HomeMy WebLinkAbout918553 ;~;~" ...,.,...................', ,·'t'.·,·,';.·,·.·.·.·.··. :·:::¡~\¡¡j1¡¡j¡j::~::::. :¡~~I~ . , ',};f!¡~1¡¡¡i¡!¡~t ·'¡~Ii~r : MAY-15-2ØØ6 11:11 BLLIANŒ TITlE .fIND ESCROW 'Fi)e No.: 6010615238 307 Ef77 96Ø2 :P. Ø3 nnn558 \.... .} \..' ! . wARRANTY DEED I I , Marty .Barber~ ,grantor(s) nf Lehi, .state Utah, for ~ in considemtion of Ten Dollars lU1d Other Good Jmd V Bluable Consideration, in11and paid, .receipt whereof is ¡hereby 1icknowled,ged, do(es) Convey:and W mr.ant To T.ami Simone, as Sole Owner, ¡ ..grantee(s), wlIose 1Uidress.ls: P.O..Box 3058, Alpine, )vY B31281he following rlcscribed Ieal~,.sî1.ua.te.in Lincoln County .and State ofWyoD1ÎDg.1o wit: I ,  portion oftheÐarber property refenwl to in theD~ ncorded in "Book477P.R, DnPJlIe "278, with the Clerk ofLi..ooln County Wyo.mWg, witJda the .southeast QJI8.l'ter Ðf1h.e.sontheut QuarteT IJf .BeetUm 3St Township 33 North,Bange 119 West, of~ ftb.P M.,Lineob1 Conu1y Wyoming, 1:he metes and bouds being more partieularly described .IS follows: : . I BEGJNNJNG ataYoiDtin the Bouth w.e of$8Ùl Boadaeut Quarter ÐftheBoutheast Qwuter,JIaid pointbeìug 60.00 feetNorth 89".25'26" Westfrom 1:heIJoyd JI.:BJÜœr PEfLS698, ~97B JocatiOD for the Southeast Comer of ø.id Solltheast Qnarter of the Southeast Qnarter; i -thenteNorth 89°25'16" West;jO.OIrtinuing.along.said .sþuth1ine,331-52:feetto the Cotton Gin.Spilœ.markiDgthe Southeaøt comer of the GeorgeJlarberproperty, ~ nfernd 10m the Deed .reconiedin:Book491PJl, on.P.age 474; j thence North ODJrSO".East, parallel -with the Eut JiD+ ofWdBoutbrast Quartèrof1he Southeast Quarter,~ theEastJine maid GecoxeBarber property,262~feet1nJU1.AlJlDlÚllOl1 Cap on.an iron pipe; 1heDceSoutb ~'.16" East, parallel with JJIIidßoøth!Jine, 331.521eet toJUi..ÅJn1'l'lltn...m Cap on.anirou pipe; thenceSollth oa31~O" 'Wat,paralld with.said Eut~U2.80feet, to tbe.Poînt Dr » . ',.... I -»eguuun.. : I Hereby re1ea.qing Jmd WlÛving ~:rights under.and by1vlltuc DI'1hel1omestead ßXe11lption laws of the Statf: nf Wyomîng. I ! WitncsslIly/om.hand(s)fhis IS- .ðaYøfMay,2006. :t/.?ß~ Zj)~ '-~._,. State ofUtah County of U+~ ) ) .s&. ) RECEIVED 5/18/2006 at 3:40 PM RECEIVING lt918553 BOOK: 620 PAGE: 558 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY - -~--_.---------~ Thefore,gom,g.instrmncnt'WBS ~wledged befarem.e J:his /S1!:J.. Day ofMay~ 2006, by Marty Barber. I , Wi1Dess my .hand mui official seal, My commi~!i:înnexpires: l ~- {q -~DDçP