HomeMy WebLinkAbout918651 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That = FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~ WEST 000785 a corporation. of the County of T,inc-oln certify that a certain mortgage. bearing made and executed by asmortgagor_. to ~ Fir!':t N:!tion~l da te the -. and State of Wyomin¡: , does hereby A.D. .20116-, in Book as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ 30 .177.00 therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-OffiCio Register of Deeds of Lincoln , C~unty, State of Wyoming. on the 21rd 'day oC March 857 , and mortgaging the Collowing described real estate in said County, to-wit: Bank~;;:~:b ñth Galloway day of M:!rc-h , as 614 of Mortgages, at page 200.2.-, All 'lands described in above said mortgage. Y till I, )[1'/) 0L' iv t'1A~ RECEIVED 5/22/2006 at 10:37 AM RECEIVING # 918651 BOOK: 620 PAGE: 785 JEANNE WAGNER : LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wY 21 I,. wnh , """ ..,~.d 'h....,. ,.d ,h. "."m,.,".wi d.h'. '.U, p,ld. ..../Iod. ""'..d. ,.d dluh"gwi ,.d I. '..'''u,".. 'h.~ 'h. ..,d m.upg.. does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and morigaged. , , IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the li'jTQ1" »:11"; nn:l 1 R:lnk-IJp!'l1" has caused these Presents to be signed by its _ Branch President ,.d I. ~'p.",...., '" h..lfi~d. <hI. '15th d"., May . A. D. .2D J& Signed, Sealed and Delivered in ihe presence of --==rs:~iO 'iYì~~ Cashier ~. By First National Bank-West ~ '-dL Its Branch President -----.. County of On this THE STATE OF WYOMING, Lincoln Note: If it is not desired to describe lands in space therétor; insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage." ) ss. 15th Ron Thomas day of May . 2º--0..6-, before me personally appeared to me personally known. who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the First National Bank-West Branch President "d 'h.. 'h. ""',IfI~d ,..." "'."m,.' I, ,h. ~p.,.., ...,"' .." .0'p.''''OO. ,.d ,h" ..Id "'."m'o, w.. .Ig.,d ,.d ""wi 0. h.h,lIo'"" '.'p."".. by authority oC its Board of Directors and said Cashier , acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. GI". ".d.. m, h,.d ,.d ..,,,., .." 'hi, . A.D20,-Í1h-.. of My commission expires on the THE STATE OF WYOMING, ) ss. Notary Public. . A. D. . 20m, County of This instrument was filed for record at A. D. 19_. and duly recorded in Book o'clock---M..on the on Page day oC County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds By No. Fees, S Deputy Clerk m!~r;"¡I~~~'ì~. ~;~i~¡¡~~~~~~ .i~:f:':I~:':f:·W~¡ ::~~