HomeMy WebLinkAbout919033 ð.ff@~~iillCi f~~imm~i~~m!!m~ OJ C00269 Pile No.: 60365 (04) Name: Address: Strolley LLC P.O. Box 874 Wilson, WY 83014 RECEIVED 6/5/2006 at 9:55 AM RECEIVING # 919033 BOOK: 622 PAGE: 269 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: .)'.. WARRANTY DEED (Individual Form) Harry V. Talermo, Trustee, or his successors in trust, under the Harry V. Talermo Living Trust, dated the 24th day of August, 1999, and any amendments thereto; Elizabeth D. Talermo, Trustee, or her successors in trust, under the Elizabeth D. Talermo Living Trust, dated the 24th day of August, 1999, and any amendments thereto, GRANTOR(S) of Teton County, State of Wyoming, CONVEY(S) AND W ARRANT(S) to Stroley LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, GRANTEE(S), whose address is P.O. Box 874, Wilson, WY 83014 for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: ì( See "Exhibit A" attached hereto ',--, I,:? ¡; /, Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this 3lst day of May, 2006. ~ ~ j) . 'G~ll¿:: Elizab th Talermo, Trustee STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31 st day of May, 2006, by Harry V. Talermo, Trustee and Elizabeth D. Talermo, Trustee the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. &~.~ Notary Public; Karen ylie My commission expires October 5, 2009 f~# .~, -'~. ~:Å~~;;7~;~7::;~::~~:7,~-~~.~:~·~~~~~~;~-'··· '~"""'f " . ... .. ~ -. 'It io' þ" ,,~ t. .' t... ../\. ., , .... .t... :J ~I \. ""...". ~."~ ~:"'." ....... I V . ., ", ,4 ')1 ,.,..... _..." ... , f"':" "'.' "':"',):, U'"._"., 't ~. ~' l·r"·;''''Î . 'In "J"¡'¡"{' ..¡ ,,' U" f~,.~r~~:·'''''';~n ~;.:-:>",.,. (E(~ i.;..:~J:;,.,~·~,~:'~~-wv·. ;;~~~~() , File Number: 60365 Land Title Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page 10f2 Parcel 1 E~lT "A~' 09j °o"'·}" -", .....:1 -..' Ÿt.J~. Th. t j)ort at <.1;. S¡mU .nd ~h.t par~ at tn". nus¡¡U 0 f s. C t j on J2, ' T3 6!'1, RUg~, Ltnooln County. WyOllllÚQ, boins port <:>£ thu" \"'çj"" nf record ln' the 'Office of tho Clerk or Lincoln, Cou"ty J,n"""" 34.5,0£ Phot~.t.t,\o Ropord. on pogo .93 d.scribed a. foU"",., , CO!$tEi¡qIl'~ at th.' north...t corner of ..id 'Sootion: ~2:, fo"nd .,; d..oribed in ,'he C<:><nar a.cc'rd. 'U.~ ill .aid OHi,.o" , , " n"O"'7ü ,..,.:" \J . ~ t.. . , th.n~. NO 9' -~o 0,. oO"w, tho ~M. SEARING tor' this' our'¡.y,l4 ß ,S , Y II f..t" '.lona, "h. north 11neor .'id «.ol:iOIl 22, tl>, ,¡"", M"t:!l. '~ut "cornor,'of ASPsn ,Hill SubdiVision ot reoord in ..id ntH"" ee Phç 'No, ,109 ,', " " , ' . I' ,..";. ,1..\ then'c~ 'south, Üao, O~f..t, along the, eut houndary Dr ., ]'1 SUbc;b,vislon, ,to the ,\Iouthaaøt.comer thM.tBor; '.1 tl)eneo 900,~,.Í)3', OÒ'W., 430','13 'f..t, dong the net ,.!in. 'of th"t trooe of r.cord in ã'id aUio. in, !lOok J13'o! rl1o',".tlll,I.\; RðCO~dø Qn pa~å 559, to tha BATßmy OF ßtS¡~XNGI " . . . , . then". nag'" 51' ~J 5 "Ii (504'. a4 feot, dong Cheeouth 'U,,"wf. Sd id er'ctLn Bock 313, to th" Routh,,,,",, bcrne,' thn.cf, m.~""ml') I)~ ' b~th.y " , " . " , , ChirllUij:- cäi1t i lIuinq NO g '. 51" '35 "W, I75.14 h. t" t~' ~ .pO,;, I." t li<l cent:erline of AlpinraHillm DrivEl, of record in' th~ :6.,;I,d 0.uJ,I,;~ in Bcïok, ~4.~> 01,1',P.hol:.osr.al::io RecordQ o~ paStm '/:¿: . '. . '. . , th~h'ce "oyrsinH' .oid 'o.nto~lin. n. follows I. "' " "f '" . .' ',' 5'54' "17' ~J 9.~:E, H.95 t.~t, ~ to A .pike r ," Sï7Q~'~~ '·~lO.II!£,,,: ~'B4. ~'4 feat, :to .!1 apHtI:1l " . . .~ '. . . . ':. . . ,.',.;. . . .' SÔdll.:J.7 '11}IIB., 513.65. ~eli:lt; ·~o thlt1 nnrthw0Ó~ ci:i:r:ner' or MirlLy , 'M.'dow"'~.ta~OÞ of rooord in .aid Ot,Üoa .. Plat NO, >'14.^. common, to thClsouthweGt ~orner of bhl1t: tracl: of reÒord. j II said OffiCE! ,~n Book 105 Df PhQI\:.oet:Eltic Reoorda On pag~ ~~Ù; . ~hence . NDD',4~ j ;4i!·'~,: ;~9D ,n 'fut" ~101:i¡¡¡'thill,; w..t,)f!I,,': 'O{'~aid tr~c~ in·..Book :,10S';:to .'t:.ha., XH\'¡1U1J~or ÐI(U~fli~r;c:;j:: ' . , ,'~', .. .. :',', '.,," ".:.: ':. ,.', ,I'.. . ' , , , . Parcel 2 . . Beginning at ~pointN89°50'W, 1485.98 feet and'South 1980feet from the Northeast Corner of Section 22. Township 36 North. Range] 19Westofthe 6" PM, and running THENCE N89°50'W 505.$fe;et; THENCE South 431 feet; THENCE S89~50'E, 505,5feet; THENCE North 431 feet to the beginning. .