HomeMy WebLinkAbout918555 Iý:~ ('0 0 ,t:: 6 0 \..... j ; fJ WARRANTY DEED Dick R. .Luthi Bnd Reba S. Luthi, husb13nd Bnd wife, of Freedom, Lincoln County, Wyoming, flr13ntors, for Bnd in consider13tion ofTEN AND NO/100 DOLlARS ($10.00), Bnd other v13lu13ble consideŒtions Bnd BS p13rt of En I.RC. Section 1031 TBx-Deferred Exch13nge, in mmd p13id, receipt whereof is hereby 13cknowledged, CONVEY Bnd WARRANT 10 AFS AT-1, Jnc., B W13shington CorpoŒtion, of 1621 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, WA :98225, 1he following described real -estate, .situate in Lincoln County 13nd State of Wyoming, hereby r-eleasing Bnd w13iving 1311 rights lJnder Bnd by virtue of1he homestead -exemption laws of1he State, 1e-wit: P13rcel1 -, \ I' A portion of1he Luthi property, BS referred 10 in 1he Deed recorded in Book BB PR, on PBge 113, with 1he Office of 1he Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within 1he SE114 of Section 21, Bnd 1he W1/2SW114 of Section 22, BII within T35N, R11:9W of 1he 6th P.M., Lincoln County, 'Wyoming, 1he metes .and bounds being more particularly described on Exhibit A Bttached End incorpoŒted herein by íhis reference. Parc-e12 South 60 feet of GLO Lot 4 .and íhe West £324.50 feet, more or less, of íhe S£1/4, BII within Section 21, T35N, R119W of1he 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. EXCEPTING Bnd RESERVING lJnto Gr13ntor.s, 1heir heirs, .succ-essors .and 13ssigns, 13 10-foot wide perpetual, nonexclusive right-of-W13Y -e13sement for the purpose of opeŒting Bnd maintaining the -existing Kirkbride Irrigation Ditch providing w13ter to GŒntors' lands in GLOLot4 Bnd1he S£1/4 of Section21, T35N, R119W of1he 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, Bnd 13ny other lands receiving irrigation w13ter by means of 1hat ditch, .said -easement being 5 feet on -either .side of 1he centerline of .said ditch jn its pr-esent location on P13rcel 2. GrBntors .shall opeŒte, r-epair, Bnd maintain .said irrigation ditch over, .across End .along 1he Bbove described 10-foot wide -e13sement 10 carry irrigation water10 gŒntee'.s lands.as described Bbove. In conducting 13ny construction or installation 13ctivities or m13king Bny improvements on .said P13rcel 2, GŒntee shall Bt its expense conduct .such Bctivities in .such .a manner 10 pr-eserve 1he integrity of 1he Kirkbride irrigation ditch 13nd its Bbility 10 continue carrying water 10 Gr13ntor.s' lands Bnd Bny other lands benefited by 1hat RECEIVED 5/18/2006.at 3:41 PM RECEIVING:# 918555 1 BOOK: 620 PAGE: 560 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY '\111[, < . ··;·¡·j~!¡~1:;:;::",: ·,ti~;';';" f~Ü~ L) esr- ,_~ oJ -zJ:':hlJ ;::» COD561 ditch. Grantee shall install, upon r;ompletion of B new roBdwBY, B fence :along the North boundary of said PBrcel2. WITH REGARD TO BOTH OF THE ABOVE PARCELS, THIS CONVEYANCE JS MADE TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO all r;overumts, conditions, -easements, -exceptions, restrictions, reservBtions Bnd rights of way of sight or record including without limitation those -exceptions set forth in that certain Commitment for Title Insurance issued :by Southwest Title Company, lnc., dated November B, 2005, Commitment No. FA 14522 O. PARCELS 1 AND 2 ABOVE ARE CONTIGUOUS WITH EACH OTHER AND WITH THOSE LANDS PREVIOUSLY CONVEYED TO GRANTEE IN THAT INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK IN BOOK 507, PAGE 891. WITNESS our hands:as of this 15th day of May, 2006. STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ¡y~ ~.