HomeMy WebLinkAbout875413 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compJionce with the CO]aJV'~R PR}~PETUATION AND FIZJNG ACT, Wyoming Sic[utes, 1977, Section 5§-11-101, et. seq., and ~he Rules ond Eegulofions of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Lend Surveyors.) Reverse side of this form moy be used if more spoce is needed. Record of ori§inel survey and citation of source of historic infarmaUon (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monuments[ion evidence found and/or monument ond occessories estoblished to perpetuote the Iocotion of this corner. Sketch of relative IoceUon of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and dis[once to adjacent comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method ond rationale for reestablishment of IDS[ or obliterated corner, T19N R113W R112W 1/4 S13 I S18 5th PM FOUND THE MONUMENT FOR THIS CORNER COMMON TO 4 SECTIONS WHICH IS A U.S,A, GOVERNMENT SURVEY BRASS CAP ON AN IRON PIPE WHICH PROTRUDES ABOVE THE GROUND 1,3', THERE tS A STEEL POST 5.4' WEST FROM THE MONUMENT, THIS IS THE MONUMENT FOR THE CORNER AND IS MARKED AS SHOWN BELOW. TH T19N R113W R112W / ISE MONUMENT S 13j~_S 18 MARKED: S2~ ' S 19 TlgN Rll2W S18 1/~ 1944 6th PM NSg'SB'37'W / 2694,54' T19N __ R 113W R 112W S 13_~..S 18 5~ ::-: :- S24 ~ S19 CORNER MONUMENT S~B~ ~::,~( . 1943 · ~co.~ ~s ~o. ~,~s co..~..o.u~. SCA~ ~"~1~' 6th PM * A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. A~UM~ BU~ ~-:~ COUN~?LIN~ Date of Field Work: UO/Z~/ZUUU, Office Reference: CROEE INDEX DIAC~M Firm/Agency, Address ~is corner record was prepared by me or under my dlrectlon 1 2 3 ~ . 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 ~ :1 ~ 23 24 25 Uln~ah Engineering and and supervision. B '--F~--T- -~-T-F- -T--~ .... F I--T- -~-T-F--T-I ;- a c --L 5 J .... L 4 J--:'--U 3 J-. _L 2 J .... L 1 _L_ c Land Surveying [ I I I I ~ .-H~-+- -+-~-. ~-~--~--~- ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ , , t, , ~ ~'~ ~ B5 Sou~h ~00 Eas~ ,_~a_~_ ' ~ ~ ~ L~ _~ U_~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Veen~L, U~ ~4078 "' f~ TT,-r .......... F- . ~j'-~n-+--q-T-~--+-r~- -~n-+--q-T-~--+-Cq- K Telephone Number: 435-789-1017 -~-18~ .... ~17~ .... ~16~- -~15~-' ~-~ 14~-- '-~13-~- L ' r : : t ', : : I I I I I t I I I ' ' ' N --FD-T-- -~--T-F- --T--F~-- '--F~--T-- -~-T-F- --T--F~- r -~-3~ .... ~29~ .... ~28~--~27~ .... ~26~ .... ~25-~- T v I ~ I I ' I [ I , ,I I --+-~4- -~-+--4-T-p~-+-C~-. w. _L i_l__j_ i_L__L_~j- _L~_L__j_~_L~_i_i j_ Corner Nome: ~ ~N~ OF ~C~ lB Section: lB T 19N a 112W; 6~ P.~. Cross Index No.: N-1 SBRPEPLS/PLSW:Mdrch 1994 (CLCR...SJA)