor shall maintain the Property iri!e of Bny Jiens having priority over Dr .equal to
the interest of lender under this Mortgage, except ior the Existing Indebtedness referred to in this Mortgage or those Jiens specifically
lIgreed to in writing by lender, and .except ior the lien of taxes and assessments not nue .as further specified in the Right to Contest
Right to Contest. Grantor may withhold payment of any 1:IIX, assessment, Dr clBim in connection with a good iBith nispute aver the
obligation to pay, ÆöO long .as li!nder's interest in the Property is not jeopardized. If a lien arises or is iiled .as ari!sult of nanpByment,
Grantor shall within iifteen (H5) nays afti!r the lien arises or, if a lien is iiled, within iifteen (15) nays .after Grantor has notice of the iiling,
secure the nischarge of the lien, or if requested by li!nder, neposit with lender cash Dr 11 sufficient corporate surety bond or ather security
satisfactory to .Lender in an amount sufficient to discharge the lien plus Bnycosts and reasonable .attorneys' ii!es, or other charges that
could accrue as a ri!sult of a fori!closure or sale under the lien. In any contest, Grantor shall nefend itself .and lender .and shall satisfy Bny
adverse judgment befori! enforci!ment against the Property. Grantor shall name lender liS an .additional obligee under .any suri!ty bond
furnished in the contest proc.¡¡edings.
.Evidence of P.ayment. GrBntor shall upon demand furnish to lender satisfactory i!videnci! of payment of the 1:IIxes or .assessments Bnd shall
.authorize the .appropriate go Vi!rnmenta I official to neliver to lender .at any time a written statement of the 1:IIxes Bnd .assessments .afjainst
the Property.
Notice .of Construction. Grantor shall notify .Lender .at least fifteen (r5) nays before :any work is commenced, Bny servic.es Bre furnished, Dr
any materials are .supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or ather lien could be .asserted on .account of the
work, Æöervices, or materials. Grantor will upon request of .Lender furnish to lender .advance .assurances satisfac:tary 1:0 lender that Grantor
can Bnd will pay the cast of such improvements.
PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. Ihe iollowing provisions relating to insuring the Property lire a .part.of this Mortgage:
Maintenance Df Jnsurllnce. Grantor shall procure and maintain policies of fiHI insurance with standard extended coverage Bndarsements .on
.a replacement bBSis ior the full insurable value covering all Improvements an the Real Property in Bn lImount sufficient to .avoid application
of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee clause in favor .of lender. Policies shall be written by such insurance compBnies
Bnd in such form BS may be rBasonably acceptable to lender. Grantor shall neliver to li!nder ci!rtificates of coverage irom Bach insuri!r
containing a stipulation that coverage will not be cancelled or niminished without .a minimum of thirty (30) nays' .prior written notice 1:0
lender .and not containing any disclaimer of the insurer's liability for iailure to give such notice. .Each insurance .policy also shall include Bn
i!ndorsement providing that coverage in iavor of .Lender will not be impaired in Bny way by .any BCt, omission Dr .default .of GTBntor Dr Bny
other person. Should the 'Real Property be located in an .area designated by the Director .of the Federal.Emergency Management Agency ~s
11 Æöpecial ilood hazard .area, Grantor .agrees 1:0 obtain Bnd maintain Federal Flood Insurance, if .available, within 45 .days .after notice is given
by .Lender that the Property is located in a Æöpecial flood hazard :area, for the maximum .amount of your credit line ~nd the 1ull unpaid
principal balanci! of .any prior liens on the property securing the Joan, up to the maximum policy limits set under the National Flood
Insurance Program, or liS otherwise requiri!d by Lender, .and to maintain such insurance ior the term of the Joan.