~æ·. Dick R.Lut i ~~~ RebB S. .Luthi The foregoing WBrranty Deed was :acknowledged :before me :by Dick R .Luthi Bnd Reba S. .Luthi, husband Bnd wife, this /~ day of May~ 2006. ~iI rI~ NOTARY PUBLIC .¿ ~ ~!)- t52 ()() 7 , Witness my hand Bnd official seal. OOUNTY OF UNOO.N .MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 20,2007 My r;ommission -expires: 2 "¡I~; ,(,)i!~~_¡".' , . " ::;:; ~ ;:: _dC.',', .-. ..-""1·'':'' .",.~¡¡:<!¡r;·.., ::i i........9æ.'.¡ .:':,:: :~:;lî~~ørt rlìn~62 ~_.' \) ,-= V ,l"" 01 '-J C"" t::' C' '1,.. .....7 _" Q -,];:J'::;; :Exhibit ~ Description: Luthi 85 Acres A portion o:f the Luthi property, as .re:ferred to in the Deed .recorded in Eook 88PR, on Page ~~3, with -the O:ffice o:f -the Clerk o:f Lincoln County, Wyoming, within -the Sl/2 o:f Section 21, and the W1/2SW1/4 o:f Section 22, al~ within 'I'35N, R119W, o:f -the 6th 1'.M., Linco.ln County, Wyoming, the 1netes and bounds being :more particul.ar~y described as Íollows: BEG:rNNING at the 1'aul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1967 location Íor Northeast Corner o:f Section 28 o:f said'I'35N, R1l9W; thence N88"53 '28"W, along the North line o:f said Section 28, 3,244.62 :feet to the Eaker Engin-eers 1'E/LS 698, ~992 location :for the Southwest Closing Corner, with the East line o:f Section 10 o:fT5S, R46E, o:f the Boise Meridian, Caribou County ,:Idaho, o:f said Section 21; thence N0054'25"E, along said East line, 60.00 Íeet; thence S88°53'28"E, parall-e.l with said North line, 1,178.78 Íeet; thence N1 °31' 19"E, paralleltl'Hh the West line o:f the SE1/4 o:f said Section 21, 747.82 to a 1'oint in the South line o:f the Scaffide property, as re:ferred to in the Deed recorded in Book "574PR, on Page 465, with said Office; thence S89°03' 02"E, along the South line o:f said Sca£f..ide property, 1,492.51 :f-eet to the Southeast corner thereo:f; thence ~O ° 05 ' 14 "E, along the East line o:f .said Scaffide property, 662.88 :feet to the Dean Luthi property, as .re:ferred to in the Deed recorded in Book 582PR, on 1'age 600, with .said O:ffice; thence S89°10 '50"E, along the South line o:f .said Dean Luthi property, 571.69 :feet to a Point in the West line o:f .said SW1/4;thence S89°12'09"E, continuing along said South line, ~, 310.91 :f-eet to~oint in tb.e "West line o:f the E1/2SW1/4 o:f said Section 22; thence S0051'34"W, along said West line, 778.17 Íeet to the North corner o:f the Schenk property, as r-e:ferred to in the Deed .recorded in Book 5071'R, on 1'age 891, with said Office; thence Southwesterly, along the Westerly line o:f .said Schenk property, the :following: S39°34'42"W 215.79 :feet; S56°~5'31"W 636.42 :f-eet; S47°16'46"W 143.55 :f-eet, and S14°02'50"W 71.52 Íeet to a Point in the North line o:f the NW1/4 o:f Section 27; thence N89°24 '45"W, along .said North line, 529.92 :feet, to the ~oint o:f Beginning, containing 86 . 63± Acres o:f land. 'I'OGETBER WITR and SUBJECT "TO: 'I'he :Easements and Rights-o:f-Way o:f Record, as 1'ollows: In Eook 106PR, on Page 308, .in Book .1 071'R, on 1'age 468, and in Book 600, on ~age 247, all with .said O:f:fice. TOGETBER 1'ITTR and SUBJECT 'I'O: .All Easements, :Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-o:f-Way and :I:mprov-ements o:f sight and or .record. "To be Contiguous with the Shenk property .re:f-erred to and .recorded in Book 507PR, on 1'age 891, with said O:ffice.