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State of oming Corner Record (In co~pUonce wi~h theCO~gR PE~tUA~IO~ dND FILIN~ ~CT. ~yo~lno S~u~es, 1977 Section 36-11-101, Regulations o~ ~he ~o~pd o~ Ppo~essioncl EnoIneePs ond PpoFessional L~nd Revecse side oF ~hls ~opn ~oy be used i~ nope sp~ce Is needed, Recopd o~ oci~in~ sucvey end cit~ion o~ soupce oF his~opic~ inFocm~ion Descpip~ion o~ cocnep monument~ion evidence ~ound cnd/oP nonument ~nd cccessocies es~bUshed to peppe~uc~e ~he Iocction oF this copnep. Sketch oF perceive ~ocction o~ monument, ~ccessopies, ~d peFepence points ~ith coupse ~nd dis~nce to cdjccen~ cocnec(s) (iF de~ecmined in ~his supvey), Ne~hod pees~bUshmen~ oF Ios~ op obli~epc~ed copnec. FOUND= STANDARD I,P. & GLO B.C. 8' A,G. CAIRN 5' ~/EST T-POST 5'-0' V/EST DATUM SPCS V/YV/ (NAD 27) Monument location Monument Inscription (~N 89'40'59" W 2640.37' Date of Field Work: 7/31/01 Office Reference: 7908-3 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner' record was prepared 1 2 ~ 4 8 8 7 I~ 9 10 11 ~2 '-~ 14 1.5 46 17 18 ~9 ~ 21 2Z 23 24 25 by Me or under My direction s. + + + + + + + + + + + + " 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 207 SEAL · SIGNATUR~ c ~ 6 ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 1 ~ c ROCK SPRINGS, ~OMINO 82901 D- D ,- +1+ +1+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +I+ Corner Name East ~uarter Corner Section 3~, T 3~ N, R 11~ W, 6th P.~. Cross-Index ~o.: X-gl County: ~neoln Wyoming