Application of Proceeds. Grantor shall promptly notify .Lender of .any loss or namage to the Property if the .estimated cast of r.¡¡pair or
replacement i!xc.¡¡eds .$1,000.00. lender may make proof of loss if Grantor iails to no so within iifteen (15) days of the CBSualty. Whether
or not lender's security is impaired, .Lender may, .at lender's election, receive and retain the proceeds of .any insuranci! Bnd :apply the
proceeds to the reduction of the Indebtedness, payment of Bny lien Bffectinfj the Property, or the restorBtion .and repBir of the Property. If
-Lender i!lects to .apply the proceeds to restoration lInd repair, Grantor shall repair or replace the Damaged or nestroyed Improvements in.a
manner satisfactory to lender. lender shall, upon satisfactory proof of Æöuch Bxpendituri!, .payor reimburse Gr.antor irom the .proceeds ior
the r.¡¡asonable cost of repair or restor.ation if Grantor is not in default under this Mortgage. Any.proceeds which nave not been .disbursed
within 1 BD days after their recBipt lInd which .Lender has not committed to the ri!pair or restoration of the Property shall be .used iirst to .pay
any amount owing to .Lender under this Mortgage, then to pay .accrued interest, and the remainder, if Bny, shall be .applied to the principal
balance of the Indebtedness. If lender holds Bny proceeds .after payment in full of the Indebtedness, Æöuch procBeds shall be paid to Grantor
liS Grantor's interests may .appear.
Compliance with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any.Existing Indebtedness nescribed beJawis in Bffect, compliance with
the insurance provisions contained in the instrument i!videncing Æöuch Existing Indebtedness Æöhall constitute complianci! with the insurance
provisions under this Mortgage, to the i!xtent compliance with the terms of ~his Mortgage would constitute a nuplicatian of insurance
requirement. If .any proceeds from the insurance become payable on loss, the provisions in this Mortgage ior division of proci!eds shall
.apply only to that .portion of the proceens not pay.able to the holder of the Existing Indebtedness.
.lENDER'S .EXPENDITURES. If Gr.antor iails (A) to keep the Property iree of all 1:IIxes, liens, security interests, .encumbrances, Bnd other claims,
(a) to provide any requiri!d insur.ancB on the Property, (C) to make repairs to the Property or to comply with .any obligation to maintain .Existing
Indebtedness in good standing .as required below, then lender may no so. If Bny action Dr proceening is commenced that would materially
Bffect -Lender's interi!sts in the Property, ~hen .Lender on Grantor's behalf may, but is not required to, 1:IIke .any Bctian that lender believes to be
.appropriate to protect lender's interests. All i!xpenses incurred or paid by .Lender far such purposes will then bear interest Bt the rllte charged
.under the Credit Agreement from the date incurred or paid by lender to the nate of repayment by GTBntor. All such Bxpenses will become a part
of the Indebtedness and, Bt .Lender's option, will (A) be payable on demand; (B) be .added to the balance of the Credit Agreement .and be
.apportioned among .and be payable with any installment payments to become due nuring Bither (1) the term of any .applicable insur.ancepolicy;
or (2) the remaining term of the Credit Agreement; or (C) be treated .as a balloon payment which will be .due Bnd paYBble .at the Credit
Agreement's maturity. The Mortgage also will secure payment of these Bmounts. The rights provided for in this paragraph shall be in Bddition
to Bny other rights or any remedies to which .Lender may be entitled on account of any nefault. Any such Bction by lender shall not be
construed as curing the default so liS to bar lender from any remedy that it otherwise would have had.
WARRANTY; DEÆNSE DFIITLE. The iollowing provisions relating to ownership of the Property .are a part of this Mortgage:
Iitle. Grantor warTBnts that: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record 1:0 the Property in fee simple, free and cJear of .all liens
and encumbranci!s other than those Æöet iorth in the Real Property nescription or in the .Existing Indebtedness Æöection below Dr in .any title
insurance policy, title ri!part, or iinaltitle opinion issued in favor of, .and .accepted by, .Lender in connection with this Mortgage, and (b)
Grantor has the full right, power, and .authority to i!xecute .and deliver this Mortgage to li!nder.
Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever :defend the title to the Property against
the lawful claims of all persons. In the event any .action Dr proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of -Lender
under this Mortgage, Grantor shall nefend the action Bt Grantor's i!xpense. Grantor may be the nominal party in Æöuch proceeding, but
lender shall be i!ntitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the procBeding by counsel of lender's own choice, Bnd
Grantor will deliver, or cause to be nelivered, to .Lender Æöuch instruments as lender may request irom time to time to permit Æöuch
Compliance With uws. Grantor warr.ants that the Property .and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all i!xisting .applicable Jaws,
ordinanc.es, and regulations of governmental authorities.
