HomeMy WebLinkAbout919085 r'JOIJ("'o OJ \ ; '1 J 0 HARRAN'TY DEED PATRICIA E. LOONEY, a sin~12 woman, ~rantor, for and in consideration of Ten and NO/100 ($10.00) Dollars and other ~ood and valuable consideration, in hand 2aid, recei~t whereof is herebj acknowled~ed, does CONVEY AND 1vARRANT to LARRY R. CORFF and KELLY M. CORFF, husband and wife and to the survivor thereof, as tenants by the entiret~,.~r~ntees, whose address is P.O. Box 415, LaBarde, Wyomin~ 83123, the followin~ described real estate, situate in Lincoln Countj and State of Hjomin~, hereby releasin~ and waivin~ all ri~hts under and by virtue of the homestead exem~tion laws of the State, to-wit: Lots seven (7), twentj four (24), and twenty five (25), of Phase I of the Viola Subdivision as said subdivision ~lat No. 300, dated July 8, 1983, a¿pears of record in the Office..<;>f the Cler~{ of Lincoln County, Wyomin~; . .. TOGETHER WITH all buildin:Js, fences, and improvements situate thereon or a~purtenant thereto, and to~ether with all water and water ri:Jhts, ditch and ditch ri~hts, and reservoir and reservoir ri;hts situate thereon or ap~urtenant thereto; (Î BUT SUBJECT, NEVERTHELESS, TO the provisions of United States ~atents, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO easements and ri~hts of way of record or in actual use for tele~hone lines, electric transmission lines, and irridation ditches and canals, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO all outstandin~ mineral interests, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO all restrictions of record ~overnin~ Viola Subdivision. ",Ð- DATED this ~ day nf June, 2006. RECEIVED 6/6/2006 at 10:23 AM RECEIVING # 919085 BOOK: 622 PAGE: 430 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~~~.~ PATRICIA E. LOONEY . STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF SUBLETTE SSe The fore~oing warrantyolDeed was aCknowledJed~e~ore me by Patricia E. Looney this d- day of June, 2006. . J{3~heA~~ . tary Public My Commission Ex~ires: ;)) Iø l.;¡otD COUN1Y Of SU6lETIE My ColIYIÌssion Expies :7 SHAWNA THOMPSON - NOrAA'{ PUBLIC STATE OF OMlNG 'C/D ·;:i~!i:!if:~l¡~~~i~i~ ~