HomeMy WebLinkAbout875443 State 0f Wyoming Corner Record (Io comoUa~ce ~ith iheCORKKR P~gT~IO~ ~O ~1~ ACT, ~yo~lo9 Sial~le~, 1977 Sectlo~ 36-11-10L et. ~eq., a~ ihe Ro[e~ Regulations of the Booed of Professionol Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse s~de oF th~s ?or~ ~oy be used ~? ~ore sp~ce ~s needed. Record o? or~g~nol survey ~nd c~ct~o~ oF source oF h~stor~c~l ~nForm~t~on (~? corner ~s lost or obU~er~ted). Descr~pt~on o~ corner monumentc~on evidence Found end/or monumen~ ~d ~ccessor~es es~bUshed to perpetuate the Iocct~on o? ~h~s corner. Sketch oF reic~ve Ioc~t~on oF monument~ occessor~es~ end reference points course ond d~st~nce to ~dj~cen~ corner(s) (~F determined ~n th~s survey). Method ~nd r~t~on~le ?or rees~bUshmen~ oF lost or obU~er~ed corner. FOUND: STANDARD I.P. & GLO B.C. 10' A.G, CAIRN 1'-0' NORTH T-POST 4'-7' ~/EST Monument location Monument Inscription (N89'40',59" W 2640.37' ~ Date of Field Work: 7/31/01 Office Reference: 7908-1 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner record wc~s prepc~red I 2 3 4 ~ 6 ? 8 6 10 II 12 13 t4 I~ IS 17 ~B 1~ ~ 21 22 2~ 24 2~ by me or under my direction ....... * D.R. GRIFFIN ~ ASSO~IAT[S, IN~. ond supervision. . + $ + + $ + + I + ; $; ~ I ~ ; $; " 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 c ~ 6 , , 5 , ~ 4 , ~ 3 , , 2 , , 1 ~ c SEAL & SIONATURF o + t + + t + +, + + [ + + I + + I+ o ROCK SPRINGS. ~OMING 82901 o ~7 ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~10~ ~11~ ~12~ ~ .. +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +I+ +t+ ...+~+ +++ +,+ + + + + , + ,.. + +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+;~+t+ · Co~n~ ~me 8outheast Gornor Section 3~, T ~1 N, R 11~ W, O[h P.M. Cross-Index ~o.: County: ~ncoln Wyoming