.survival .of Promises. All promises, agreements, Bnd statements Grantor has made in this Mortgage shall Æöurvive the execution Bnd nelivery
of this Mortgage, shall be continuing in nature and shall r.¡¡main in full iorce and .effect until such time liS Grantor's Indebtedness is .paid in
.EXISTING JNDEBT:EDNESS. Ihe following prDvisions concerning .Existin,g Indebtedness :are a part of this MortfjafJe:
1.oan No: 21005103
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Existing l.ien. The lien of ,his Mortgage securing ,he Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an existing lien. Grantor t!xpressly
£ovenants Bnd .agrt!t!s to .pBY, or see to ,he payment of, me Existing Indebtedness Bnd ,0 prt!vent Bny defBult an such indebtedness, Bny
.default under me instruments t!videncing such indebtedness, or Bny default under .any security documents 10r such indebtedness.
No Modification. Grantor shall not t!ntt!r into any agreement with ,he holder ofBny mortgage, .deed of ,rust, or other se£urity Bgrt!ement
which has priority aver 1I1is Mortgage by which ,hat agreement is modified, Bmended, ;3xtended, or rt!newed without "the prior written
consent of l.ender. Grantor shall neither request nor .accept Bny 1uture Bdvances under any such security .agreement without ,he prior
written consent of l.ender.
CONDEMNATION. The 1ollowing provisions relating to condemnation proct!edings Bre B part of this Mortgage:
Proceedings. If Bny proceeding in condemnation is 1iled, Grantor shall promptly notify l.ender in writing, .and Grantor shall promptly-rake
such steps BS may be necessary ,0 defend ,he Bction Bnd obtain ,he .awBrd. Grantor may be ,he nominal party in such prac;3eding, but
l.ender shall be ;3ntitJed to participate in ,he proceeding .and to be fi~prt!sentt!d in ,he proceeding by counsel of its own choice, Bnd Grantor
will .deliver or cause ,0 be .delivered 10 l.ender such instruments Bnd documentation BS may be requested by l.ender 1rom lime ,0 time 10
permit such participation.
Application of Net Proceeds. If all or Bny part of ,he Property is condemned by ;3minent domain proceedings or by Bny proceeding Dr
purchase in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its t!lection rt!quire ,hat BII or any portion of me net proceeds of me Bward be Bpplied to
,he Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of ,he Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the Bward after payment 01 BII
reasonable costs, t!xpenses, and attorneys' 1ees incurrt!d by l.ender in connection with the condemnation.
JMPOSJTION OFTAXES,1'EES ANO CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAl AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental :taxes,
it!t!s Bnd charges Bre B part of ,his Mortgage:
Current T.axes, Fees ~nd Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall t!xecute such documents in Bddition to this Mortgage lInd :take
whatever other .action is rt!quested by Lender to perfect Bnd continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall rt!imburse Lender ior
BII taxes, .as described below, together with .all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing ,his Mortgage, including without
limitation BII :taxes, 1ees, .documentary stamps, and other charges ior rt!cording or registering ,his Mortgage.
Taxes. The iollowing shall constitute -raxes ,0 which this section applies: (1) a specific 1aX upon this type of Mortgage Dr upon.all or Bny
part of ,he Indebtedness secur.ed by ,his Mortgage; (2) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is .authorized or r.equir.ed 10 rleduct 1rom
payments on 1I1e Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (3) a:tax on mis ,ype of Mortgage chargeable against ,he Lender Dr ,he
holder of the Credit Agreement; and (4) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness Dr an payments of principal and inter.est
made by Grantor.
Subsequent T.axes. If any tax ,0 which ,his section applies is t!nacted SlIbsequent to the date of ,his Mortgage, ,his t!vent shall have ,he
same .effect as Bn .Event of DefBult, and l.t!nder may t!xercise any or BII of its aVBilBble remedies ior Bn .Event of DefBult BS provided .below
unless GrBntor t!ither (1) PBYS 1I1e -rax before it becomes delinquent, or (2) contests the tax BS provided Bbove in 1I1e Taxes .and l.iens
section Bnddeposits with Lender £ash or B sufficient corporBte surety bond or other security satisfBctory ,0 l.t!nder.
SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relBting to this Mortgage BS B security Bgreement lire B part of
,his Mortgage:
Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute B Security Agrt!t!ment to me t!xtent Bny of ,he Property £onstitutes 1ixturt!s, .and
l.ender shall have BII of the rights of B secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code.as lImended irom lime ,0 time.
Security Interest. Upon request by l.ender, Grantor shBII take whatever Bction is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's
security interest in the Personal Property. In addition to recording this Mortgage in ,he real property recorDs,l.t!nder may, at Bny time .and
without 1urther .authorization from Grantor, 1i1e t!xecuted counterpBrts, copies or reproductions of this Mortgage liS B iinancing .statement.
Grantor shall reimburse l.ender 10r all cexpenses incurred in perfecting or continuing ,his security interest. Upon defllult, Grantor shall not
remove, sever or DeÙlch ,he Pt!rsonal Property 1rom the Property. Upon default, Grantor shall Bsst!mble Bny .p.ersonal.property not .affixed
,0 'the Property in B manner Bnd Bt B .pIBce reasonably convenient to Grantor Bnd l.t!nder Bnd mBke it Bvailable to Lender within mrcee (3)
Days Bfter receipt of written demand 1rom l.ender to the ;3xtent permitted by Bpplicable law.
Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and l.ender (secured party) irom which information concerning ,he securityinter.est
grllnted .by this Mortgage may be .obÙlined (each BS requirt!d by 'the Uniform Commercial Code) .are as stated on me 1irst page of ,his
'fURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The 1ollowing provisions relating to 1urther Bssurances .and Bttorney-in-1l1ct Br.e a pBrt of ,his
Further Assurances. At any time, and irom time to time, upon request of Lender, GrBntor will make, ;3xeC.ute .and Deliver, or willl:B.use to
be made, .executed or Delivered, ,0 Lender or 10 Lender's Designee, .and when Tequested by Lender, cause to be iiled, rt!corDed, rt!filed, Dr
rert!corded, as ,he case may be, at such times and in such offices Bnd places BS Lender may Deem appropriate, any Bnd all SlIch mortgages,
Deeds of trust, security .deeds, security Bgrt!ements, 1inancing sÙltements, £ontinuation statements, instruments of 1urther .assurBnCt!,
certificBtes, Bnd other Documents.as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary Dr DesiTBble in orDer 'to .effectuate, complete, perfect,
continue, or pTt!serve (1) Grantor'B obligations under the Cr.edit Agreement, ,his Mortgage, and the Related Documents, Bnd (2) 1I1e
liens Bnd .security interests created by 'this Mortgage on 1I1e Property, whether now owned or hereafter Bcquired .by GrBntor. Unless
prohibited by law or Lender agTt!es to ,he contrary in writing, Grantor shall rt!imburse Lender ior 1111 casts .and .expenses inc.urr.ed in
connection with the matters r.eferrt!d to in this pBragraph.
Attorney-in-F~ct. If GrBntor iBils to .do Bny of the things Tt!ferred .to in the preceding paragrBph, l.t!nder may DO so ior .and in 1I1e name 01
Grantor Bnd Bt Grantor's .expense. For such purposes, Grantor hereby irr.evocably Bppoints l.ender .as GrBntor's attorney-in-1Bct ior 1I1e
purpose of making, executing, delivering, 1iling, recording, and doing all ather mings as may .be necessary or DesirBble, in Lender's .sale
opinion, to Bccomplish the mattt!rs referred to in the preceding paragraph.
'fUll .pERFORMANCE. If GTBntor pays BII the Indebtedness when .due, ,erminates the credit line Bccount, Bnd otherwise performs BII the
obligations imposed upon GrBntor under ,his Mortgage, l.ender shall execute .and deliver to Grantor B suiÙlble sBtisiBction of 1I1is Mortgage Bnd
Buitable statements of ,ermination of Bny 1inancing statement on file t!videncing l.t!nder's security interest in ,he Rents Bnd ,he P.ersonal
.property. GTBntor will pay, if permitted by BpplicBble law, .any reasonable tcermination fee BS Det.ermined by Lenderirom time ,0 time.
.EVENTS DF DEFAULT. GTBntor will be in default under ,his Mortgage if .any of the iallowing happen: (AI Grantor commits iraud or makes B
material misrepresentation Bt Bnytime in connection with ,he Crt!di't Agrceement. This CBn include, 10r t!xample, B 1alse statement .about
GTBntor's income, Bssets, IiBbilities, Dr Bny other Bspects of Grantor's 1inancial condition. (H) Grantor Does not meet ,he repayment ,erms of
,he Credit Agreement. (C) Grantor's action or inaction Bdversely Bffects the collateral Dr Lender's rights in the collaterBI. This CBn include, iar
cexample, 1ailurt! to maintain required insurBnce, waste or Destructive use of the .dwelling, 1ailure to pay taxes, Death of all persons liBble on ,he
Bccaunt, ,ransfer of 'title or .sale of the dwelling, creBtion of a senior lien on 'the dwelling without Lender's permission, 10reclasure by 1I1e holder
of .another lien, Dr ,he .use of funds or the Dwelling 10r prohibited purposes.
RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon me occurrt!nce of an .Event 01 DefBult Bnd .at any lime 1I1ert!after but subject 10 .any limiÙltion in
'the Cr.edit Agr.eement or .any limitation in this MortgBge, l.ender, Bt Lender's option, may .exercise .anyone Dr mor.e of the 1ollowing rights .and
remedies, in .addition ,0 .any other rights or remedies provided by law:
Accelerate Indebtedness. Lender shall have 'the right .at its option without noticce to Grantor 'to rleclare 1I1e centire Indebtedness immeDiately
.due Bnd pay.able, including any prepayment penalty which Grantor would be r.equirced to pay.
UCC RemeDies. With respect to BII or .any part of the P.ersonal Pr.aperty, Lender .shall have .all the rights Bnd remedies of.a .secured party
.under ,he Uniform Commercial Code.
Collect Rents. Lender Bhall have ,he right, without notice to Grantor, to take possession of the .property, including during "the pendency.of
1oreclosure, whether judicial or non-judicial, Bnd £ollect me Rents,. including amounts past Due Bnd .unpaid, Bnd Bpply 1I1e net proct!t!ds, over
Bnd .above Lender's costs, against the Indebtedness. In 1urtherance of 'this right, l..ender may Tequire any tenant Dr omer .user .01 "the
.property to makt! pByments of rent or use 1ees Directly to l.ender. If ,he Rents lire collected .by Lender, ,hen Grantor irrevac.ably .designates
l.t!nder BS Grantor's Bttorney-in-1Bct 10 .endorse instruments rt!ceived in pByment thereof in the name of GrBntor .and 10 negotiate 1I1e same
Bnd collect ,he proceeds. PByments by tenants or other llSers to Lender in rt!sponse to l.ender's demand shall sBtisfy'the obligations 10r
which 1I1e payments Bre made, whether Dr not Bny proper grounds ior ,he Demand t!xist.ed. Lender may ßxercise its rights under 1I1is
subpBnlgrBph .either in person, by Bgent, Dr through.a r.eceiver.
, ''''.Ai L'(~,o(· U·
wBn No: 21005103 ";J':J_~Cj..~~
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PBge 4
Appoint Receiver. .Lender shall have the right to have a rBceiver appointed to take possession of all or .any part of the Property, with the
power to protect and preserve the Property, to operate the Property preceding ioreclosure or sale, and to collect the Rents irom the
Property and Bpply the proceeds, over Bnd Bbove the cost of the rBceivership, against the Indebtedness. The receiver may serve without
bond if permitted by Jaw. .Lender's right to the appointment of B receiver shall exist whether or not the .apparent vBlue of the Property
exceeds the Indebtedness by a substantial amount. Employment by .Lender shall not disqualify a person from serving.as a rBceiver.
.Judicial F.orilclosure. Ümder may obtain a judicial decree foreclosing Grantor's interest in all or any part of the Property.
NonjudiciBl Sille. .Lender may forBclose Grantor's interest in BII or in any part of the Property by non-judicial sale, .and specifically by ".power
of sale". or ".advertisement and sale" forBclosure BS provided by statute.
Deficiency.Judgment. If permitted by applicable law, .Lender may obtain a judgment for any deficiency rBmaining in the Indebtedness due
to .Lender atter .application of BII amounts received irom the Bxercise of the rights provided in this section.
Tenancy at Sufferance. If GrBntor remains in possession of the Property atterthe Property is sold.as provided .above or .Lender otherwise
becomes entitled to possession of the Property upon default of Grantor, GrBntor shall become a tenant .at suffBrance of .Lender or the
purchaser of the Property and shall, Bt .Lender's option, either (1) pay a reasonable rBntal ior the use of the Property, or (2) vacatB the
Property immediBtely upon the demand of .Lender.
Other Remedies. .LBnder shall have BII other rights Bnd remedies provided in this Mortgage or the CrBdit Agreement or .avBi1.able at Jawor in
equity .
Sale .of the Property. To the extent permitted by Bpplicable law, Grantor hereby wBives .any and .all right to have the Property marshalled.
In exercising its rights .and remedies, .Lender shall be free to sell BII or any part of the Property together or separately, in one sale or by
separBte sales. .Lender shall be entitled to bid Bt .any public sale on BII or any portion of the Property.
Notice :of Sale. .LBnder will give Grantor reasonable notice of the time Bnd place of any public sale .of the Personal Property or of the time
.after which Bny privBte sBle or ather intended disposition of the Personal Property is to be made. Reasonable notice shall mean notice
given Bt least ten (10) days before the time of the sale or disposition. Any sale of the Personal Property may be made in conjunction with
Bny sale of the Real Property.
£Iectian of Remedies. All of .Lender's rights and remedies will be cumulative Bnd may be exercised Blone or together. An election by
.Lender to choose anyone remedy will not bar .Lender irom using Bny other remedy. If .Lender decides to spend money or to perform Bny· of
GrBntor's obligations under this MortgagB, after Grantor's failurB to do so, that decision by .Lender will not affect .Lender'.s right to .declare
Grantor in .default Bnd to exercise .Lender's remedies.
Attorneys' Fees; £xpenses. If .Lender institutes Bny suit or Bction to enforce .any of the terms of this Mortgage, .Lender shall be entitled to
reCOVBr such sum.as the court may adjudge reasonable BS Bttorneys' fBes at trial and upon any Bppeal. Whether or not Bny court lIction is
involved, Bnd to the extent not prohibited by Jaw, all reasonable expenses .Lender incurs that in .Lender's opinion lire necessary at Bny time
for the protection of its interest or the enforcement of its rights shall become a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand Bnd shall bear
interBst at the Credit Agreement rBte irom the .date of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses covered by this paragraph include, without
limitation, however subject to any limits under Bpplicable Jaw, .Lender's reasonable Bttorneys' fees and .Lender's legal expenses whether or
not there is B lawsuit, including reasonable Bttorneys' fees litter .defBult .and refemll to an attorney not .Lender's salaried employee .and
expenses for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate lIny .automatic stay or injunction), lIppeals, .and .any anticipated
post-judgment collection services, the cost of searching records, obtaining title reports (including ioreclosure reports), surveyors' rBports,
Bnd appraisal fees .and title insurance, to the extent permitted by .applicable law. Gr.antor also will pay any court costs, in .addition to .all
other sums provided by law.
NOTICES. Any notice required to be given under this Mortgage, including without limitation any notice of defBult and .any notice of sale shall be
fjiven in writing, and shall be effective when actually delivered, when actually received by telefacsimile (unless otherwise required by law), when
deposited with a nationally recognized overnight courier, or, if mailed, when .deposited in the United States mail, as iirst class, certified or
registered mail postage prepaid, .directed to the addresses shown near the beginning of this Mortgage. All copies of notices of forB closure irom
the holder of any lien which has priority over this Mortgage shall be sent to .Lender's .address, .as shown near the beginning of this Mortgage.
Any person may change his or her .address for notices under this Mortgage by giving formal written notice to the ather person or .persons,
specifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the person's address. For notice purposes, Grantor Bgrees to keep .Lender informed .at.all
times of Grantor's current address. Unless otherwise provided or required by law, if therB is more than one GrBntor, Bny notice given by .Lender
to .any Grantor is deemed to be notice given to 1111 Grantors. It will be Grantor's responsibility to tell the others of the notice irom .Lender.
MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of this Mortgage:
Amendments. What is written in this Mortgage .and in the Related Documents is Grantor's entire agreement with .Lender concerning the
matters covered by this Mortgage. To be effective, any change or amendment to this Mortgage must be in writing and must be signed by
whoever will be bound or obligated by the change or amendment.
Caption tteadings. Caption headings in this Mortgage are for convenience purposes only .and arß not to be used to interpret or define the
provisions of this Mortgage.
Governing l..aw. This Mortgage will be .governed by iederallaw :applicable ~o Lender and, W ~he sxtent not prceempted .by ieder.al Jaw, me
Jaws of ~he State .of Wyoming without rsgard ~o its .conflicts of law provisions. This Mortgage fuJs been :accepted.by Lender in ~he State .of
Choice of Venue. If there is B lawsuit, GrBntor BgrBes upon Lender's request to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of .Lincoln County,
State of Wyoming.
.No Waiver by Lender. GrBntor understands .Lender will not fjive up any of .Lender's rights under this Mortgage unless under .does so in
writing. The fact that .Lender .delays or omits to exercise any right will not mean that .Lender has given up that right. If under .does lIgree
in writing to give up one of .LBnder's rights, that does not mean Grantor will not have to comply with the other provisions of this Mortgage.
Grantor also understands that if .Lender does consent to B request, that does not mean that Grantor will not have to get .Lender's consent
again if the situation happens Bgain. Grantor iurther understands that just becBuse .Lender consents to one or more of Grantor's requests,
that .does not mean .Lender will be Tßquired to consent to any of GrBntor's iuture requests. Grantor wBives presentment, .demand iar
payment, protest, and notice of dishonor. Grantor waives all rights of exemption irom ßxecution or similar law in the Property, and Grantor
agrees that the rights of .Lender in the Property under this Mortgage are prior to Grantor's rights while this Mortgage remains in effect.
Seveœhility. If a court iinds that Bny provision of this Mortgage is not valid or should not be enforced, that iact by itself will not melln that
the rest of this Mortgage will not be valid or enforced. Therefore, B court will Bnforce the rest of the provisions of this Mortgage even if .a
provision of this Mortgage may be iound to be invBlid or unenforceable.
Merger. There shall be no merger of the interBst or estate created by this Mortgage with .any other ¡nterBst or estate in 1:he Pwperty at .any
time held by or for the benefit of .Lender in .any capacity, without the written consent of .Lender.
Successors :and Assigns. Subject 10 Bny limitations stated in this Mortgage on trBnsfer of Grantor's interest, this Mortgage shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person ather
than Grantor, .Lender, without notice to Grantor, may .deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Mortgage and the Indebtedness
by way of forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Mortgage or liability under the Indebtedness.
Time is .of me £Ssence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Mortgage.
Waiver of ttomestead Exemption. GrBntor herBby releases .and waives all rights .and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State
of Wyoming as to all Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
DEFINITIONS. The following words .shall have the following meanings when used in this Mortgage:
Borrower. The word "Borrower" means BRETT I. RITTER and includes BII co-signers lInd ca~makers signing the CTßdit Agreement lInd all
their successors .and assigns.
Credit Agreement. The words "Credit Agreement" mean the credit .agreement .dated May 10, 2006, with .credit Jimit of
.$10,1B3.00 from Grantor to .Lender, together with BII renewals of, extensions of, modifications at, refinancings of, consolidations of,
and substitutions ior the promissory note or agreement. NOTICE TO GRANTOR: THE CREDIT AGREEMENT CONTAINS A VARIABŒ
.Environmental Laws. The words "Environmental .Laws" mean Bny .and BII state, federal and local statutes, regulations and ordinances
..a ~) ~ ,..': f)
n _ Ji.. Q~. .'.~~'
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( Continued)
P.age 5
relating ~o ~e Frotection of human health or !he environment, including without limitation ~he Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, .and .Liability Act of 19Bo, .as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, ilt seq. ("CERCLA"). ~he Superfund Amendments.and
Reauthorization Act of 1986, Pub. L No. 99-499 ("SARA"). the tiazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Section laol, et seq.,
~he Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section ß901,et seq., Dr other applicable state Dr federal laws, rules, Dr
regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
£vent of Dehlult. The words "Event of Default" mean any of !he ilvents of default set forth in ~his Mortgage in the ilvents of default
section of ~his Mortgage.
Existing Jndebtedness. The wards "Existing Indebtedness" mean !he indebtedness described in ~he Existing .Liens .provision .of ~is
Grantor. The word "Grantor" means.BRETT I. RITTER.
tiazardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substancils" mèan materiBls ~at, because of their quantity, concentration Dr physical,
chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause Dr pose .a present or potential hazard ~o human health or ~he .environment when
improperly used, ~rilated, stored, disposed of, generated, manufactured, ~r.ansported Dr otherwise handled. The words "tiazardD1Js
Substances" .aril 1J5ed in ~heir very broadest sense and include without limitation any .and .all hazardous or ~xic substances, materials Dr
w.aste as defined by Dr listed under~he Environmental.Laws. The ~erm "Hazardous Substances" .also includes, without limitation, petroleum
:and petroleum by~products Dr .any fraction thereof .and asbestos.
Jmprovements. The ward "Improvements" means all existing and f1JtLJril improvements, buildings, structures, mobile homes affixed on the
Real Property , facilities, :additions, replacements .and other construction on ~e Real Property.
Jndebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means BII principal, interest, and ather .amounts, costs Bnd ilxpenses payable under ~e Credit
Agreement Dr Related Documents, ~gether with BII renewBls of, .extensions of, modificBtions of, consolidations of and substitutions iar ~e
Credit Agreement or Related Documents and any .amounts expended or :advanced by under to discharge GrBntor's obligations Dr .expenses
incurred by Ümder to .enforce Grantor's .obligations lmder !his Mortgage, together with interest on such Bmounts .as provided in this
.Lender. The word "Lender" means FIRST NATIONAL BANK - WEST, its succ.essors .and .assigns. The wards "successors or .assigns" mean
.any person Dr compBny ~t .acquires Bny interest in the Credit Agreement.
M.ortgBge. The word "Mortgage" means ~is Mortgage between Gr.antor.and under.
Personal Property. The words "Personal Property" mean all ilquipment, fixtures, .and other articles of personal property now Dr nerilafter
owned by 13rBntor, :and now or hereBfter .attBched or .affixed to the Real Property; together with .all .accilssions, .p.arts, .and lIdditions to,:all
replBcements of, .and .all .substitutions for, any of .such property; :and together with BII proceeds (including without limitation all insur.ance
proceeds .and refunds of prilmiumsl from any .sBle or other disposition of the Property.
Property. The ward ftProperty" means collectively the ReBI Property .and the Personal Property.
ReBI Property. The words "Real Property" mean the real property, interests :and rights, .as further .described in !his Mortj]age.
Related Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean all promissory notes, credit agræments, loan agrt~ements, .environmental
agræments, guaranties, security agræments, mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, collateral mortgages, .and all ather instruments,
agfßements and documents, whether now Dr herilafter existing, executed in connection with the Indebtedness.
Rents. The word "Rents" means .all .present .and future rents, revenues, income, issues, royalties, profits, .and Dther benefits .derived from
~he Property.
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COUNTY DF Li n ex; In
Dn ~his .day before me, ~he undersigned Notary Public, personally .appeared BRETT I. RITTER, to me known to be ~e individual described in Bnd
who Ðxecuted ~e Mortgage, .and .acknowledged that he or she signed ~he Mortgage as his Dr ner iree Bnd voluntary act :and .deed, far ~e 1J58S
Bnd purposes-rherein mentioned.
Given lmder my :hand .Bnd officiBl s8<l1 ~ It c
By ilt~lrio DjJ)j~0
, .
Notary PJJblidn.Bnd 10r -¡he State of 1 Dl ~)0î \ ~
My .commission 08xpires
.lASER PROJ.A.nding. 'tIu. I;Of'f. ........." F~c¡'¡So&.l'ÎOM. Inc. 1997,2DD6. AI fhgh..-ft_rv.d. . WV .D;UASERPRO\FHB\CftUJ"L.\GQ3.fC ìR-1800 PR-1